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J.-M. Thériault , E. Puckrin, H. Lavoie, F. Bouffard and S. Désilets DRDC Valcartier

(CRTI Project: 07-0179RD) Explosive Vapors Standoff Detector – Multi-Option Differential Detection and Imaging Fourier Spectrometer (MoDDIFS). J.-M. Thériault , E. Puckrin, H. Lavoie, F. Bouffard and S. Désilets DRDC Valcartier Pierre Caron , PM - Public Safety Canada.

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J.-M. Thériault , E. Puckrin, H. Lavoie, F. Bouffard and S. Désilets DRDC Valcartier

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  1. (CRTI Project: 07-0179RD) Explosive Vapors Standoff Detector – Multi-Option Differential Detection and Imaging Fourier Spectrometer (MoDDIFS) J.-M. Thériault, E. Puckrin, H. Lavoie, F. Bouffard and S. Désilets DRDC Valcartier Pierre Caron, PM - Public Safety Canada Public Security S&T Summer Symposium 2009 Ottawa, June 16-18, 2009

  2. CRTI Project: 07-0179RDExplosive Vapors Stand-off Detector MoDDIFS* Project • Needs: • Crime Prevention associated with Illicit Products Fabrication by Clandestine Laboratory • Project Objectives: • To develop leading edge Infrared (IR) hyperspectral methods and sensing technology and optimize it for the standoff detection of explosive vapors and precursors. * MoDDIFS: Multi-options Differential Detection and Imaging Fourier Spectrometer

  3. Outline of Presentation • Introduction: Passive Standoff Detection of CWA Vapours: • Differential detection approach • CATSI* and CATSI EDM Passive Standoff Detection of Explosives and Precursors: • Differential and imaging approach • MoDDIFS sensor project • Spectral signatures of explosives and precursors • Option-1 for vapours • Option-2 for liquids and solids *CATSI – Compact Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer

  4. IR Spectroscopy IR Direct Approach Differential Approach Direct vs Differential Detection • Difficult Problem ? • Atmosphere Emission • Background emission • Implies large clutter/signal ratio IR Hyperspectral Sensing LWIR (7-13 mm)

  5. Target FOV Cloud Ref FOV Differential FTIR Spectroscopy with CATSI* * CATSI - Compact ATmospheric Sounding Interferometer • Novel Sensing Approach • Double-beam FTIR Spectroscopy • Optimized for real-time background suppression • Milestones • Develop CATSI instrument (1996-2000) • Detection algorithm (1998-2007) • Int`l Trials: Short (0.1 km), mid (1.5 km) and long (5.7 km) ranges (1998-2004) IR Hyperspectral Sensing LWIR (7-13 mm)

  6. IR Signatures of CWAs:

  7. Differential Detection Sensor Development: CATSI Engineering Development Model CATSI EDM • Development: 2005-2009 • Militarized for CF • Milestone (Sep 2008): • Autonomous detection of CWA simulants at 3 and 5 Km ranges

  8. ? ? CRTI Project: 07-0179RDCATSI Imager: MoDDIFS*(New Generation) Program: CBRNE Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) MoDDIFS (CATSI Imager) • Project Objectives: • Standoff detection and identification of illicit products fabrication • Primary: Explosives and Precursors • Parallel: CWAs, Drugs, IEDs Partners/End Users : - Defense R&D Canada - Public Safety Canada - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) - HAZMAT Division - Montreal - Montreal Port Authority - Port of Montreal - Montreal Advisory Committee on Antiterrorism -Industries: Telops, AEREX Gas Detection Start-End: 07/08 to 2011 * MoDDIFS: Multi-Options Differential Detection and Imaging Fourier Spectrometer

  9. Adet=1mm CATSI Adet= 0.03 mm MODDIFS DTel= 12 in. DTel= 12 in. Aplume=10 cm Aplume=10 cm A) B) High Spatial Resolution Recording: Strategy CATSI 10 cm ACETONE

  10. Explosives and their Precursors

  11. Gas Signatures Detection Scenarios: leaking windows leaking doors chimneys, vents

  12. 500 mL acetone in fumehood

  13. - 22 Aug 2007 • 500 mL acetone in glass container in fume hood • Detection @ 100 m with vent on low Acetone

  14. Experiment-1 Garden shed venting acetone & HNO3

  15. FOV 1 FOV 2 2.8 x FOV width MoDDIFS Option-1: Long Range for Vapours • Main optical specifications: Telops (main Contractor)

  16. Solid Signatures

  17. FOV MoDDIFS Option-2: Polarization for Liquids and solids • Main optical specifications: Telops (main Contractor)

  18. PHASE I – Spectral Signatures : Identification of the IR spectral signatures of explosive and their precursors. (completed June 09) PHASE II – System Specifications and Prototype Construction: Development of system specifications, detection algorithm and construction of the MoDDIFS prototype. (completed Aug 2010) PHASE III – System Validation and Testing: Verify, validate, optimize the MoDDIFS prototype through laboratory experimentations open air trials under realistic scenarios recommended by end users. (completed - July 2011) CRTI Project: 07-0179RDProject Summary / Phases

  19. ? ? ? Potential Applications for Detection & Identification MoDDIFS Vapours (2nd generation)TICs Liquid contaminants & spills Surfaces Suicide bomber • Vapours (2nd generation)CWA Explosives IEDs • Explosives • Powders Liquid aerosols contaminants Illicit explosive and drug fabrication

  20. Questions ?

  21. Differential Spectroscopic Techniques Existing and Potential Standoff Explosives Detection Techniques Committee on the Review of Existing and Potential Standoff Explosives Detection Techniques, National Research Council, The National Academies Press, 148 pp., Washington, D.C., 2004 Download free sample PDF : http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10998.html Important recommendation stated: “Research in the IR spectral range is needed to study the spectroscopic properties (e.g., thermal emissivity versus wavelength) of human skin, clothing, and other relevant materials. This information might lead to differential spectroscopic techniques that could improve IR imaging for explosive detection”.

  22. target reference DRDC Valcartier Approach:Dual Beam FTIR - CATSI Input 1 Out of phase (180o) Input 2 4/32

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