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Cool Tools: MarcEdit. NCSU Libraries. Erin Stalberg, August 12, 2008. Batch editing sets of records Adding text/fields Deleting text/fields Swapping fields Search/replace Validating record sets Analyzing/Identifying patterns in record sets
Cool Tools: MarcEdit NCSU Libraries Erin Stalberg, August 12, 2008
Batch editing sets of records Adding text/fields Deleting text/fields Swapping fields Search/replace Validating record sets Analyzing/Identifying patterns in record sets Transforming records to/from MARC to/from various flavors of XML or tab delimited (i.e. Excel/Access) files. Transforming records to/from Unicode What’s it good for?
Terry Reese @ Oregon State University FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Download software @ http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/downloads.html Where does it come from?
Home window Edit your MarcEdit mnemonic file. Turns a raw MARC file into MarcEdit viewable-format (mnemonic) or to/from XML or tab delimited Z39.50 client like SmartPort
Home window – other functions off the home window Delete/extract or simply analyze data based on certain criteria Join/Split MARC files or run a set of functions on a whole directory of records. Export records in tab delimited formats
02158cam 2200349Ia 45000010013000000030006000130050017000190060019000360060019000550070015000740080041000890400020001300200015001500430021001650490009001862450119001952460025 00314260006500339538003000404506003800434536015300472520076400625505009401389500008601483600004901569650004001618651003901658651002301697700002601720856005001746994001201796ocm56835268 OCoLC20060118051017.0m d szx w s 0 2cr mn---------041028m20049999vau st 000 0 eng d aVA@cVA@dOCLCQ a0813922917 an-us---an-us-va aVA@@04aThe Dolley Madison digital editionh[electronic resource] :bletters 1788-June 1836 /cedited by Holly C. Shulman. 1iAlso known as:aDMDE aCharlottesville, Va. :bUniversity of Virginia Press,c2004- aMode of access: Internet. aSubscription required for access. aRotunda editions are made possible by generous grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the President's Office of the University of Virginia. aDolley Payne Madison was the most important First Lady of the nineteenth century. The DMDE will be the first-ever complete edition of all of her known correspondence, gathered in an XML-based archive. It will ultimately include close to 2,500 letters. From the scattered correspondence were gathered letters that have never been previously published. The range and scope of the collection makes this edition an important scholarly contribution to the literature of the early republic, women's history, and the institution of the First Lady. These letters present Dolley Madison's trials and triumphs and make it possible to gain admittance to her mind and her private emotions and to understand the importance of her role as the national capital's First Lady.0 aGeneral introduction -- Biographical introduction -- Introduction to the digital edition. aTitle from the opening screen; description based on the display of Oct. 21, 2004.10aMadison, Dolley,d1768-1849vCorrespondence. 0aPresidents' spouseszUnited States. 0aUnited StatesxHistoryy1801-1809. 0aVirginiaxHistory.1 aShulman, Holly Cowan.40uhttp://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/dmde/ aC0bVA@
MarcBreaker • Raw Marc files will generally be .mrc or .dat • MarcEdit likes to name Mneumonic files .mrk • It’s helpful in dialog boxes to always show files of type “All files” Turns a raw MARC file into MarcEdit viewable-format (mnemonic) or to/from XML or tab delimited
MarcEditor – Field Count Tells you how many records you have & helps you identify garbage tags for potential deletion.
MarcEditor – Delete Tags If you leave the Field Data Box empty, it will delete all occurrences of this field If you put something in the Field Data Box, it will delete only the tags that contain that data. But, it will delete the whole tag (not just the relevant subfield)
MarcEditor – Add Tags MarcEdit uses “\” for blank indicators and it uses “$” for subfield delimiters Choose special options
MarcEditor – Add Tags On load to Unicorn, ONLINEBOOK expands to: Library: ONLINE Location: NET Item type: EBOOK Item cat1: EBOOK
MarcEditor – Replace Subfield data Bib formats will give you byte position numbers: http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield/default.shtm
MarcEditor – Add Subfield data • Instructions say: Put the 245$h before $c and before $b (if they exist) and before “:” and before “/” • Otherwise, just put the subfield letter (not brackets, no carrots) and it’ll put them in alpha order. Choose special options as necessary
MarcEditor – Remove Subfield data If you leave the Field Data Box empty, it will delete all occurrences of this subfield If you put something in the Field Data Box, it will delete only the subfields that contain that data. But, it will delete just the subfield (not the whole tag)
MarcEditor – Edit indicators If you leave the Field Data Box empty, it will change indicators for all occurrences of this subfield 0 If you put something in the Field Data box, it will changer indicators for only the tags that have that data.
MarcEditor – Swap fields Copy Source: check if you want to leave the original untouched in its original location, uncheck if you want to move the data to the new location. Add to existing field: Check if you want to add this subfield text to an already existing field. Uncheck if you want it to create another new instance of the tag.
MarcEditor – Appending Text to an Already Existing Subfield Example: append E-BOOK to the end of 949$a Make up a subfield to hold the data you want to append. It’s best if you don’t choose a normally occurring subfield. Add subfield if not present
MarcEditor – Appending Text to an Already Existing Subfield Replace away the subfield indictor.
MarcEditor – Things to Try With URLS • Not all URLs can be entered using MarcEdit because they may not have a global construction. • If the URL string contains the ISBN or some other number that appears elsewhere in the record, it may be possible use swap fields. • If the URL string starts with a consistent string, you can add an 856 with the consistent string & then go through the file & enter the unique part record-by-record. This can be a bit labor intensive, but is still usually faster than doing the records one by one.
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 1. Remove the existing 856.
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 2. Add the consistent part to all records in the set. Example: 40$uhttp://www.erin.com\isbn=
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 3. Swap fields from 020.
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 4. Search & replace away the $r
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 5. Search & replace away the (pbk.) & scan file for other stuff to delete. Replace with nothingness
MarcEditor – Example Where String Contains ISBN Step 6. Get rid of the mistakenly created 856
MarcEditor – Tips • Puzzle it through • Experiment • Do only one task at a time so that you can undo (or special undo) what you try & doesn’t work. • Save FREQUENTLY after you get a step to work. • Write down what you do as you are doing it, so that you can recreate the steps if needed. • If it’s a file that you will need to work on repeatedly (new updates), DOCUMENT your steps!
DLC records (not gmd [electronic resource records]) are available at: http://www.crcnetbase.com/marcrecords/ • Remove 001 • Remove 040 • Remove 856$z • Remove 856's with $3Publisher description or $3Table of contents or $3e-stream or $3netLibrary • Use Reports-Field Count to make sure number of 856's equals number of records & correct as necessary • Remove 906 • Remove 920 • Remove 923 • Remove 925 • Remove 955 • Remove 963 • Remove 985 • Remove 991 • Use Reports-Field Count to identify any other 9XX fields to remove. • Replace LDR byte 09 (blank) with a • Add: =006 m\\\\\\\\d\\\\\\\\ • Add: =007 crmn--------- • Add: =040 \\$aVA@$cVA@ • In Edit Subfield Data • Field: 245 • Subfield: [^c,^b] • Field Data: (space):(space)/ • Replace with: $h[electronic resource] • Spot check placement of $h • Add: =533\\$aElectronic reproduction.$b[Boca Raton, Fla.] :$cCRC Press,$d2006.$f(BIOSCIENCEnetBASE).$nMode of access: Internet.$nAccess restricted to subscribing institutions. • In Swap Field Data • Original data • Field: 856 • Indicators: 40 • Subfields: u • Modified data • Field: 001 • Indicators: 00 • Subfields: u • Check Copy Source • Tools -- Sort All Fields • In Find/Replace • Find what: =001 … copy everything all the way to the equal sign • Replace with: =001(space)(space) CRCBIOSCI Sample documentation (UVA example)
MarcEditor – Reports – Validate your records Use Edit – Jump To to jump to a particular record number in your file.
MarcEditor – Turning your Edited Records back to Raw MARC OR Records MUST be in raw MARC in order to load into Unicorn.
MarcEditor – Extracting and/ or Analyzing Records Use Edit – Jump To to jump to a particular record number in your file. This tool was developed to extract records from a file, but it also good for analyzing the quality of your records.
MarcEditor – Extracting and/ or Analyzing Records Click to sort (Display not found means that tag does not exist) or search for particular text Choose a MARC tag/subfield Choose the file you want to analyze/extract from
MarcEditor – Z39.50 You can then open the file in MarcEdit or you can import it into Connexion.
MarcEditor – Putting them into Connexion The record will import into your LOCAL save file. Search your local save file, open it, edit it, & then do whatever you want with it in Connexion.
MarcEditor – Importing tab delimited data Assign field mapping, indicator values, end of field punctuation & then check “apply” after each field. You can also save your mapping as a template to reuse later.
Resources • Download software @ http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/downloads.html • Some help in the MarcEdit software help files • Some help online: http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/help.html • Ask Erin!! Or Charley!! Or someone else to help you puzzle it through!