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Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Both believed in. Hinduism. Buddhis m. Founded by Siddharta Gautama/Buddha Believed individuals must free themselves from desires Urged people to live moral lives Through meditation one might achieve enlightenment After his death the teachings spread but slowly declined.

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Chapter 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 4

  2. Both believed in Hinduism Buddhism Founded by Siddharta Gautama/Buddha Believed individuals must free themselves from desires Urged people to live moral lives Through meditation one might achieve enlightenment After his death the teachings spread but slowly declined. • Kharma: all the actions that affect a person’s fate in the next life • Dharma: an individual’s religious and moral duties • Nonviolevnce • The Cycle of Rebirth • No single founder • Many sacred texts • Evolved over 3500 years • Many groups added their own beliefs and gods • Gods are a form of an all powerful spiritual force • Ultimate goal is to become one with the force Christian’s Slide

  3. Indian Empires • Maurya (321 B.C.-185 B.C.) • Asoka • Most honored Maurya emperor • Grandson of Chandragupta • Preached religious tolerance • Declined after Asoka’s death • Gupta (A.D. 320-550) • India enjoyed a golden age • Strong government • Trade and farming flourished • Stupas: large dome shaped shrines • Decimal system Kristian’s Slide

  4. The Caste System • Closely linked to Hindu beliefs • A web of complex caste rules governed every aspect of life to ensure spiritual purity • Outcasts/Untouchables: life was harsh • Can only be changed by “law of karma” • Faced inequalities but ensured social order Tim’s Slide

  5. Kristian’s Slide

  6. Shi Huangdi • Abolished feudalism • Standardized weights and measurements • Great Wall • Approximately 5,500 miles • His most costly project • Hundreds of thousands worked on the wall • Many of those died Christian’s Slide

  7. Han Dynasty • Silk Road • Trade route that linked China and the west • Stretched 4000 miles • Confucianism was the official belief • Civil service system: government officials are chose for their skills • Most technologically advanced civilization of the world at this time • Achievements • Science: the idea that no scientific theories should be accepted without proof • Medicine: acupuncture Tim’s Slide

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