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Classification of Crude Drugs: Types and Methods

Learn about the classification of crude drugs based on chemical, morphological, alphabetical, and pharmacological factors. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each classification system to identify and study these natural substances effectively.

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Classification of Crude Drugs: Types and Methods

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  2. Classification of crudedrugs • Crude drug i.e Simpledrug • Crude drugs are plant, animal or their parts which after collection are subjected only to drying or making them into transverse/ longitudinal slices pieces or peeling them in some cases. They exist in naturalform. • Crude drugs may be derived from various natural sources like plants, animals, minerals and micro- organismsetc.

  3. Because of their wide distribution the arrangement of classification in a definite sequence is necessary to understand easily. Although each system of classification has its own merits and demerits, but for the purpose of study the drugs are classified in the following differentways: • Alphabeticalclassification • Morphologicalclassification • Taxonomicalclassification • Pharmacologicalclassification • Chemicalclassification • Chemo-taxonomicalclassification

  4. 1. Alphabeticalclassification • The crude drugsare arranged according to the alphabetical order/form of their Latin and English names. Some of the Pharmacopoeias and reference books which classify crude drugs according to this system are asfollows.

  5. Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) 1955(Latin) Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) 1966(English) British Pharmacopoeia (BP)(English) British Pharmacopoeia Codex (BPC)(English) United States of Pharmacopoeia (USP)(English) European Pharmacopoeia(Latin)

  6. Advantages: • It issimplemethod,inthissystemlocation,tracingand addition of the drug iseasy, • No technical person is required for handling thesystem. • Disadvantages: • Scientificnatureofthe drugcannotbeidentifiedbythis method, whether they are organised or unorganiseddrug. • This system does not help in distinguishing the drugs of plant, animal and mineral source. (Original source is not clear)

  7. Examples: • Acacia,Agar, Benzoin, Beeswax, Cinchona, Ephedra, Linseed, Fennel, Mustard, Datura, Digitalis, Cinnamon, Ginger,Isapagol, Nutmeg,etc. Jalap,Kino,

  8. 2. Morphologicalclassification: • Here the crude accordingtothe drugs part arearranged(Grouped) oftheplantoranimal • representedintoorganised(Cellular)drugsand unorganised ( Acellular )drugs. • Organised(Cellular): • Drugsare the direct parts of the plant and are divided into leaves, barks wood, root, rhizome, seed, fruit, flower, stem, hair andfibers.

  9. Unorganised (Acellular): • Drugs are the products of plant, animal and mineral source and they are divided into dried latex, dried juice, dried extracts, gums, resins, fixed oils and fats, waxes, volatile oil, animal products, minerals (Solids, liquids, semi solidsetc).

  10. Drugs Datura, Senna, Vasaka, Digitalis, Cinnamon, Cinchona,Kurchi, Quassia, Sandalwood, Red sanders Rauwolfia, Liquorice, Ipecac Ginger, Podophyllum, Turmeric Clove, Saffron, Pyrethrum Nux vomica, Linseed, Isapgol Fennel, Coriander, Dill Ephedra Cotton, Hemp, Jute Plantparts Leaves Barks Wood Organiseddrugs (Plant) (Cellulardrugs) Roots Rhizomes Flowers Seeds Fruits Stems Hair andFibres

  11. Drugs Plant, animal,Mineral Driedlatex Opium,Papain DriedJuice Aloe,Kino Driedextracts Agar, Catechu,Pectin Unorganiseddrugs (Acellulardrugs) Gums Resins Acacia, Tragacanth,Stericulia Benzoin, Colophony,Asafoetida Fixed oils andfats Castor , Chaulmoogra, Cottonseed Waxes Beeswax,Spermaceti Volatileoils Coriander, Cinnamon,Clove Animalproducts Bees wax, Shark liver oil,Gelatin Minerals Bentonite, Kaolin,Talc

  12. Advantages: • This system of classification is more convenientfor practical study especially when the chemical nature of the drug is not clearlyunderstood. • This type of classification is very useful in identifying the adulterantsused. • Disadvantages: • Itdoes not give an idea about biological source, • chemical constituents anduses. • When differentpartsoftheplantcontaindifferent chemical constituents, it is difficult to classifythem.

  13. 3. Chemical classifications of crudedrugs • Here, the crude drugsare divided into different groups according to the chemical nature of their most important constituent present in the drug to which the pharmacological/therapeutic activity of drug isattributed.

  14. Chemicalconstituents Drugs Alkaloids Glycosides Tannins Volatileoil Lipids Carbohydrates and derived products Resins Vitamins & hormones Proteins &enzymes Datura, Vasaka, Vinca, Lobelia Cascara, Senna, Digitalis Catechu, Myrobalan, Ashoka Clove, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Castor oil, Beeswax, Arachis oil Acacia, Agar, Honey, Linseed Tragacanth, Starch Colophony,Benjoin, Yeast, Shark liver oil, Insulin Gelatin,Papain,

  15. Advantages: • Chemical constituents areknown, • Medicinal uses areknown • Disadvantages: • Drugs of different origin are grouped under similar chemical titles. • Thistypeofclassificationmakesnoproper placementof drugs containing two different types ofchemicals. • Eg: Certaindrugs are found to contain alkaloids and glycosides (Cinchona), Fixed oil and volatile oil (Nutmeg) of equal importance together and hence it is difficult to categorize themproperly

  16. 4.Taxonomicalclassificationofcrude drugs • In this system the drug are arranged accordingto • taxonomicalstudies. The drugs are arranged according to their phylum, order, family, genus and species. It is purely a type ofbotanical • classification or biological classification and restricted mainly to crude drugs from plantsource.

  17. Phylum Angiosperms (Monocotyledons) Order Liliflorae Family Liliaccae Drugs Colchicum,Asparagus Dioscorea,Vanilla Microspermae Dioscoriaceae Angiosperms (Dicotyledons) Papaverales Papaveraceae Opium Rosales Leguminaceae Rutaceae Almond, Rose oil Glycyrihiza,Senna Bael,Lemon,Orange Rosales Rutales Rhamnales Malvales Umbelliflorae Rhamnaceae Malvaceae Umbelliferae Cascara Cotton Coriander,Caraway, Fennel Nuxvomica Chirata Kurchi,Strophanthus Loganiaceae Gentianceae Apocyanaceae Gentianales

  18. Advantages: • Easy for the classification of crudedrugs • Disadvantages: • The system is criticized for its failure to recognize the organised / unorganised nature of crude drugs in their morphologicalstudies. • The system fails to face into an account chemical nature of active constituent and therapeutic significance of crude drugs. • The drugs obtained from plants having alternate leaves, flowers, seeds, capsules (Hyocyamus, Datura, Bellodonna, Stromonium) are considered with other members of solanaceae.

  19. 6. Pharmacologicalclassificationofcrude dr•ugs: Here,thecrudedrugsaregroupedaccordingto pharmacological action(Therapeutic action) of their chief active constituent (most important) or therapeuticuses.

  20. Bitter • Carminatives • Emetics • Anti-amoebic • BulkLaxatives • Purgatives - - - - - - Quassia, Cinchona,Gentian Dill, Clove, Fennel, Coriander Ipecac Kurchi, Ipecac Agar, Isapgol Senna, Castoroil • Expectorant • Antitussive • Bronchodilators - - - Liquorice, Vasaka,Ipecac Opium Ephedra,Tea • Cardio-tonics - Digitalis, Squill,Stropanthus

  21. Cardiacdepressant • Antihypertensive • Cinchona,Veratrum • Rauwolfia • Centralanalgesics • CNSstimulants • CNSdepressants • Opium • Coffee • Opium • Bellodonna • Vinca, Podophyllum,Cochicum • Aconite, Guggul,Colchicum • Vidang, Quassia,Malefern • Catechu. • Cinchona,Artemisia. • Coca • • • • • Antispasmodics Anticancer Antirheumatics Anthelmintics Astringents • Antimalarials • Localanesthetics

  22. Advantages • The special advantage is that if even chemical constituents of the crudedrugs are not known they can be classified properly on the basis of therapeutic or pharmacologicaluses. • Disadvantages • Regardless of morphology, taxonomical status or chemical nature, the drugs are grouped together, provided they exhibit similar pharmacologicaluses. • Eg: Senna, Castor oil, Jalap, Colocynth are grouped together as purgatives/laxatives because of their common pharmacological action.

  23. 6. Chemo- taxonomical classification of crude drugs • In this system of classification, the equalimportance is given for taxonomical status and chemical • constituents. Thereare certain types of chemical constituents which are characteristics of certain classes ofplants. • Eg: Tropane alkaloids generally occur in most of the members ofSolanaceae • Eg: Volatile oils occur in the members of Umbelliferae andRutaceae.

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