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Find: Lightest I Beam

Analyze steel beam options to find the lightest I-beam for given loads and yield failure assumption. Select the optimal profile for the specified conditions.

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Find: Lightest I Beam

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  1. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 assumeyieldfailure

  2. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 assumeyieldfailure

  3. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 assumeyieldfailure

  4. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 assumeyieldfailure

  5. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 assumeyieldfailure

  6. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 W8x58

  7. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 wideflange W8x58

  8. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 wideflange W8x58

  9. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 wideflange W8x58 depth[in]

  10. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 wideflange W8x58 depth[in]

  11. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 linear wideflange weight [lb/ft] W8x58 depth[in]

  12. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 linear wideflange weight [lb/ft] W8x58 depth[in]

  13. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 linear wideflange weight [lb/ft] W8x58 depth[in]

  14. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 linear wideflange weight [lb/ft] W8x58 depth[in]

  15. Find:Lightest I Beam fy=50,000[lb/in2] assumeyieldfailure depth unfactored axial tensileloads: DL=600,000[lb] LL=60,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 linear wideflange weight [lb/ft] W8x58 depth[in]

  16. Find:Lightest I Beam DL=600,000[lb] γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] yieldfailure A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  17. Find:Lightest I Beam DL=600,000[lb] γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] design factored strength load yieldfailure A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  18. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] 1.4*(D+F) γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) …

  19. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] dead load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] load 1.4*(D+F) liveload γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) …

  20. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] dead load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] load fluid 1.4*(D+F) liveload load γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) soil load … rain roof snow load live load load

  21. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] dead load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] load 1.4*(D+F) liveload γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) 1.2*D+1.6*(LrorSor R) +(f1*L or 0.8*W) 1.2*D+1.0*E+f1*L+f2*S

  22. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] 1.4*(D+F) γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) 1.2*D+1.6*(LrorSor R) +(f1*L or 0.8*W) 1.2*D+1.0*E+f1*L+f2*S

  23. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] 1.4*(D+F) γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R)

  24. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] 1.4*(D+F) γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) 840,000[lb] γ*Q=max 816,000[lb]

  25. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] 1.4*(D+F) γ*Q=max 1.2*(D+F+T)+1.6*(L+H) +0.5*(LrorSor R) 840,000[lb] γ*Q=max 816,000[lb] γ*Q=840,000[lb]

  26. Find:Lightest I Beam factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] design fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] strength yieldfailure A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  27. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] resistance fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] yieldfailure A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  28. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] fy*Agross yieldfailure A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  29. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] fy*Agross yieldfailure yield gross strength area A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  30. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] fy*Agross yieldfailure yield gross strength area A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68

  31. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] fy*Agross yieldfailure yield gross strength area 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross

  32. Find:Lightest I Beam 0.9 factored DL=600,000[lb] load γ*Q≤φ*R LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] 840,000[lb] fy*Agross yieldfailure yield gross strength area 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross 18.7[in2]≤Agross

  33. Find:Lightest I Beam DL=600,000[lb] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 LL=60,000[lb] fy=50,000[lb/in2] yieldfailure 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross 18.7[in2]≤Agross

  34. Find:Lightest I Beam Agross=17.1[in2] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 Agross=17.6[in2] Agross=19.1[in2] Agross=20.0[in2] 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross 18.7[in2]≤Agross

  35. Find:Lightest I Beam Agross=17.1[in2] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 Agross=17.6[in2] Agross=19.1[in2] Agross=20.0[in2] 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross 18.7[in2]≤Agross

  36. Find:Lightest I Beam Agross=17.1[in2] A) W8x58 B) W10x60 C) W12x65 D) W10x68 Agross=17.6[in2] Agross=19.1[in2] Agross=20.0[in2] 840,000[lb]≤0.9*50,000[lb/in2]*Agross 18.7[in2]≤Agross answerC

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