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How Does E-commerce Personalization Help?

According to research, 70 percent of users are not interested in irrelevant web content. They like to get pertinent material, which nudges them immediately to do something about it on the messages.

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How Does E-commerce Personalization Help?

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  1. -COMMERCE PERSONALIZATION EffectiveExamplesToBoostYourSales

  2. WHATIS E-COMMERCE PERSONALIZATION Ecommercepersonalizationmeansnotjustserving tothedemandsandpreferencesofthecustomers. Ithasmorefacetsthanthat.

  3. SHOW ITEMS BASED ON USERSACTION You can recommend users’ products basedontheirpreviousactionsonthe site,andyes,thepromotionscouldbe weather and seasonsensitive.

  4. ADJUST NAVIGATIONAS PER USERS’ INTERESTS Changethenavigationofyourwebsiteand thehomepagebasedonusers’interests.

  5. RECOMMEND PRODUCTS BASEDON BROWSINGBEHAVIOR Youmusthavecomeacrosstheexamplesofe-commerce personalizationontheamazonwebsitewheretheyshow andrecommendtheproductstothecustomersbasedon users’previoussearchandbrowsingbehavior.

  6. PERSONALIZE THE SEARCH RESULTS Beingane-commerceretailer,youcan show relevant results to the users basedontheirpreviousbehavior.

  7. SEND PERSONALIZED EMAILS Personalized emails are the best way to drive moreandmoresalesfromtheuserswholeave your site moreoften.

  8. GEO-LOCATION TARGETING Segment your visitors based on their geographical location and send them personalizedoffers.Categorizethevisitorsbased onthelocationandstartpersonalizingthem.

  9. DISPLAY CATEGORY- SPECIFICDISCOUNTS Createcustomizeddiscountcouponsforthecustomersas per the categories they browse on your website. You can createtagsforyourcustomerstocategorizeproductsand organizesearchresultsforcustomers.

  10. RECOMMEND COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS If a user has bought a specific product from your site, you can recommend him the complementary productsthatcouldleadyoutomorerevenuesand better customerloyalty.

  11. UPSELLTHE PRODUCTSAFTER APURCHASE Personalizing the recommendationsenhancesthe saleopportunities.Accordingtoastudy,morethan 75percentofthecustomersbuyproductson personalizedrecommendations.

  12. SHOW PERSONALIZED OFFERS TORETURNING CUSTOMERS Reachbacktothecustomerswhoabandonedthecart and have no chances of returning back. E-commerce Personalization is the best tool to re-engage your customers.

  13. PERSONALIZETHE HOMEPAGE Achievethemaximumclick-throughratesand conversionratesbypersonalizingthehomepageofthe website.Showdifferentproductstothecustomers basedontheirpreviouslydemonstratedinterests.

  14. ASK USERS PREFERENCES Ifyouarestillunsurewhattooffertothecustomers, try to ask users what they want. Ask the customers andallowthemtochoosethroughvariousoptions.

  15. SORTOUTTHE PRODUCTSASPER THEIRINTERESTS Youcansortouttheproducts’categoriesasper theusers’interests,suchashowmuchtimethey havespentonthewebsite,whattheysearchfor, ortheirinterestsincertainproducts.


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