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American Hero Facebook Activity. Follow the templates attached as well as the instructions given. Before you start changing the template, click Save As and name it for your American. You will always have the original template to refer to if any errors are made.
American Hero Facebook Activity • Follow the templates attached as well as the instructions given. • Before you start changing the template, click Save As and name it for your American. You will always have the original template to refer to if any errors are made. • You have the flexibility to add more information as needed. • Include pictures in the photo section. • Be aware of all of the little details, name locations, photos, font size, color, etc. • Remember the undo button at the top of the page, also known as the boo-boo fixer. • Nothing is permanent until you save. You will Save As first thing and then Save after that. • This will be completed in PowerPoint. While you are working on your page, you may save it to your flash drive. • You will receive information later on how to save on my web page or other source. • Create a Facebook page for an American hero using the following guidelines: • Name of historical figure at the top of the page • 1 Profile Picture of your historical figure • Information Corner/Basic Information • Photos • Interesting facts • Famous quote (if has one) • Explain the importance of this person’s contribution(s). • These facts need to highlight important events • that your hero is famous for. • Explain why you chose this person as a hero and how their • contributions affect us today. • Be creative! You may add Flairs, • Quizzes, Icons– anything that will enhance your project. Student Name: _______________________________ American’s Name: _________________________________ American Hero Facebook Rubric Profile Picture Information Corner/Basic Information Birthdate 5 __________ Hometown 5 __________ Quote5__________ Information 30 _________ Photos (at least 5-9) include profile picture 15__________ Why this person was chosen 20___________ Interesting Facts 5 __________ Above and Beyond 5 __________ Following Directions 5 __________ Information Accuracy: Sources cited 5 __________ TOTAL __________
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Name of American Hero here Logout Write something… Insert profile picture here Share Insert your name here Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Date of Birth: Date of Death: (leave blank if still alive) Hometown: Education: Famous for: facebook View photos of American Hero Send your hero a message Famous Quote: Poke message Important information and contributions Information Birthday: Hometown: Photos 2 Albums Updated last Tuesday Updated two months ago
Wall Photos Flair Boxes (Name) Logout Profile Photo Wall Info Photos Boxes Why I chose (Name) facebook Photos of (name) Photos Works Cited and photo credits- add a slide for these
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Dr. Jonas Salk Logout Write something… Share Mary Anne Patchett Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Date of birth: October 28, 1914 Date of death: June 23, 1995 Hometown: New York City Education: New York university, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh Famous for: Developing the vaccine to cure Polio in the 1950’s facebook View photos of Dr. Salk Send your hero a message Famous Quote: “I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.”Dr. Jonas Salk Poke message Important information and contributions Information • Dr. Jonas Salk was born in New York City to Russian immigrants. • He was the first in his family to ever go to college. • He was interested in going to Law School but changed his mind and went to Medical School instead. • Dr. Salk is famous for developing the vaccine to cure Polio in the 1950’s. • “Polio is a contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes paralysis, difficulty breathing and sometimes death.” MayoClinic.com • “In the U.S., the last case of naturally occurring polio happened in 1979. Today, despite a concerted global eradication campaign, poliovirus continues to affect children and adults in Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.” MayoClinic.com • “In the two years before vaccine was widely available, the average number of polio cases in the U.S. was more than 45,000. By 1962, that number had dropped to 910.” Salk Institute • Founded the Salk Institute which allows independent scientific research to find cures for diseases. • “The Institute now has 61 faculty members and a scientific of staff of more than 850, with labs that house research on everything from cancer, diabetes and birth defects to Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, AIDS and plant biology.” The Salk Institute • Dr. Salk has written many books and his sons also worked with him. Birthday: October 28 Hometown: New York City Photos 2 Albums Youth Updated last Tuesday Research Updated two months ago
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Dr. Jonas Salk Logout Profile Photo Wall Info Photos Boxes I chose Dr. Salk as my American hero because he developed the vaccine for a disease that affects the entire world. He chose not to patent this vaccine and take money for it but gave it to the world free of charge. Imagine the wealth that would have brought to him, yet he gave it away so all could benefit from his discovery. There is wealth beyond money. He was doing research to find a cure for AIDS up until his death in 1995. Dr. Jonas Salk is a true American Hero. "Hope lies in dreams, in imagination and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.“ Dr. Jonas Salk facebook Photos of Dr. Jonas Salk 10Photos Known as Iron Lung to assist with breathing Works Cited and photo credits- add a slide for these
Works Cited and photo credits- http://images.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=Dr.+Jonas+Salk+as+youth&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=_z9HBVvxJeXHLM&tbnid=92-dxvuHuzwrEM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgermantown.lefora.com%2F2012%2F07%2F23%2Fwere-having-a-heat-wave%2F&ei=981qUb6yGY6J0QHy-IGACQ&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEqXsSQ6iU6h8j8CF1cGHL7lQy6-g&ust=1366040439824759 http://www.famous-quotes.com/author.php?aid=6410 http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/sal0int-1 http://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/poliomyelitis/fact_sheet.htm http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/polio/DS00572 http://www.salk.edu/about/jonas_salk.html