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Logbook Requirements Logbooks must be written in large EEE logbooks hard or soft bound Design activity logbooks (including MAT,MIC) are tick marked Satisfactory demo in lab session at end of activity gets tick No demo with logbook evidence of satisfactory work gets tick
Logbook Requirements • Logbooks must be written in large EEE logbooks • hard or soft bound • Design activity logbooks (including MAT,MIC) are tick marked • Satisfactory demo in lab session at end of activity gets tick • No demo with logbook evidence of satisfactory work gets tick • Logbooks inspected for evidence that both students of pair have done work (signed/stamped & dated pages)
Logbook Submission for assessment • Logbooks must be submitted to the lab for marking within 1 hour of the end of your last session for each experiment or activity. • May Tang will explain how & where you submit work • May Tang will explain how & where you pick up marked work. • PhD demonstrators are not allowed to accept late logbookspersonally. • Late submission and marking will not be allowed • Unless written evidence of illness etc is presented, in which case logbooks must be submitted AS SOON AS POSSIBLE personally as directed by May Tang. • Allowed late logbooks must be submitted via May Tang in lab - not to me or PhDs. • Failure to follow procedure will mean 0 marks