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School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Tier 2 Academy

Join the Northeast PBIS Tier 2 Academy for an interactive training on school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS). Learn about Tier 2 systems, data, and practices, and develop action plans for implementing and training staff and students. Gain a working knowledge of Tier 2 outcomes and develop an individualized action plan.

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School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Tier 2 Academy

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  1. School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Tier 2 Academy Northeast PBIS (NEPBIS) Tier 2 Team Training Day 3 Susannah Everett and Lindsay Fallon with support from Brandi Simonsen, Jen Freeman, Adam Feinberg, Lindsay Fallon, Susannah Everett, & George Sugai

  2. Advance Organizer • Review of Tier 2 • Revisiting systems, data, and practices • Getting Started Steps 7-8: • Data for Decision Making at Tier 2 • Updates on Steps 2, 4-6 • Develop a process for installing practices • Develop a process for training students and staff, and for educating/partnering with families • Develop a process for matching student need with practices • Action Planning

  3. MAIN TRAINING OBJECTIVES • Establish Tier 2 leadership team • Establish staff agreements • Build working knowledge of Tier 2 outcomes, data, practices, and systems • Develop individualized action plan for Tier 2 • Organize for implementation

  4. Tier 2 Leadership Team & Technical assistance

  5. Team Training Overview • Day 1: Tier 2 overview, revisiting readiness, Tier 2 Getting started steps 1-3 • Day 2: Getting started steps 4-6 • Day 3: Getting started steps 7-8 • Day 4: Getting started steps 9 and 10, advanced understanding of behavior, preview of Tier 3

  6. Acknowledgements • Michigan’s Integrated Behavior & Learning Support Initiative • Dr. Heather George & FLPBS • Missouri PBIS • Drs. Leanne Hawken, Deanne Crone, and Rob Horner • Midwest PBIS Network

  7. Tools! • nepbis.org • pbis.org Evaluation Plan Action Plan

  8. pbis.org nepbis.org

  9. Legend New Content Review Guidelines +Ex -Ex Activity Training Organization

  10. Training Expectations: RESPECT…

  11. Activity:Please Enter Attendance • 1 min • Please login on nepbis.org, go to the coaches’ tab, and click on the Team Training Attendance Link. Follow prompts to enter team attendance.

  12. Tier 2 Critical Features I.B

  13. Tier 2 Designed to: • Use datato identify students who are at-risk for or currently experiencing emotional and/or behavioral difficulties • Preventthe development or decreasethe frequency and/ or intensity of students’ problem behaviors • Provide standardized interventions that effectivelyand efficientlysupport students yet do not require the time and resources needed to develop individualized plans

  14. Secondary Tier • Secondary Intervention Team • Weekly data-based program review • … SYSTEMS • ~15% of students with 2-5 major ODRs • Increasing pro-social skills of targeted group (as measured by points earned for pro-social behavior) • … OUTCOMES • ODRs • Point card • FACTS • Academic data (CMT, CBM, grades) • … DATA • Screening • More intense and frequent social skills instruction & reinforcement • … PRACTICES

  15. Common Tier 2 Systems Features

  16. Tier 2 Systems What are the key systems features to support staff at Tier 2? Similar to Tier 1! • Team-based implementation • Tier 2 leadership team including staff with behavioral expertise, led by a coordinator • Clear action plan • Staff buy-in • Embedded professional development • Staff recognition for implementation (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, October, 2015)

  17. Functions Pos Reinf Neg Reinf

  18. Guidelines for Culture & Context Culture & Context For each item in your action plan, ensure: • Involve staff, students, & families in development • Contextually/culturally appropriate (e.g., age, level, language) • Examine disaggregated data to ensure implementation of each feature works for all subgroups of students

  19. Checking In on Check-In, Check-Out 7 Dos and Don'ts to Ensure Your CICO Program is the Best https://www.pbisapps.org/community/Pages/7-Dos-and-Don'ts-for-a-Successful-CICO-Program.aspx

  20. Activity:Checking In On Check-In, Check-Out 20 minutes across teams “jigsaw” • Discuss some of your successes implementing CICO, and some of the challenges you’ve tackled. • How did you train staff on CICO? What went well? What do you anticipate this will look like in the future? • How many students are supported by the intervention? Did you start small and scale up, or did you start with a larger # of students? • How is data collection and evaluation going? Did you have to tweak any procedures? • Are you sending progress reports home? How is that going? • Review CICO checklist, Appendix F (p.47)

  21. Getting Started with Tier 2 • Establish an effective Tier 2 leadership team • Develop a process for identifying students in need of additional supports • Select and adopt appropriate Tier 2 practices for your school • Develop a process for installing the selected practice(s) • Develop a process for training staff and students & partnering with/educating families • Develop a process for matching student need to practices • Develop a process for progress monitoring, including data-based decision rules • Develop a process for adjusting or modifying implementation   • Develop evaluation routines for level of use, student progress, and fidelity of implementation • Document procedures, policies, and practices and establish routines Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

  22. Data for Decisions at Tier 2

  23. Critical Features: Tier 2 Systems Tier 2 leadership team including staff with behavioral expertise, led by a coordinator organizes the following… • Formal process for screening and identifying students in need of more than Tier 1 support • Increased precision in data collection related to implementation fidelity and progress monitoring • Access to training and technical assistance on Tier 2 practices and supports (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, October, 2015)

  24. Continuous Quality Improvement Reassess and revise solution(s) as needed Identify problems with precision Monitor outcomes and compare to goal(s) Establish goal(s) DATA Develop solution(s) Implement solution(s) with integrity and fidelity

  25. Steps for Selecting, Monitoring, and Evaluating SWPBIS...and Tier 2 Practices • Step 1: Develop evaluation questions. • Step 2: Identify indicators or measures. • Step 3: Develop methods for collecting and analyzing indicators. • Step 4: Make decisions and action plan from analysis of indicators. What do you want to know? What information can be collected? How/when should information be gathered? How was the question answered and what should be done next?

  26. Scope of Problem All students Small group 1 student Type of problem Academic errors Attendance issues Behavioral issues Time Location Topography Function Questions to ask about your data

  27. Guidelines for Data DATA At Tier 2, data collection should be more frequent and precise, and teams should use data for the following: • Identifying students in need of additional support (e.g., screening) • Selecting and adopting contextually appropriate Tier 2 supports • Matching students’ need with interventions • Monitoring student progress and developing rules for accessing, adjusting, and exiting interventions • Evaluating intervention fidelity and intervention effectiveness • Monitoring school-wide level of use

  28. Questions to ask your data: All students

  29. Getting Started with Tier 2: Revisiting Step 2 • Establish an effective Tier 2 leadership team • Develop a process for identifying students in need of additional supports II.A.ii

  30. Steps for Selecting, Monitoring, and Evaluating SWPBIS...and Tier 2 Practices • Step 1: Develop evaluation questions. • Step 2: Identify indicators or measures. • Step 3: Develop methods for collecting and analyzing indicators. • Step 4: Make decisions and action plan from analysis of indicators. Which students at our school need Tier 2 supports? What data sources (should be multiple!) are we using to identify students? How/when should information be gathered? How often will the Tier 2 team review this data? What decision rules will we develop for access/entry criteria? What do we need to add to our action plan? How will we share this data with staff?

  31. Process for Identifying Students in Need of Additional Supports: Critical Features • Selecting data sources for identifying students • Data selected should be from multiple sources • Include both academic and behavior domains • Include both internalizing and externalizing behavior • Considers motivation of student behavior • A standardized request for assistance form is available to staff, students, and families

  32. Process for Identifying Students in Need of Additional Supports: Multiple Sources Outcomes-Based Preferred Evidence-Based Research-Based Screening Instruments ODRs, Minors Teacher Nom. Attendance, Grades Simple Screeners Nothing Combination ? ? ? ? “Help” Academic Social Skills Anger Mgmt. Coping Skills Organizing Skills

  33. Process for Identifying Students in Need of Additional Supports: Critical Features • Establish decision rules for identifying students • Clear routines for timely response to requests for assistance, data review, and decisions • Team regularly evaluates school-wide level of use whereby 5%-15% of students have access tier 2 supports

  34. Identifying Students: Drake Roosevelt Middle School’s (RMS) Tier 2 support team has received a request for assistance form from Drake’s 7th grade team. Drake is periodically absent from school, has been struggling to complete work both in and outside of school, and when at school frequently visits the nurse for persistent headaches. The Tier 2 team reviews interventions 7th grade teachers have tried (home-school communication, homework club), in conjunction with Drake’s grades (mostly Cs, but a decline from his usual school performance of As and Bs), attendance data (6 days this quarter), and nurse notes (Drake averages 2x week visits). Drake has a few friends but recently stopped attending comic book club afterschool. The team agrees that Drake is a good candidate for additional supports.

  35. Identifying Students: Maria At the same meeting, the RMS Tier 2 coordinator also asks the team to review information regarding Maria. Maria is in 8th grade and received 6 minor office referrals and 3 major referrals across most of her academic subjects this quarter. Her referrals are for talk-outs during class, refusing to follow teacher directions, damaging a classroom bulletin board, and leaving class without permission. This number of referrals meets the team’s decision rule for review. The Tier 2 team reviews prior interventions (restorative meetings following referrals, community service, and Tier 2 academic supports for math) in conjunction with Maria’s grades (B’s and a C in math and PE) and attendance record. They note Maria’s strengths--she has many good friends and does not engage in a lot of 8th grade drama. The team agrees that Maria is also a good candidate for additional supports.

  36. Guidelines for Identifying Students in Need of Additional Supports DATA • Use multiple sources of data (e.g., ODRs, Teacher Requests for Assistance, formal Screeners) • Consider practicality (cost, time, feasibility) • Ensure screeners inform decision making and are reliable and valid • Ensure alignment with district policies and procedures • Develop clear decision rules that address both entry and exit criteria and are matched to the current school context and resources And always remember to consider systems, culture, & context

  37. Activity:Discussionabout Identifying Students in Need of Additional Interventions: Data for Decisions 15 minutes • What data sources did your team decide to use to identify students? Did you develop or revise a request for assistance form? How’s that going? • How often are you reviewing this data? Who is collecting and organizing this information? How have you communicated this information with your staff? • What are your decision rules around access to additional supports? What are your entry criteria? • Do you have anything you need to add to your action plan?

  38. Questions to ask your data: Small groups

  39. Getting Started with Tier 2: Revisiting Step 6 • Establish an effective Tier 2 leadership team • Develop a process for identifying students • Select and adopt appropriate Tier 2 practices for your school • Develop a process for Installing the selected practice(s) • Develop a process for training staff and students & partnering with/educating families • Develop a process for matching student need to practices II.A.vi

  40. Develop a Process for Matching Student Need to Practices: Critical Features • Match students to interventions based on specific needs (e.g., academic and behavioral skills, performance vs. skill deficits) • Match students to interventions using relevant data • Consider both the intensity of student’s behavior and behavioral function • Multiple Tier 2 interventions (with documented evidence/effectiveness) in place to match to student need • Consider cultural and contextual factors and adapt accordingly

  41. Setting Students Up for Success Interventions that are likely to work (evidence-based) Better Student Outcomes Better Match to Good Tools Intervention Effort Outcome

  42. Steps for Selecting, Monitoring, and Evaluating SWPBIS...and Tier 2 Practices • Step 1: Develop evaluation questions. • Step 2: Identify indicators or measures. • Step 3: Develop methods for collecting and analyzing indicators. • Step 4: Make decisions and action plan from analysis of indicators. How will we match student need to our Tier 2 interventions? What data sources will we use to support these decisions? How/when should information be gathered? How often will the Tier 2 team review this data? What decision rules will we develop for access/entry criteria? What do we need to add to our action plan? How will we share this process with staff?

  43. Grouping Common Needs: Guiding Questions • Do the students have similar instructional needs? • Do the students have both academic and emotional/behavioral needs? • Are the students’ academic needs similar? • Are the functions of behavior (assessed informally) similar across students?

  44. Thinking about Meeting Student Needs with Tier 2 Practices Barrett, et al. (2014)

  45. Example: Data Review Summary(adapted from PBIS Illinois, 2014) Results/Conclusions MTSS team had 25 students this quarter needing additional supports Areas of concern 1. Pro-social skills a. Replacement behaviors for avoidance, withdrawal, etc. b. Examples: Friendship Skills and Relationship Building 2. Problem-solving skills a. Replacement behaviors for fighting, arguing, etc. b. Examples: Anger Management Skills and Self Management 3. Academic Behavior skills a. Replacement behaviors for getting out of seat, poor study habits, talking out during instruction, etc. b. Examples: Study/Organizational Skills and Self-Management Skills

  46. APPROPRIATE Low-level problem behavior (reoccurring minor incidents) 2-5 referrals (office referrals) Behavior occurs across multiple locations Examples talking out minor disruption work completion INAPPROPRIATE Serious or violent behaviors/ infractions Extreme chronic behavior (8-10+ referrals) Require more individualized support functional assessment wrap around services Matching Intervention to Student Need: CICO

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