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Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology. Chapter 6 Part I. Why Study Anatomy?. Understand how the human body functions as an integrated whole. Recognize changes from the norm. Determine a scientific basis for the proper application of services and products

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Anatomy and Physiology

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  1. Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 6 Part I

  2. Why Study Anatomy? • Understand how the human body functions as an integrated whole. • Recognize changes from the norm. • Determine a scientific basis for the proper application of services and products • Without knowledge of facial bones and muscle structure make-up applications might be difficult

  3. Knowledge of head contours, bones, and muscle structure will help with shampooing, manipulations, haircuts and hairstyles. • Create a style based on your knowledge of facial bones and muscle structure. • Recognize the facial bones, nerves, and muscle structure when performing a facial.

  4. Perform manipulations involving the face, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, feet, lower legs safely and effectively as a result of your understanding of bones, muscles, nerves, and circulation.

  5. Understanding anatomy and physiology will help you be more proficient at performing professional salon services.

  6. Anatomy • The study of the structures of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye, and what they are made up of; the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts.

  7. Physiology • The study of the functions and activities performed by the body structure.

  8. Histology • The study of the science of the minute structures of organic tissues; microscopic anatomy.

  9. Homeostasis is the maintenance of normal, internal stability in the organism. – write in on pp 113 • Molecules of energy turn to fat if they are not used – write in on pp 114

  10. Cells • The basic unit of all living things • Without cells, life does not exist • Responsible for carrying on all life processes

  11. Basic Construction of the cell • Protoplasm – a colorless jellylike substance in which food elements are present • Visualize the white of a raw egg • Nucleus – dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell. • Plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism • Visualize the nucleus as the yolk of a raw egg

  12. Cytoplasm – is all the protoplasm of a cell except what is in the nucleus • The watery fluid that contains food material necessary for growth, reproduction, and self-repair of the cell • Cell Membrane – encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell

  13. Cell Structure • Animal Cell Anatomy - EnchantedLearning.com

  14. Cell Reproduction and Division • Mitosis – dividing into two (2) identical cells called daughter cells • If conditions are favorable the cell will grow and reproduce • Adequate supply of food, oxygen and water; suitable temperatures; ability to eliminate waste products

  15. Unfavorable conditions the cell will become impaired or may be destroyed • Toxinsand disease

  16. Cell Metabolism • Metabolism – is a chemical process that takes place in all living organisms, whereby all cells are nourished and carry out their activities

  17. Anabolism • Is constructive metabolism, the process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones • The body stores water, food, oxygen for cell growth and repair

  18. Catabolism • Is the phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within the cells into smaller ones • Anabolism and Catabolism are carried out simultaneously and continually

  19. Tissues • Collection of similar cells that perform a particular function • Specific function and can be recognized by its characteristic appearance • 60 – 90% water

  20. Connective Tissue • Serves to support, protect and bind together • Bone cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fascia, fat or adipose tissue

  21. Epithelial Tissue • Protective covering on body surfaces • Skin, mucous membranes, lining of the heart, digestive, and respiratory organs, and glands

  22. Liquid Tissue • Blood and lymph, carries food, waste products, and hormones through the body

  23. Muscular Tissue • Contracts and moves the various parts of the body

  24. Nerve Tissue • Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions • Special cells (neurons), which make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord

  25. Organs • Groups of tissue designed to perform a specific function • Table 6-1 pp 115

  26. Body Systems • Groups of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions • Ten (10) major systems • Table 6-2 pp 116

  27. Endocrine Systempp 137 • Group of specialized glands that affect growth, development, sexual activities, and health of the entire body • Glands – specialized organs that remove certain elements from the blood to convert them into new compounds

  28. Exocrine glands • Duct glands –produce a substance that travels through small tube-like ducts • Sweat (Sudoriferous) • Oil (Sebaceous) glands • Intestinal glands

  29. Endocrine glands • Ductless glands release secretions called hormones • Pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland • Insulin, adrenaline and estrogen, stimulate functional activity or secretion

  30. Digestive System • Gastrointestinal • Responsible for changing food into nutrients and waste • Digestive enzymes are chemicals that change certain kinds of food into a form that can be used by the body • A soluble form • Takes about nine (9) hours to complete process

  31. Excretory System • Responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste • Metabolism of body produces toxins that must be removed to prevent poisoning of the body

  32. Organs of the Excretory System • Kidneys excrete urine • Liver discharges bile • Skin eliminates perspiration • Large intestines eliminates decomposed and undigested food • Lungs exhale carbon dioxide

  33. Respiratory System • Located within the chest cavity • Enables breathing • Lungs and air passages • Lungs are spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells in which inhaled air is exchanged for carbon dioxide • Diaphragm is a muscular wall that separates the thorax from the abdominal region and helps control breathing

  34. Inhalation • Breathing in • Oxygen is absorbed into the blood • Exhalation • Breathing out • Carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs

  35. Integumentary System • Skin and its various accessory organs • Oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails • Covered in depth in chapter 7

  36. Circulatory Systempp 131 • Cardiovascular or vascular system • Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body • Heart • Blood vessels

  37. Two (2) Divisions • Blood Vascular • Heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries • Distributes blood throughout the body • Lymph Vascular • Aid to the blood system • Lymph, lymphatics (lymph vessels), lymph nodes and other structures

  38. Lymph • Clear, yellowish fluid that circulates in the lymphatics • Carries waste and impurities away from the cells

  39. The Heart • Body’s pump • Muscular cone-shaped organ that keeps blood moving within the circulatory system • Pericardium – membrane that encloses the heart

  40. Heart • Approximate size of your closed fist • Weighs approximately 9 ounces • Located in the chest cavity • Regulated by the Vagus or Tenth (10th) Cranial Nerve • 72 – 80 beats per minute resting

  41. Heart Structure • Four (4) chambers and four (4) valves • Right and Left Atrium • Thin walled upper chambers • Right and Left Ventricle • Thick walled lower chambers • Valves – between chambers allow the blood to flow in only one (1) direction

  42. Blood is in constant and continuous circulation from the heart, throughout the body and back to the heart • Pulmonary Circulation • Blood flows from the heart to the lungs to be purified • Systemic Circulation • General circulation carried the blood from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart

  43. Circulation Flow • Blood –from body – to right atrium • Right atrium – through tricuspid valve – to right ventricle • Right ventricle – to lungs – considered oxygen rich • Oxygen rich – returns to heart – left atrium • Left atrium – through mitral valve - to right ventricle – • Blood leaves left ventricle – to the body

  44. Google Image Result for http://library.thinkquest.org/2935/Natures_Best/Nat_Best_High_Level/Circulatory_Net_Pages/Circulatory_Graphics/Heart.moov.gif

  45. Blood Vessels • Tube like structures • Function is to transport blood to and from the heart to various tissues of the body

  46. Arteries • Thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the capillaries • Largest is the aorta

  47. Capillaries • Minute, thin-walled blood vessels connecting smaller arteries to the veins • Brings nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials

  48. Veins • Thin-walled blood vessels less elastic than arteries • Cuplike valves that prevent backflow and carry blood containing waste products from capillaries to the heart • Located closer to the outer skin than arteries

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