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Origin/ Meaning. Brainstorm. Latin To make, to form. Fict Fact. List. Definition. 1. A work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. fiction. 2. fictitious. 2. Relating to or characterized by fiction; imaginative.
Origin/ Meaning Brainstorm Latin To make, to form Fict Fact List Definition 1. A work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. fiction 2. fictitious 2. Relating to or characterized by fiction; imaginative 3. One that actively contributes to an accomplishment, result, or process 3. factor
Origin/ Meaning Brainstorm Greek machine Mech(an) List Definition 1. A person who works with machines mechanic 2. A machine or mechanical appliance 2. mechanism 3. Medical treatment by mechanical methods, such as massage 3. mechanotherapy
Origin/ Meaning Brainstorm Latin image imag List Definition 1. Having a lively or creative imagination imaginative 2. To form a mental picture or image of 2. imagine 3. A set of mental pictures or images, esp. in art, literature, or music. 3. imagery