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Welcome at the Faculty of Science

Welcome at the Faculty of Science. Information Session September 19th 2014. Faculty of Science : Facts and Figures. 2013-2014 3,148 students (of which 600 international students) 150 professors, 650 assistants & researchers, 150 administrative and technical staff

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Welcome at the Faculty of Science

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  1. Welcome at the Faculty of Science Information Session September 19th 2014

  2. Faculty of Science: FactsandFigures 2013-2014 • 3,148 students (of which 600 international students) • 150 professors, 650 assistants & researchers, 150 administrative and technical staff • 3 Campuses (Leuven, Heverlee and Kortrijk) • 8 bachelor programmes in Leuven, 5 bachelor programmes in Kortrijk, 12 master programmes in Dutch, 11 master programmes in English, and 3 advanced master programs • 100 finished PhD’s per year

  3. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Faculty of Science

  4. Structure of the academicyear 2014-2015: 2 semesters: - Sem 1: start September 22nd 13 weeks of classes and 4 weeks of exams - Sem 2: start February 9th 13 weeks of classes and 5 weeks of exams Holidays: 22/12-4/1 : Christmas Holiday 2/2 – 8/2: course free week 4/4 – 19/4: Easter Holiday

  5. Structure of the academicyear 3 examinationperiods: • 12/1/2014 – 31/1/2015 • 08/6/2015 – 27/6/2015 • 17/8/2015 – 05/9/2015 Announcement of the results : • Midfebruary • Between 29/6 and 3/7 (conditional) • Between 7/9 and 11/9 (conditional) After the announcement of the results, students have 5 calendar days toaskfor feedback and ifnecessaryto register an official complaint.

  6. Administration You can find the administration of the Faculty of Science at the ‘Geel Huis’ (Yellow House) All information concerning administrative issues, study programme, isp, learning agreement, … Exchange students: Isabel.Lauweres@wet.kuleuven.be Master students: Bieke.dutoit@wet.kuleuven.be

  7. Website http://wet.kuleuven.be/english/faculty-of-science

  8. Campus Library Arenberg CBA (Campus bibiotheek Arenberg) Willem de Croylaan 6 bus 2000, 3001 Heverlee arenberg@bib.kuleuven.be http://bib.kuleuven.be/cba 016 32 81 81 Opening times during the academicyear: Monday – Friday: 8.30 – 22.00 Saturday: 9.00 – 13.00

  9. The study guide http://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/opleidingen/e/F_50000405.htm

  10. KULOKET Where to find the link to KULoket: Toledo: http://toledo.kuleuven.be/english/

  11. KULOKET Yourstudent ID and Password, same as for othernetworkservices

  12. KULOKET Whatcanyoufind in KULoket: • Student file • Timetable • ISP • IES (IER) • Results • Re-enrolment • General

  13. Toledo The Electronic Learning Environment at the K.U.Leuven http://toledo.kuleuven.be/english/index.php

  14. Toledo Toledo manual for students http://toledo.kuleuven.be/docs/student_guide.pdf

  15. Course registration for exchange students • Your Learning Agreement is the official paper for the EuropeanCommunity to registeryour courses. • The ISP is the registration for the courses at the K.U.Leuven. • Hand yourfullysigned Learning agreement in at faculty administration by the 8th of October • Deadline registration in ISP isalso8th of October. • NO Changes canbe made after the 8th of October

  16. IndividualStudyProgramme(ISP) ComposeyourIndividualStudyProgrammeby: • Flagging the check boxes of the desired courses • Ifneeded, applyforexemptions or credits • Ifneeded, applyforan exchange programme Deadlines overview: ISP opens the 9th of September andcloses the 8th of October. Changes canbe made in the second semester fromFebruary 9th tillFebruary 25th. User Guide ISP : https://icts.kuleuven.be/docs/at/cm/isp/s/01_isp_student_en http://wet.kuleuven.be/studenten/isp

  17. Examination Schedule IES (IER) The examination schedule is linkedtoyour ISP. Youwillnotbeabletosubmityour ISP without registration of the examination data. RegistrationforExamsopens the 22nd of September! http://icts.kuleuven.be/docs/at/cm/ve/manual

  18. Examination Schedule Opening of ISP: 9th of September (or once you are enrolled for 2014-2015) • Obligatory courses are already marked in your ISP. You will also have been assigned an examination moment • You can already choose the optional courses, but you will not be able to choose an examination date. From 22nd of september • You can choose the examination date for the other courses.

  19. Scheduled activities • Help withfilling out the ISP: 25th of September from 12.30 till 13.45 (PC-room 200C. PC room B) • Ma Statistics: VHI 01.25 • Introductionto the Library: 6october 12.30-13.30 https://wet.kuleuven.be/apps/infosession/ • International Week : 3rd till 7th of November

  20. Information Session for master students • Master of Biology: 30/9at 12.30, Kasteelpark Arenberg 31, 02.44 • Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry andBiotechnology: TBD • Master of Chemistry: tobedetermined • Master of Geography: 22/9 at 3 pm, Celestijnenlaan 200 E, 01.267 • Master of Geology: 13/9 at 11.30 am, Celestijnenlaan 200 E, 03.206 • Master of Physics: 22/9 at 2 pm, Celestijnenlaan 200 D, 05.34 • Master of Mathematics: tobedetermined • Master of Statistics: 22/9 at 2 pm, Celestijnenlaan 200 B, 00.16 • QASS, reduced track: 23/9 at 4.30 pm, MSI, 01.08

  21. StudyabroadFair • When: 6 November 8 pm • Where: GroepT, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13, 3000 Leuven • Weneedyou! Come and give information about your(former) University to ourstudents. • Registerwith Bieke Dutoit

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