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File 4. Grammar. Vocab . “Stop nagging me” text. Modal verbs. Reported Speech. The senses. I´d rather / you´d better. nagging. Stop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me!. 1.Try not to let a discussion 2.But that is easier said 3.He´s not doing his 4.Another piece of 5.You´re the one who is
File 4 Grammar Vocab. “Stop nagging me” text Modal verbs ReportedSpeech Thesenses I´drather/ you´dbetter
nagging Stop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me! 1.Try not to let a discussion 2.But that is easier said 3.He´s not doing his 4.Another piece of 5.You´re the one who is 6.Avoid an argument by 7.Another tip is try 8.Don ´t raise 9.Take a deep 10.It´s very important to stick 11.Don´t bring up 12.Phone 13.Or you can call 14.Try not to lose your 15.When a real problem 16.You´d better • g) • A) • O) • C) • M) • K) • D) • b() • L) • H) • E) • F) • J) • P) • N) • i) • a)Than done • b) Your voice • c) Advice is … • d) To be reasonable • e) Old arguments • f) bills • g) Turn into a heated argument • h) To the point • i) Face the problem together • j) Time out • k) Apologizing to them • l) breath • m)In the wrong • n) Comes along • o) Share of the housework • P) temper
Find a synonym, translate or write the defined word. Use the text from the book on page 57. hop pacing 14. Jump= h ______ 15. A strip of cloth or plastic to put things on: m _______ 16. Have an idea: c_____ u ___ with an idea 17. When you don´t move at all: s ____ s __ 18. make something to move: to f ____ 19. Stop forever: d _____ a _____ 20. Tramar algo: b __ u__ t _ 21. funny= a ______ 22. Painful experience: e _________ 23. get into: l _______ into 24. long angry speech: t _______ 25. reconocer. A __________ 26. say yes with your head: n _____ / s _____ = (say no with your head) 27. it worked : it d _____ the t _____ 28. in the end= e _________ 1.He was walking or P _______ behind me. 2. Sound made by an irritated animal: s _______ 3. walk noisily s ________ 4. Follow( of a dog) his owner very closely: at his h _____ 5. to calm down : s ______ 6. Be an actor or actress: S ______ 7. Girarse: ____________ 8. jumping and turn around: to p ________ 9. Cuando se te dice: on c _______ 10. Absorbed and interested: r ______ 11. It surprised me: it h ____ me 12. A sea lion can b __________ a ball on its nose 13. reward positive behavior: P ______ mat snarl Come up stomp stand still heels soothe fuel starring pacing Turn round Be up to amusing pirouette excruciating command launch rapt tirade hit acknowledge balance nod shake praise Itdidthetrick eventually
MODAL VERBS • They are followed by a bare ______ • They don´t take - s in the third person singular • They don´t use don´t or doesn´t to make their negatives and interrogative forms • They haven´t got infinitive, -ing form or past participle • We can´t use two together: we will can – we will be able to … form Can/could, may/might, must, have to,will, shall, should, would, ought to, dare use
Use Will be able to /will have been able to can Could/couldhave done May/ might Might/Could/couldhavebeen Will be posible /would be Can, may, might, shallwe could Mustbe Musthave done Must, haveto , needto Hadto Will have to, will need to Don ´t haveto Didn ´t haveto/needn ´t have done Won´t have to, won´t need to Should/shouldn ´t Could/may/mighthave done Might / could do … should/shouldn,thave done Mustn´t Couldn ´t do … I won ´t be ableto…
1. Translate into English 1. Deberías haber terminado los ejercicios de mates 2. Puede que hayan llegado a tiempo 3. Deben haber suspendido el examen porque lloran 4. No sabían jugar y les enseñamos 5. Deben haber estado bebiendo porque huelen 6. El no lo puede haber hecho porque estaba conmigo 7. Está prohibido usar el móvil y llevar piercing 8. Podría llegar pero lo más seguro es que no podré llegar a tiempo 9. Deben estar hablando porque comunica 10. No debería habérselo dicho You should have finished Maths exercises They may have arrived on time They must have failed the exam as they are crying They couldn ´t play and we taught them They must have been drinking He couldn ´t have done it because he was with me You mustn ´t use the mobile and wear a piercing I might arrive on time but I am sure I won ´t be able to get punctual They must be speaking since the line is busy I shouldn ´t have told him
Modal Verbs • Complete the sentences with one of these verbs can, can ´t, must, mustn´t, have / had to • Don´t / doesn ´t / didn ´t have to, may, might, could, should, shouldn´t . • My grandfather was a very clever man. He __________ speak five languages. • You have been travelling all day. You ________ be very tired. • I don ´t want anyone to know. You __________ tell anyone • he _________________ wear a suit to work but he usually does. • I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I _______________ wait. • In Britain many children ____________ wear uniform when they go to school. • We couldn ´t repair the car ourselves. We __________ take to the garage. • we haven ´t got much time. We _________ hurry. • The doctor recommended me that I ___________ see a specialist • I can ´t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. He __________ be playing tennis • Who is knocking on the door?. I don´t know It _________ be George. • I _________ go to the dentist. I´ve got two black teeth • That restaurant __________ be very good. It ´s always empty. • I can ´t go out this evening I ___________ revise for the exam. • On Sundays I ___________ get up at 11 but I ________ be home by 10 p.m could Must Mustn´t Doesn ´t have to Didn ´t have to have to had to have to should must must must can ´t have to have to Don ´t have to
Use a modal verb to complete the sentences 1. We weren´t sure where to go and we wrongly turned left but we _______ (turn) right 2.You haven´t seen the Smiths lately. They ___________ (go) on holiday 3.I don ´t want anyone to know. You __________________ (tell) anyone 4.he _________________ (wear) a suit to work but he usually does. 5.I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I ____________ (wait). 6.Where has Julia gone?. I am not sure. She ______________ (go) to the bank 7.I saw you at John´s party. Impossible. You __________ (see) me because I didn´t go 8.When was the last time you saw him?. Years ago. I don´t think I ____ (recognise) him 9.The doctor recommended me that I _____ (see)a specialist 10.I can ´t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. He ______ (be)playing tennis 11.Didn´t you hear the explosion?. It was 5 minutes ago. You __________ (hear) it 12.Is it raining now?. No, but it ____________________ (rain) later Shouldhaveturned Musthavegone Mustn ´t Doesn ´t haveto Didn ´t havetowait Musthavegone Can ´t haveseen Couldrecognise Shouldsee Must be playing Can ´t haveheard May rain
3. Use a modal verb to express the ideas in brackets 1. What a pity the boy didn ´t apply for a grant in advance. (criticize) 2. I don´t believe he committed the crime. (impossibility) 3. Perhaps John was at school yesterday. (possibility) 4. My bag has dissappeared. (deduction) 5. He wrote rude words on the board. (criticize) 6. There was no cake left last night. (deduction) 7. I´ve phone them but there´s noboby in. (deduction) 8. Don ´t disturb the boss in meetings. (prohibition) 9. It´s not compulsory to do it but he usually does it. (no obligation) 10. Tom´s just arrived and he is completely wet. (deduction) He should have applied for it He can ´t have done it He could have gone to school It must have been robbed He shouldn ´t have done it They must have finished it They must have left You mustn´t disturb the boss in meetings He doesn ´t have to do it but he usually does It must have been raining
Prefiero …, bueno, mejor vas tú. I prefer…, well, you´dbettergo well, I´dratheryougo… You´dbettergonow. It´s … I´drathergoouton F. thanSat. You´dbetternotwalk home. It´s Shesaidshe´drathermeeton … He ´d better be careful. If … Woukldyourathernotgotothepartyif … You´dbetternotleaveyour bag … She´drathernotfly. Shehad …
sight touch hearing taste smell looks taste sounds feels smell
1.Looks veryexcited 2. Looks fat 3.Looks rathergreen 4.Sounds veryexciting 5. Looks wonderful 6.Looks verypleasant 7.Feels so soft 8. Smells so fragant 9. Smellsmusty 10. Tastes toosweet 11. Tastes a bit tasteless