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Embrace your identity as a man of faith and authority, equipped through prayer, spirit-led actions, and the power of the Word to fulfill your calling in God's kingdom. Discover your significance and strength through fellowship and service in the ultimate revival. Equip yourself with the spiritual weapons to combat darkness and lead with courage and determination in the battle for souls. Join the ranks of men of valour who walk in faith, prayer, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to achieve victory and prosperity in God's kingdom.
YOUR TRUE IDENTITY "The first man, Adam, became a living person. But the last Adam-that is, Christ-is a life-giving Spirit.” 1Cor15:45 (NLT) Heb 1:11, 11:3, 1Cor15:41, 2Cor 4:18, Eph6:12, 2Kgs 6:14
REFLECTIONS “ I believe God is even now calling Christian laymen. He wants to prepare for dynamic spiritual leadership in the final revival before Jesus comes” Demos - ALTS
REFLECTIONS “ As the Fellowship moves into its strategic time in history, we are anxious that YOU find a place of Service and be trained and equipped to minister effectively through FGBMFI for I know that God has brought us Together for such a time as this.” Demos - ALTS
DEMOS SHAKARIAN “ If you desire to experience this New Dimension, this New Anointing from God, then you’ve got to be READY. YOUwill openyourheart and allow the Holy Spirit to perform a spiritual surgery on your spirit today. God is seeking a PREPARED people to serve Him in POWER” Demos - ANWR – TVI
MEN OF VALOUR Valour : Force Virtue Wealth Strength and power (Judges 6:12-16) – “Go in this thy might, and thou shall save Israel..”)
HE IS A MAN OF FAITH AND AUTHORITY:- • This faith and authority comes from the Word • This faith comes from personal fellowship with the father • This faith is active and not passive. He is determined to see things happen • He is aggressive! Urgent. • He contends for victory and anointing – he fights for it and will not accept defeat! 1 Samuel 17:26,37.45.50 (David’s confession of faith )
HE IS A MAN OF PRAYER:- • He is specific in prayer, he knows what he wants • He intercedes for others • He binds satanic forces • He spends quality time with Jesus and the Word. • His prayer life is strong.
CONT’D:- • Fellowship with God is more important to him than relationships. As a result of believing prayer, the man of valour challenges the devil. He rebukes the enemy. He takes dominion over satan. He commands sickness to leave. He speaks life into a meeting. Prayer and intercession produces confidence, faith and power. Faith is developed in prayer Hebrews 11:6
HE IS A MAN OF THE SPIRIT • He sees with eyes of the Spirit • He doesn’t see obstacles, shortage or lack. He boldly says, “We can do it!” (Num. 13:20, Joshua 1:8) • He rises up and speaks out! He knows what God wants – so he acts on it. He speaks it! Even before it happens he declares it ! (Romans 4:17)
CONT’D • He knows his strength is from God and the Holy Spirit. He relies on the Holy Spirit. • He prays in the Spirit every day – building himself up. He knows Acts 1:8 says you will receive power! Power means: force, ability, strength, influence. • As he prays in the Spirit he has an anointing! He sees things not known in the natural mind. He sees mysteries. Revelation comes as he studies the Word.
CONT’D • He values the anointing of the Spirit! • He will not allow sin and uncleanness to dissipate that anointing. He makes a clean break with sin. • He keeps his mind and spirit clean. He cannot live without this anointing.
HE IS STRONG IN THE WORD • He knows what he believes so he is enthusiastic, positive and persistent! • He has a vibrant faith. The Word of God is alive and meaningful to him. • He believes because he hears God saying to Abraham “Is anything too hard for Me?” (Gen. 18:14) The believer hears God saying it to him.
CONT’D • He sees Joshua marching seven days around Jericho – not quitting in three days or five! He hangs in there too. He is persistent. • He sees himself strong – he agrees with God. Gideon saw himself weak, needy, poor, dangling. God saw him strong, influential and mighty. Gideon talked negative about himself. God talked positive about him
CONT’D • He is not a beggar. Pleading with God to do something – he is dynamic and full of power. • He fills himself with the Word of God. • He knows that his faith is only alive and active as he reads – and meditates on the Word of God. • He knows the Word on healing and health! • He knows the Word on God’s financial plan
CONT’D • He marches out with boldness – he leads with confidence • He knows nothing is too hard for his God • He tears down enemy stronghold
CONT’D • He marches out with boldness – he leads with confidence • He knows nothing is too hard for his God • He tears down enemy stronghold THE MAN OF VALOUR FIGHTS AND WINS! HE PROSPERS! HE SUCEEDS!