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This project aims to assess current basic ROI capabilities on commercial workstations and provide recommendations for trials. The subgroup will guide vendors in standardizing and advancing ROI features. Tasks include drafting a survey, analyzing common platform features, and discussing new ROI techniques. Collaboration with scanner and workstation vendors is crucial for successful implementation.
QIBA FDG-PET ROI subgroupGoals • Determine current basic ROI capabilities common to all (or large subset of commercial workstations) • Prepare survey • Make ROI methodology recommendations for trials • Guide workstation vendors in the adaptation of standardized ROI capabilities. • Guide workstation vendors in the implementation of more advanced ROI capabilities T. Turkington 2008/3/6
QIBA FDG-PET ROI subgroupCurrent Status • Committee include reps of three scanner vendors, two 3rd party workstation vendors, and four non-vendors. • Survey is being drafted; final draft ready mid-March.
QIBA FDG-PET ROI subgroupTasks planned • Completion of survey • Distribution of survey to vendors • Collection of survey and summary • Determination of features common to all (or most) platforms • Begin discussion of desired new features and determination of optimal ROI techniques for specific applications • CT-based ROI’s • More objective ROI analysis
QIBA FDG-PET ROI subgroupResources Needed • Continued commitment of vendors to process • Scanner manufacturers • 3rd party workstation vendors • Occasional head-to-head meeting of ROI group members • Facilitation of conference calls, including polling committee members for availability • Possible non-disclosure agreement for survey?