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Electronic Logbooks Revisited

Electronic Logbooks Revisited. Presented at the ARW 2011. Paul Scherrer Institute Andreas Lüdeke. Smart-Books. Presented at the ARW 2011. Paul Scherrer Institute Andreas Lüdeke. What is a Smart-Book?.

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Electronic Logbooks Revisited

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electronic Logbooks Revisited Presentedat the ARW 2011 Paul Scherrer Institute Andreas Lüdeke

  2. Smart-Books Presentedat the ARW 2011 Paul Scherrer Institute Andreas Lüdeke

  3. What is a Smart-Book? Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 2

  4. Smart-Book Functions Structured Information Finder Threading Email Actions Entry Command Forms Export Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 3

  5. How to create different types of logbook entries? • Operators have to add distinct type of information in an operation logbook • Failure reports • Results of beam optimization • Machine status information • How can that be distinguished in a logbook? • Add new fields to all entries! Structured Information Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 4

  6. How to answer to last weeks entry? • Any new entry can be created as a reply • Threads may be shown like for email clients • This allows to see relations between entries • Failure report • Answered: repair information • Answered: tested and okay Threading Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 5

  7. Semi-Automatic failure reports • The power supply group wants information about every PS error Email Entry Command Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 6

  8. The Operators should fill out a Start-up Checklist • Pre-filled text field for entry type • Check-lists • Maintenance sheets • Tuning procedures Forms Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 7

  9. How to keep track of Disabled Alarms? • Have an entry type, e.g. “Alarms bridging” • Add a field “Status” that is “disabled” or “enabled” • Define “Status” to have “Field propagation” • Create an entry for an disabled alarm • If alarm has been re-enabled: create a reply with Status = enabled • Status propagated to all entries in thread • List of all “disabled” alarms from Finder Structured Information Finder Threading Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 8

  10. Every group has their own failure tracking! • The operator needs to know how to create failure reports • Report transient failures of diagnostics by e-mail • Enter computing issues in “trouble ticket” web-form • Controls uses an issue tracking system (e.g. Bugzilla) • How can the logbook help the operator? • Define for the entry type “Failure report” a field “Responsible group” • You define for each “Responsible group” an action on entry creation • Diagnostics: send entry as e-mail • Computing: create trouble ticket • Controls: create Bugzilla entry • The logbook does all the work for the operator! Structured Information Actions Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 9

  11. How to get all entries on RF trips into a spreadsheet? Finder • Failure reports should have a field “Responsible group” • Then you can search for “Responsible group”= “RF” • For every search you can save the results in a spreadsheet format • Just load with your favourite spreadsheet programme Structured Information Export Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 10

  12. Of course, there would be more to say… Logbook Groups Charsets Finder SSL Threading Email Extensions Structured Information Language Calculated Fields Mirror Servers Icons Bookmarks Conditional Formatting Kerberos Access Rules Tooltips RSS feed ?! Entry Command Forms Export Actions Themes CSS Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 11

  13. Does it sound interesting? • Then check ELOG home: http://midas.psi.ch/elog • Just download and give it a try! Runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, … • All credits go to Stefan Ritt! Andreas Lüdeke, Paul Scherrer Institute at the ARW11 in Cape town, 14-Apr-2011 Slide 12

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