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Ozone service. NRT Total Ozone Column Total Ozone Forecast Total Ozone Record Ozone hole page Future activities. NRT Total Ozone Column. Product : - Total ozone column in near-real time (within 3 hours) based on GOME, SCIAMACHY and OMI
Ozone service • NRT Total Ozone Column • Total Ozone Forecast • Total Ozone Record • Ozone hole page • Future activities
NRT Total Ozone Column Product : - Total ozone column in near-real time (within 3 hours) based on GOME, SCIAMACHY and OMI - NRT overpass files of about 100 ground stations Coverage : Global (limited coverage for GOME) Delivery:via FTP and web-access Archive : Archive of images and data sets,1996-present
SCIAMACHY Tosomi ozone retrieval: Feb 2005 Low ozone over Northern Atlantic
Total Ozone Forecast Description : Nine-day forecast, consisting of images and data setsof the ozone column. Based on assimilated ozone from SCIAMACHY and OMI. Frequency :Every 6 hours Coverage :Global on a grid of 1 x 1.25 degree Format :HDF and ASCII Delivery :FTP and web-access
Forecast error modelling • Analysis • Advection • Model error
Typical forecast preformance: OmF total ozone rms(OmF) typically 3% bias within 1% 1% level -1% level
Ozone forecasts "Anomaly correlation" for total ozone meaningful forecasts up to 7 days (outside tropics) Eskes et al., ACP, 2, 271, 2002
Forecast of 26 Sept. 2002 (ozone hole split event) Analysis 7 day forecast GOME observation 9 day forecast J.Atmos.Sci. 62, 2005 special issue
Total ozone service – Service Delivery Product : Assimilated ozone column from TOMS-N7, SBUV(NOAA-9), TOMS-EP, GOME, SCIAMACHY and OMI. Including overpass files of about 100 ground stations Coverage : Global Archive : Archive of images and data sets,1978-present Validation: • Data from 233 ground stations available • Only 91 stations selected with a useful dataset • Dobson, Brewer(3,4) and Filter-instruments • The OmF and OmA of the assimilated data analysed with a newly developed code (AssimPlot)
Status of archived data TOMS Nimbus 7: 1978-1993 level 4 TOMS EarthProbe: 1996-2002 level 4 TOMS Meteor 3 : not yet available in the NASA DAAC TOMS ADEOS : data will not be made available SBUV NOAA9: 1992-1998 level 4 GOME : 1995-2003 level 2 and 4 GOME-NRT (EGOIs) : 1998-today level 2 SCIAMACHY : 2002-today level 2 and 4 OMI : 2004-today level 2 and 4 GOME-2 : 2007 level 4
Conclusions • 30 years of ozone data available • Unique dataset with many interested users • Validation and level2 corrections are ongoing. • Regular reprocessing needed (reprocessing OMI, FRESCO+, degradation corrections, etc.)
Outlook • Consistent dataset of 30 year of ozone • Tropospheric ozone from GOME and OMI
GOME nadir profile assimilation Segers et al., Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 477-502, 2005