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PRIVATE SECTOR INSTITUTIONS IN PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM INCORPORATING LOCAL COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Presentation by . Approach. Introduction and Overview Industry self regulation Attitudes and behaviour Govt intervention Participation and empowerment Conclusion.
Approach • Introduction and Overview • Industry self regulation • Attitudes and behaviour • Govt intervention • Participation and empowerment • Conclusion
Introduction and Overview • Growth of tourism brought major environmental problems which need to be addressed and resolved to achieve sustainability in short and long term • Land degradation, pollution, desertification, waste damage of species and inadequate utilisation of natural resources caused natural resources to be endangered • At national level ineffective enforcement, poor environmental practises and the lack of involvement of local communities have contributed to loss of natural resources
.. Cont’ • Introduction of more sustainable forms of tourism a result of Govt. Regulations, other interventions and businesses making their own decision in response to the market • Tourism requires specific infrastructure, brings visitors into destination areas, consumes scare resources and generate waste, in turn produce adverse environmental and social impacts
.. Cont’ • As Tourism industry depends on the quality of natural, built and cultural resources in destination areas, its expected that the industry would promote sust. Forms of tourism. • Specific issues to be considered in affecting the adoption of more sustainable activities in the tourism industry • Consideration of the balance between Govt intervention and industry self regulation, • Critical examination of attitudes and behaviour of tourism industry decision makers to adoption of sustainable measures
Industry regulation • Response to environmental and cultural concerns about tourisms relied on individual and corporate responsibility through industry self regulation • Arguments in favour of self regulation are: • Companies own long term self interest to behave in a socially responsible manner and to be accountable for adverse consequences. • Giving responsibility to management. • Emphasis in legislation on minimum standards would provide companies with no incentives to exceed those standards.
.. Cont’ • Moral business aimed at doing what is right for community and environment. (measures will eventually benefits the company concerned) • Regulatory approach, puts responsibility on policing on Govt.
Attitudes and behavior • Key players have negative attitude towards initiatives by Govt and other regulatory bodies towards practices that promote sustainability. • These initiatives often seen as being in conflict with short term personal gains and long term societal needs • Means to addressing negative attitudes include: • Increasing the costs of environmentally destructive behaviour, fines, feed etc • Decreasing the cost of environmentally proactive actions • Providing education and creating awareness on the benefits of such measures
.. Cont’ • Benefits of adopting environmental measures: • Improvements to competitiveness and profitability, leading to improved products or new markets • Reducing operational costs by making more efficient use of energy by reuse and recycling to minimise waste • Enhanced image • Gaining a reputation as an ethical company
… Cont’ • Favourable attitudes towards possible future developments by improving community relations and meeting customers requirements for environmental quality. • Potential benefits seen as strategies to maximise value shareholders and getting community confidence. • The choice of introducing sustainable practices may be affected by awareness of what is expected by regulators in applying measure to make tourism sustainable
Government Interventions • Seek to secure the adoption of sustainability measures by intervening – compels businesses to adopt measure that will encourage sustainability • Through policy instruments and institutions (e.g. ZAWA, ECZ.) which are Key in enforcing and monitoring and adoption of sustainable practices • Govts. role of providing education and compliance procedures where necessary • Govts. environmental and social policies perceived as increasing costs of conducting business and hence a threat to business survival and success
… Cont’ • Challenge is each firm to respond in the most cost effective way. • SSC based tourism projects empower local communities – through sense of awareness of importance of their natural resources and control over their developments
Participation and Empowerment of Local Communities • Local community participation is widely accepted criterion of sustainable tourism. Community involvement in the planning process is often essential in securing necessary support from local chiefs and authorities • Involvement in planning results in more appreciate decisions and motivation amongst the local people. • Community participation considered necessary for community support and acceptance of tourism development projects and ensure benefits relate to the local community needs
… Cont’ • As a service industry, tourism highly dependent on goodwill and co-operation of the host communities. Resentment and lack of appreciation of its contribution is likely to affect the standard of delivery • ZAWA has made significant strides in this regard through established of CRB which are active in redistribution of proceeds. • Use of local personnel and suppliers in management of the National Parks as Wildlife Scouts and tourist lodges has created an appreciation of the value of wildlife as an asset
…. Cont’ • Reason why active community participation is hard to achieve in practice are: • Constrained by factors such as lack of ownership , capital , skills, knowledge and resources, confidence and time and interest • On the other hand, Govt has created the Tourism Credit Fund aimed at encouraging Zambians participate in tourism. • However, the necessary skills and knowledge of tourist expectations remains a major handicap.
Role of the community • Identifying potential tourism resources and attractions within their communities • Exploit opportunities for tourisms training and awareness, finance and incentives for tourism development • Seek partnership opportunities with the established tourism private sector • Support and promote responsible tourism and sustainable development • Oppose developments that are harmful to the local environment and culture of the community • Sensitise the private sector, environmental agencies and NGOs of the importance of communities involvement in tourism developments
…. Cont’ • The effects of irresponsible tourism are well known and include: • Environmental degradation • Increased urban/ rural polarisation • Concentration of wealth in the hands of already well established companies • Exploitation of local cultures and community groups
Conclusion • In order to achieve sustainable tourism in the 21st century there needs to a firm balance between regulatory guidelines by Govt. while providing environmental planning and land use. • The private sector on the other hand should continue to deliver quality tourism services providing value for money while establishing partnerships with the local communities within which they operate within recommended guidelines.