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Pregnancy. Outcomes. SCO 2.9: recognize the signs of pregnancy and the importance of early prenatal care SCO 2.10: evaluate the different options related to unintended pregnancy and explore the challenges related to each of these options, including the challenges of teen parenting.

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  1. Pregnancy

  2. Outcomes • SCO 2.9: recognize the signs of pregnancy and the importance of early prenatal care • SCO 2.10: evaluate the different options related to unintended pregnancy • and • explore the challenges related to each of these options, including the challenges of teen parenting

  3. Follow these links for some visually stunning simulations of the birthing process… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-Qa_LD2m4&feature=related • http://www.emedicinehealth.com/slideshow_stages_of_pregnancy_pictures/article_em.htm • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-Qa_LD2m4&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS1ti23SUSw • http://www.medicinenet.com/pregnancy/focus.htm • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yk5sH5hPCQ

  4. Suggested sites… • http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy Baby Center.com • http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/preg-gros/index-eng.php Health Canada • http://www.pregnancy.com/ Pregnancy.com • http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/landing-page.aspx What to Expect When You’re Expecting • http://www.medicinenet.com/pregnancy/focus.htm Medicine. net

  5. Videos http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-fertilization_10354435.bc Fertilization http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-girl-or-boy_10313041.bc Boy or Girl? http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-how-food-reaches-your-baby_10354438.bc How Food reaches your baby http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-how-smoking-affects-your-baby_10354439.bc How Smoking affects your baby • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-fertilization_10354435.bc • Fertilization • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-girl-or-boy_10313041.bc • Boy or Girl? • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-how-food-reaches-your-baby_10354438.bc • How Food reaches your baby • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-how-smoking-affects-your-baby_10354439.bc • How Smoking affects your baby

  6. Videos • 1st Trimester • Weeks 1 - 9 • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-1-to-9_10302602.bc • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-10-to-14_10308108.bc • Weeks 10 - 14

  7. Videos • 2nd Trimester • Weeks 15 - 20 • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-15-to-20_10308111.bc • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-21-to-27_10312242.bc • Weeks 21 - 27

  8. Videos • 3rd Trimester • Weeks 28 - 37 • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-28-to-37_3658874.bc • Labour and Birth • http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-labor-and-birth_3658872.bc

  9. To Do: Research the topic of pregnancy and present your findings in a PWPTor brochure style or INFOgraphicformat. You should include information on the following: • Ovulation and timing the pregnancy • Signs and symptoms of pregnancy • the three stages (trimesters) of pregnancy • inducing labour (initiating/starting the birthing event) • the importance of pre-natal care(nutrition, exercise, substance abuse, lifestyle, etc. and their impact/effect on health of baby and mother.) • (*Natal = birth!) • the consequences of unintended pregnancy and teen pregnancy • There is a lot of vocabulary to be familiar with when it comes to understanding pregnancy, so… a glossary of pregnancy terms (include pictures?) (a visual dictionary) should be included *You and your partner(s) should present your findings in a PowerPoint or or Brochure or INFOgraphic format! (samples of INFOgraphics will be provided in class!!)

  10. To Do: • How much does it cost to raise a child? ($) • http://www.moneysense.ca/2011/08/10/the-real-cost-of-raising-kids/ • Read the article, summarize various categories discussed, and compare Canada to other countries. To Do: Find the section about teen pregnancy statistics in Canada using the following link and summarize your findings. http://www.sexualityandu.ca/sexual-healthFind

  11. To Do: • Check out the following links and provide a summary of what you learn about abortion in Canada. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Canada • http://www.halifaxsexualhealth.ca/ • http://www.halifaxsexualhealth.ca/index.php?q=content/abortion-counselling-and-referrals • http://www.halifaxsexualhealth.ca/index.php?q=content/pregnancy-options

  12. To Do: • NOVA (PBS) - Life’s Greatest Miracle • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/life-greatest-miracle.html • Write one full, well-written paragraph after viewing this video. • ** We’ll view it in class!!

  13. To Do: • Email your PWPT to me: • murrayk@hrsb.ca • by Tuesday, May 28th!! • Thank You! • (*Make sure your name(s) are on it!!)

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