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Overcoming Challenges: The Story of Nehemiah in 70 Years of Important Dates

Explore how Nehemiah overcame obstacles to rebuild Jerusalem's walls, facing both external and internal challenges amid significant historical events. Learn about his perseverance, leadership, and faith amidst adversity in this inspirational narrative.

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Overcoming Challenges: The Story of Nehemiah in 70 Years of Important Dates

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  1. 70 yrs Important Dates To Remember 612 B.C. 606 B.C. 586 B.C. 539 B.C. 536 B.C. 520 B.C. 516 B.C. 483 B.C. 458 B.C. 445 B.C. 430 B.C. Babylon defeats Assyria 1st captives taken (Daniel & 3 friends) Judah falls to Babylon; captivity begins Medo-Persia defeats Babylon – Zerubbabel (temple) Prophecies of Haggai & Zechariah Temple completed Story of Esther (between Ezra 6-7) – Ezra (spiritual infrastructure) – Nehemiah (city walls) Prophecy of Malachi RETURN #1 RETURN #2 RETURN #3

  2. Quarter 8 Captivity Return From Captivity Years Of Silence

  3. Quarter 8 Lesson 15 Nehemiah Overcomes Numerous Challenges

  4. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Nehemiah, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes had asked permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls • 140 years since Jerusalem had been burned • 90 years since Cyrus gave permission to go home

  5. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Plenty of time for the city to have become prosperous again • However, the city was still a charred pileof rubble • They had a temple, but nothing else • Nehemiah was grieved over the situation

  6. I E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • The bulk of the trouble Nehemiah faces in leading the remnant to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls doesn’t start until ch. 4 • Examining these “challenges” one after another should impress us with Nehemiah’s godly resolve • We’ll also notice they fall into 1 of 2 types… external or internal

  7. E E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • More mocking 4:1-6[psychological] • Sanballat said: “Feeble Jews” can’t possibly succeed • Spoken in front of wealthy men (pressure) • Tobiah said: “…wall couldn’t even hold up a fox” • Nehemiah again prays…they just keep working • Wall was built to half its height because “…the people had a mind to work” • An attack 4:7-23[physical] • Enemies employ more drastic actions • Plot to assault/attack the builders

  8. E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • An attack 4:7-23[physical] • Again, the remnant prays, vs 4 & 9 • But they also help themselves – Posted a guard day & night – They had to overcome despair v. 10 – They received 10 warnings re: the enemies from Jewish brethren on the outside – Their enemies heard that the Jews were prepared and God frustrated their plan.

  9. E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • An attack 4:7-23[physical] • From that day onward, ½ of the men worked while the other ½ stood guard. • Those who worked carried their load with one hand and their weapon in the other. • They were ready to rally to the sound of the trumpet if they were attacked. • All the laborers stayed inside Jerusalem at night and even slept with their clothes on.

  10. I Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Exacting usury among brethren 5:1-19 • The remnant had and were facing a famine • Some Jews had mortgaged their property • Others had sold their families into slavery • Nehemiah had to first get himself under control before dealing with brethren vv. 6-7a • Sin was involved: Ex 22:25 If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.Lev 25:36 Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you.

  11. I Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Exacting usury among brethren 5:14-19 • Nehemiah also offered himself as an example • Later, Nehemiah continued with practices that never added financial burdens to the remnant • He fed 150 people each day v 17 • In verse 19, Nehemiah asks of God, “Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people.

  12. E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Compromise 6:1-14 • Possibly the most dangerous challenge… because it is very subtle • Meeting with the enemy under the guise of “their concerns” only accomplishes 1 thing… stoppage of Lord’s work • Enemies wanted to set up a meeting in plains of Ono vv. 1-9 • Nehemiah saw right through it…flat refusal

  13. E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Compromise 6:1-14 • “Open letter” = tough public pressure v. 5 • Another false charge of treason & rebellion to Artaxerxes • Enemies got Shemaiah to try to set up a meeting in the temple vv. 10-14 • An attempt to discredit Nehemiah…cause him to commit sin • Damage to his credibility would halt the work • Both times, Nehemiah prays

  14. I E Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • The wall is completed !!! 6:15-16 • Such a challenge (1:3) was fixed in 52 days !! • Remember all the years they could have worked • This completely deflated the enemies • Nepotism vv. 17-19 • Tobiah exerted pressure on relatives • These Jews constantly praised Tobiah in front of Nehemiah

  15. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • His wall rebuilding work is over • Now Nehemiah seems to focus on building something else…the remnant Jews into a “community of believers” • He will enlist the aid of Ezra • He enrolls everyone by genealogies (census) • He finds the listing of those who returned 91 years earlier under Zerubbabel…he records it again 7:5-73

  16. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Ezra continues to teach 8:1-18 • The people asked him to read the Law (Actually required Deut 31:9-13) • When he opened the book, they stood and listened (from early morning until noon) • This reading caused the people to weep & mourn • They also observed the Feast of Booths • He read publicly each day of the 7-day feast… a solemn assembly was held on the 8th day

  17. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • The remnant confess their sins 9:1-37 • Another great indication of the remnant taking their return home seriously • Additional reading of the Law…then a review of Israel’s sinful past (historical) • An admission that God had dealt with them justly and fairly • The covenant is renewed 9:38 – 10:39 • In writing, the remnant pledge their faithfulness • Indicated by numerous actions…

  18. “…we will not neglect the house of our God.” v. 39b Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • The covenant is renewed 9:38 – 10:39 • No more inter-marrying with the pagans • No more Sabbath trading with pagans • Annual contribution re: temple upkeep • Shared responsibilities re: temple functions

  19. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Jerusalem is again inhabited 11:1 – 12:26 • Nehemiah’s earlier comment 7:4 (few people) • Another listing of Levites & priests who returned with Zerubbabel 91 years earlier • Jerusalem’s walls are dedicated 12:27-43 • 2 groups, each led by Ezra and Nehemiah marching around the top of the wall • The temple’s “operational functions” are taken care of 12:44-47

  20. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges • Foreigners are excluded 13:1-9 • Why were foreigners excluded? Deut. 23:3-5 • This included Tobiah and his “private room” in the Temple • Nehemiah had returned to Susa (after going back to see the king) to find out about this and he threw him out, cleansed the room and started using it for what it was intended to be use for.

  21. Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges Not sure how long Nehemiah was away from Jerusalem, but it was long enough for the people to “backslide” • Tithes are restored 13:10-14 • Sabbath observance reinstituted 13:15-22 • Mixed marriages forbidden 13:23-31 • He reminded them about Soloman sinned because of mixed marriages.

  22. Throughout all these “challenges” do not lose sight of one of the most constant attributes of Nehemiah’s relationship with God… Nehemiah Overcomes Challenges …how often he prayed.

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