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Topic 17 CSG/ESG Planning Considerations Enabling Objectives 17.1 STATE the three levels of military planning. 17.2 LIST and DISCUSS the basic planning principles. 17.3 EXPLAIN the three products of Navy component planning.
Topic 17 CSG/ESG Planning Considerations Enabling Objectives 17.1 STATE the three levels of military planning. 17.2 LIST and DISCUSS the basic planning principles. 17.3 EXPLAIN the three products of Navy component planning. 17.4 DISCUSS the purpose and use of OPGENs, OPTASKs, and OPSTATs. 17.5 DISCUSS the Fleet Readiness Training Program (FRTP), to include phases and events. 17.6 LIST some of the planning considerations for Operations, Intelligence, and Communications.
Basics of Planning “There are three types of leaders: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.” American Military Saying
Why We Plan • Fundamental To Leadership • Develop Planning Skills
Military Planning • Levels of Planning • Strategic • Operational • Tactical “Cryptologic-capable” "A good plan violently executed NOW is better than a perfect plan executed next week....." --General George S. Patton War as I Knew It, 1947
Principles of War Objective Mass Maneuver Offensive Economy of Force Cont’d Unity of Command Simplicity Surprise Security Precepts of Planning
Relevance Clarity Timeliness Flexibility Participation Economy of Resources Security Coordination Planning Principles
Phase 1 Commander’s Estimate Mission Action Phase 2 Commander’s Plan Course of Action Organization Tasks Phase 3 Commander’s Directive Phase 4 Commander’s Supervision Order Military Planning Logic
Planning Responsibilities National Planning Joint Operational Planning Campaign Planning Naval Operations Planning
National Planning National Security Council Joint Strategic Planning System Planning, Programming & Budgeting System Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
Joint Operational Planning Deliberate Planning Crisis Action Planning OPLAN CONPLAN Functional Plan Campaign Plan OPORD Campaign Planning
Campaign Planning "(A) lesson of the Persian Gulf conflict is the importance, in a highly uncertain world, of sound planning. . . .Our response in the crisis was greatly aided because we had planned for such a contingency." --Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, 1991
Naval Component Planning Commander’s Estimate OPLANS Directives
Navy Coordination OPGEN OPTASK Air Defense Intel Communications Link OPSTAT
Exercising the Plan Contingency Operations Scheduled Deployments JTFEX COMPTUEX/ESGEX
Termination End State Objectives Effects Decisive Points Decision Points Direct v. Indirect Lines of Operations Timing and Tempo Forces and Functions Leverage Balance Synergy Culmination N3 Planning Considerations
N2 Planning Considerations Intelligence Requirements Personnel, Augmentation, Logistics, Communications Collection Processing and Exploitation Analysis and Production I&W, Current Intel, GMI, Targeting, Scientific and Technical Intelligence Evaluation and Feedback