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An Automated Test Strategy Based on UML Diagrams

Utilize UML diagrams for test planning, generate updated test plan, automate test procedures, analyze design graphs.

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An Automated Test Strategy Based on UML Diagrams

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  1. An Automated Test Strategy Based on UML Diagrams

  2. Objectives • Use for test planning the same UML diagrams developed (e.g., by Rational Rose) for design and analysis • Tool-supported generation and maintenance of an updated and strategic test plan, as the design evolves.

  3. Cow_Suiteconsists of two main components: • UIT (Use Interaction Test) and • CoWTeSt (Cost Weighted Test Strategy) Cow_Suite =Cowtest pluSUITEnvironment Cow_Suite approach • The processing of the Cow_Suite approach starts by analysing the project description*, and proceeds in parallel with the design and analysis refinement steps. • The reference documentation is derived by collecting together and automatically organizing the diagrams developed during the design phase without additional manual effort of formalization [*: the internal description of the project model, given by Rational Rose in a .mdl file]

  4. Selection Strategy Test case Test case Cow_Suite Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case SDs selection according to the strategy chosen Test case Test case Interaction with the user for deriving executable test procedures Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Automatic UIT application for Test cases derivation Test case Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Method1() U I T Method2() Test specification Method3() Cow_SuiteScheme Test Procedures list

  5. Nodes and Arcs identification (Activity 1) The UML design is analyzed for deriving two different graph: The Main Graph and the Design Graph. These represent two different points typologies of test. For deriving the two different graphs is necessary to analyze: • the Use Case View • UCs, SDs, Actors represent the nodes of the Main Graph • Their relations represent the arcs of the Main Graph • the Logical View • The UC realizations and their associated SDs represent the nodes of the Main Graph, the remaining design elements are the nodes of the Design Graph • The relations and the dependences are the arcs of the two graphs

  6. Use Case View The Use Case View: describes the set of UCs (and scenarios) that represents the significant functionalities and the interaction of the system with the external world. • The tree derived represents a detailed documentation of how features/system requirement are realized in the Use Case View. • The path from a high level Use Case to a leaf (UCs or SDs) describes the refinement of the associated system feature • The Test Cases derived from the SDs of the Use Case View are specifically designed for • System integration Test • Subsystem integration Test

  7. Use Case View vs Logical View The Logical View describes how the system functionalities are provided in terms of static structure and dynamic collaborations of the objects.This information is used for completing the graphs and in particular fro the Main Graph: • The “Use Case Realizations”link the information of the Use Case View and the Logical View. For each UC its UC realization: • Traces the evolution of the UC in the Design Model • Details the sub-flow of a UC with Sequence (Collaboration) Diagrams • Specifies the Classes and the relationship that participate in the realization of the UC (Class Diagrams) • Optionally holds the package Design Link which holds the list of the packages of the design model that effectively implement the UC

  8. Hierarchical Trees Trees Derivation (Activity 2) The Main Graph and the Design Graph are automatically organized by Cow_Suite tool in different trees by using a DFS_mod algorithm The case study is Course Registration System from RUP documentation

  9. Hierarchical Tree Choice of a tree (Activity 3) The users can get a complete view of the statusof the functionalities specification and a detailed documentation: • UCs and their realization • SDs associated to each specification level • The links between Use Case and Design Model • Reused nodes • Not linked model elements

  10. Design Link Package • Design Link package:for every use case realization it collects the package/s that represent the implementation of the relative UC. It is an explicit link between the Main Trees and the Design trees

  11. Design Tree Design Tree: is derived directly from the Design Model and represents the organization of the packages in a hierarchy. Analyzing this tree it is possible to: • Observe the dependence relationship between packages • Know which are the reused packages and where the reuse happens • Connect to the main tree the low level SDs not explicitly linked in the .mdl file By selecting the SDs of the Design Tree and applying to them the Cow_Suite test derivation strategies, a list of low level Test Cases can be derived

  12. 0.75? 0.60? 0.65? 0.65!!! To Do List Sequence Diagram: To ... Weights assignment (Activity 4) • Systems are naturally composed of different parts realizing one or more functionalities, each with different importance for the overall system performance. • The effort devoted to the test of different functionalities must be planned and scheduled considering their relative “importance” (risk-based testing, reliability guided testing, etc…). • Following level by level the tree structure of the UCs and SDs, the strategy allows the people in charge of the development of one or more functionalities to simply annotate the corresponding node in the tree with a number (weight).

  13. Deduce the Critical Profile • The importance, represented by number (weight) belonging to [0,1] interval, can be assigned in two different manner: • Interacting with Cow_Suite Tool: Following level by level the tree structure of the UCs and SDs, the user annotates the corresponding node in the tree with its weights • Directly in the .mdl file (UCs only):During the development of the Use Case Model architects/designers assign a value, belonging to [1,9] interval, to each Use Case. The value is memorized in the use case documentationtabwith the following structure: WGH = value (For SDs or when no value is expressed for UCs the default value is 5)

  14. Weighted tree derivation The tool : • reads the assigned values the .mdl file (if they exist) • sums the values of the node at the same level in the tree • normalizes the weights among the nodes at the same level so that their sum is 1. The user can always modify the assigned weights

  15. Integration Testing vs Integration Stage • To realize a complete system functionality, it is generally necessary to execute several actions realizing lower level functionalities • A system functionality is realized by the different components interaction. • Integration Testing: testing interactions between system components (processes, packages, subsystems… ) at an appropriate level of abstraction. • Integration Stage:is useful because generally the functionalities are not specified at the same level of detail and with the same number of UCs and SDs

  16. Integration Stage definition • The first integration stage is represented by the main UC and the SDs (if any), which are children of this node (hence they are at level 2 of the tree). • The i-th integration stage is represented by the UCs positioned in at i-th level of the tree and every SDs, children of these nodes, situated at i+1-th level. NOTE: the SDs at level i+1 represent the interaction between the different components that realize the functionalities described in the UCs at i-th level.

  17. Integration Stage selection (Activity 5) The Cow_Suite user selects the integration stage at which the test is conducted. The nodes that are considered by Cow_Suite tool for the subsequent evaluations are all and only those belonging to the selectedintegration stage plus all the tree leaves existing at higher levels.

  18. NT Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Strategy selection (Activity 6) Two different situations are considered in test cases planning: 1: Cowtest_ing with fixed number of tests • A certain budget is available, which is translated in terms of number of tests, NT, to execute. • In this case the tool select the most adequate selection of NT tests from among the (many) various test cases that could be potentially conceived.

  19. 10 2 2 Minimum Number of test to execute = 16 1 1 Test Strategy selection (Activity 6) 2: Cowtest_ing with fixed functional coverage • A certain percentage of functionalities must be covered. • In this case by the tool is possible to define in advance which are the functionalities to be covered and the minimum number of tests to execute. Functional Coverage = 90%

  20. Cowtest_ing with fixed functional coverage. The most critical system functionalities are selected for reaching the fixed coverage. Test Procedures are distributed accordingly. Cowtest_ing with fixed number of tests. The selection of the most suitable distribution of test procedures is developed on the basis of leaves weights. Select the Test Strategy

  21. Designer (from Logical View) ArgoUML vers.0.7 Libraries ArgoUML GEF UML Meta-Model 0.4 0.6 0.3 FW=0.6 FW=0.12 Weighted Tree Derivation (Activity 7) • The weights assigned to each node are used to define a relative importance factor, in terms of how risky is that node and how much effort should be put to test it. • Considering every node, from the root down to the elements belonging to the integration stage considered, its final weight is computed as the product of all the nodes weights on the complete path from the root to this node. • The final resulting weight is an element of discrimination for choosing amongst the tests to execute.

  22. Selection Strategy Test case Test case Cow_Suite Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case SDs selection according to the strategy chosen Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Test case Automatic UIT application for Test cases derivation Test case Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Method1() U I T Method2() Method3() Cow_Suite Scheme

  23. SDs selection N. Test Procedures Final weight Sequence Diagrams Selection (Activity 8) For each fixed integration stage, a weighted subtree is derived according to the choosen test criterion. Only the relative SDs are considered for Test Case generation.

  24. SDs Selection Test Case Derivation (Activity 9) The tool uses the UIT method, Use Interaction Test, to derive the Test Cases. The method is mainly based on the SDs (particularly objects, messages and parameters)

  25. Use Interaction Test methodology • A method to systematically derive Integration Test suites from UML diagrams. • Inspired at large by the Category Partition method: it defines classes of functional equivalence by selecting significant values (choices) of relevant categories (parameters or data) • Incremental test strategy (over the Use Case organizational structure)

  26. 9.1 Highlight Test Units • Horizontal axis shows a set of objects, Test Units, that interact through messages. • Those are systemunits separately testable for exercising a possible use of system. • Example: • DecisionModel, Decision, GoalModel, Goal.

  27. 9.2 Identify Interactions Categories • Vertical axis shows: • the exchanged messages, Interactions Categories,involved in object interactions. • We list all the messages entering in the selected Test Unit. Message: is a communication where the sender object invokes an action, a service, belonging to the receiver object which will perform it.

  28. 9.3 Identify Settings Categories • Vertical axis shows: • their parameters and relevant inputs, Settings Categories. Example: DecisionModel Settings: _decisions Interaction: DecisionModel() getDecisions() Decision Interactions: Decision(name:String,priority:int) GetName(), GetPriority() ............

  29. 9.3 Additional Information: Class Diagram Complementary analysis of the Class Diagram description (mainly used for searching the Settings Categories). These are attributes (or a subset of them) of a class (and the corresponding SD’s object) that affect object interactions and are represented by input parameters used in messages or data structures.

  30. 9.4 Define Messages_Sequences For each SD where the studied Test Unit is involved, observing the vertical temporal order of the messages along its lifeline the tool detects a set of: Messages_Sequences created considering each message entering in the Test Unit plus, if any, all the messages (not yet considered) belonging to its activation bounded from focus of control region. A Messages_Sequence describes interactions between the selected Test Unit and the other objects necessary to realize a specific system functionality.

  31. The implemented UIT: UIT_sd • From an industrial point of view UIT is too expensive because: • generates many Test Cases of a small granularity • needs lot of ad-hoc stubs • UIT_sd, for each selected SD Messages_Sequence is defined considering, in temporal order, each message with no predecessor association plus, if any, all the messages belonging to the nested activation (focus of control region). A Messages_Sequence represents a behavior to be tested and describes the interactions among objects necessary to realize the corresponding functionality.

  32. 9.4 Define Messages_Sequences in UIT_SD • Example: • Messages_Sequence 1 • DecisionModel() • Decision (name, priority) • Messages_Sequence 2 • GoalModel() • Goal (name, priority) • ……………

  33. Detailed Test Case Description 9.5 Test Cases Derivation For each traceable Messages_Sequence a Test Caseis generated. It contains the list of all Settings and Interactions Categories involved in the Messages_Sequence and their values.

  34. Number of associated Test Procedures Number of Test Procedures The final weight of every SDs is used to automatically derive the number of Test Procedures associated to each Test Case.

  35. 9.5.1 Analyze possible subcases The messages involved in a Test Case (TC) may contain some feasibility conditions • usually described in messages notes or specifications tab • formallyexpressed using the OCL notation TC is divided in different subcases corresponding to the diverse choices values.

  36. The user interacts with the tool for inserting Choices values. Test Procedures Specification (Activity 10) Test Specification For each identified category, we consider all its possible values and constraints (“choices”).

  37. 10.1 Interactions Categories Specification Interactions Categories: objects interactions, exchanged messages. The tool implements two possible choices for the user: the default values, the user values

  38. State Diagram If a State Diagram is linked to a specific Test Unit (class), further information can be found about the relevant configurations of InteractionCategories State diagram of the “Critic” class

  39. 10.2 Settings Categories Specification Settings Categories: parameters and inputs relevant for the Test Unit. The tool implements two possible choices for the user: the default values, the user values.

  40. 10.3 Constraints on Choices Some choices combinations could result contradictory or meaningless. Following the Category Partition methodology, constraints must be added to the Setting Categories choices. Constraint are specified using: • Properties, that can be assigned to certain choices to check the compatibility with other choices. • IF Selector, is a conjunction of properties previously assigned to other choices.

  41. Example SettingsCategories: pattern size: empty [Property Empty] single character [Property Not Empty] many character [Property Not Empty] quoting pattern is quoted [Property quoted] pattern is not quoted [if Not Empty] pattern is improperly quoted [if Not Empty]

  42. Settings Categories: Specification Constraints Test Specification: Decision(_name, _priority): _name Naming [if priority<5] Class Selection [if priority=0] Storage Inheritance Modularity….. _priority 0 [Property priority=0] 1 2 3 7 [Property not priority<5]

  43. Settings Categories: Specification Constraints Test Procedure DecisionModel() Opening an existing document Decision( _name, _priority) _name Naming [if priority<5] _priority 7 [Property not priority<5] Test Procedure DecisionModel() Opening an existing document Decision( _name, _priority) _name Naming [if priority<5] _priority 4 X ok

  44. Test Procedures Generation (Activity 11) A Test Procedure is automatically generated from a Test Specification, for each possible combination of choices of every category involved in a Messages_Sequence.

  45. Test Procedures: an example Test Specification: DecisionModel: Settings: _decisions Naming Storage Relationships…….. Interactions: getDecisions Opening a new file Opening a saved file After a modification and before saving After a modification and after saving DecisionModel() Class constructor Test Procedure getDecisions() getName() Opening a saved file _decisions Naming Note: Such a Test Case must be repeated for all possible values of _decisions

  46. Test Suite artifact (Activity 12) The set of all generated Test Procedures is named Test Suite

  47. Cow_Suite Rational Rose Test Driver .mdl Files MDL Analizer Test Tree Generator Weights Manager Test Case Generator Test Case Builder Test Case Checker REI .Tlb library Note • The Test Procedures, as derived by the tool, are not directly executable ( Test Scripts). The derived Test Procedures have to be executed and logged by a test driver. CowSuite goal is: • giving automatic and systematic support to construct a meaningful Test Suite. • It is not to directly execute the tests.

  48. Remarks • The degree of detail of the Test Suite depends directly on: • the design detail level • granularity of the inserted values (selection of the constraints and choices of the UIT categories). • Currently: the final result is a text document containing the Test Suite. • In future: different format (e.g. XML), that can be accepted in input by the adopted test driver.

  49. Questions?

  50. The visit starts only from the actors nodes Procedure for tree derivation The strategy followed for the tree derivation is a modified depth-first search DFS_Mod (G) • For each vertex vV[G] • do color[u] WHITE • [u]NIL • time0 • For each vertex u Actors[G] •                                     do DEF-Visit_Mod (u) • For each vertex u V[G]\Actors[G] • do if color[u]= WHITE • then DEF-Visit_Mod (u)

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