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Learn about the Nationaal Archief's role as a Trusted Digital Repository and the Open Planets Foundation's digital preservation solutions. Discover the benefits, principles, and legal basis for e-Depot. Explore metadata management and potential future steps.
Information- and Archive Services in the Netherlands • Jacqueline Slats • DLM Forum • May 13, 2011 • Budapest
Legal e-Depot Nationaal Archief E-Depot is necessary for: permanent acces to archival records; efficient, online transfer, of digital records from record creators to the archives; accessibility via internet for a wide and varied public;
The Nationaal Archief as Trusted Digital Repository for other archival institutions in the Netherlands The Nationaal Archief as Trusted Digital Repository for record creators Business cases
Thinking in Services Archive Services Ingest Storage Metadata managemant Disposal Preservation User Services Access Management information Management reports
Thinking in Services Infrastructural Hardware Software Network Research Organisational Technical maintenance Application maintenance Functional maintenance Training
Pre-Ingest Registration and authorisation users Realisation interface with informationsystem record creator Prepare records for transfer and ingest
Ingest Ingest object & metadata Controle & Validation Notification & Approval
Storage Storage: NetApp, 32,5 TB on-line storage Scalable to 1 PB Back-up: HP tape library CommVault backup software Disaster recovery: Mirrored systems active
Preservation services Planning services PLATO Characterisation services FIDO (OPF) Global Format Registry (OPF) DROID & JHOVE PRONOM Preservation action services Testbed & Corpora (OPF) Comparator Migratie: XENA, SIARD Emulatie: Dioscuri
Open Planets Foundation (OPF) KEY FACTS Founded March 2010 Not-for-profit organisation 3 members of staff 13 charter members: national archives, libraries & research organisations 8 affiliate members: universities and research organisations Members from the UK, Europe and the United States • The Open Planets Foundation (OPF) has been established to provide practical solutions and expertise in digital preservation, building on the research and development outputs of the Planets project • The OPF's mission is to ensure that its members around the world are able to meet their digital preservation challenges with a solution that is widely adopted and actively being practiced by national heritage organisations and beyond.
Metadata Management Interface with Information System: Export from information system and online transfer; Mutation of metadata in information systems synchronise with metadata in e-Depot; Access to records in e-Depot via metadata represented in the own information system;
Advantages Concentration of Services Concentration of knowledge Costeffective Quality Standaardisation and operability Sustainable and permanent access
Potential for record creators Not only possible to transfer and ingest records after the legal period of administrative use (20 years), but it also enables the transfer of records at an earlier stage. and it will function as a repository for intermediate storage (i.e. storage of records that are projected to be destroyed after some years, but have to be preserved for a period that is too long for secure storage within an agency’s records management system).
Principles Only closed files; Files must be appraised; Metadataschema standard for Dutch e-government must be used.
Legal basis Public NA caretaker Legal e-Depot WOB AW1995 Permanent records (5-10%) ∞ 0 year 20 year Records for Disposal after n-years(90-95%)
Transfer records at an earlier stage Public NA caretaker AW1995 Legal e-Depot WOB Permanent records(5-10%) ∞ 0 year 20 year Records for Disposal after n-years(90-95%)
records that are projected to be destroyed after some years Public NA caretaker < 20 year Information- and archive services WOB AW1995 Permanent records (5-10%) ∞ 0 year 20 year Closed files Records for Disposal after n-years(90-95%) Record creator remains caretaker e-government
Dutch cabinet objective: In 2015 Al ministries connected with e-DMS on the e-Depot of the Nationaal Archief. Next steps