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How Institutions Can Leverage Change as an Opportunity for Educator Preparation

How Institutions Can Leverage Change as an Opportunity for Educator Preparation. The Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Fall 2009 Meeting James G. Cibulka President National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education October 1, 2009.

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How Institutions Can Leverage Change as an Opportunity for Educator Preparation

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  1. How Institutions Can Leverage Change as an Opportunity for Educator Preparation The Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Fall 2009 Meeting James G. Cibulka President National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education October 1, 2009

  2. A Changing Environment Surrounding Educator Preparation • Increasing criticism of colleges of education • Obama Administration foci • Mediocre U.S. student achievement • Teachers’ importance in student learning • Expectations of policy community

  3. Policymakers… • Want recruitment of highly talented and diverse teaching force • See licensing regulations as keeping some good people out and accepting some weak candidates • Want to solve the challenge of low performing schools • Still see gaps in educator preparation; some filled by alternate route non-university programs • Are focused on Obama Admin. goals

  4. Evidence from Research that Challenges COEs • Masters degrees • Child/adolescent development • Diversity • ELL

  5. Recreating COEs for the 21st Century • Better alignment with needs of P-12 schools, e.g. low performing schools, high drop-out rates, preparation for college and career readiness • Pre-service and programs for experienced teachers to be more clinically based, in partnerships with schools

  6. Recreating COEs for the 21st Century (cont’d) • Address human capital development in array of program offerings and in program design • Build multiple pathways to teaching within COEs and in collaboration with other departments/colleges

  7. Recreating COEs for the 21st Century (cont’d) • Utilize more powerful R & D strategies in program design • Build the evidentiary base for measuring the effectiveness of all graduates and use this information to redesign programs • Redesign COE curricula for digital age learners (candidates, experienced teachers, and P-12 students)

  8. Recreating COEs for the 21st Century (cont’d) • Bring strong alternative (non-IHE) providers into accreditation to drive higher levels of performance across a mixed market of providers

  9. Two Options for Reaccreditation in NCATE Redesign • Continuous Improvement Visit • Transformation Initiative Visit

  10. Focus of the Review: Continuous Improvement • The unit will engage in continuous improvement between on-site visits. • Submit annual reports • Describe changes in the IR • Submit IR at least one year before visit for formative feedback • The unit will assess itself against the target level of one or more standards.

  11. Focus of the Transformation Initiative • Engagement in an initiative for self-improvement and contribution to the improvement & reform of the profession, including learning in P-12 schools • R&D

  12. Examples of Transformation Initiatives • Human capital development (recruitment, induction, retention, professional development) • Robust clinical practice • Teaching digital age learners • Diversity-based skills • Follow-up performance data • Validity studies of assessments

  13. Examples of Transformation Initiatives • Partnerships with P-12 schools for the transformation of student learning & conditions that support learning, e.g. learning teams • Improving P-16 system (e.g., college readiness, access, & completion) • Use of formative assessments to improve student learning

  14. Eligibility for Transformation Initiative • Unit must clearly show it continues to meet standards. • Submission of TI IR three years before visit (adjusted for pilots) • TI IR reviewed by Offsite BOE Team along with other evidence to determine eligibility

  15. Off-Site Reviews for TI • Offsite BOE Team will meet electronically to review Mid-cycle IR, determine eligibility for TI, & write BOE Feedback Report • Committee on Transformation Initiative will review TI proposal & provide feedback &/or request additional information or clarification • Must focus on a major problem or challenge in the field and have a strong research design

  16. On-Site TI Visit • Follows CI onsite visit process with the addition of feedback on the implementation of the TI • Expert or consultant on the TI may be asked to serve as a resource to the Onsite BOE team • Evaluation on process vs. outcome • TI may continue into next cycle

  17. Thank you • For all you do for our nation • for joining NCATE in a redesigned & transformed accreditation process.

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