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Satellite Geophysics Network. joint effort for research&applications since 2006. Prof. Z. Kłos, dr I. Stanisławska, dr M. Rataj Space Research Centre PAS. Space Research Centre PAS - coordinator Institut of Geophysics PAS Institut of Geodesy&Cartography
Satellite GeophysicsNetwork joint effort for research&applications since 2006 Prof. Z. Kłos, dr I. Stanisławska, dr M. Rataj Space Research Centre PAS
Space Research Centre PAS - coordinator Institut of Geophysics PAS Institut of Geodesy&Cartography Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology PARTNERS
The Satellite Geophysics Network combinesscientists’ and engineers’ efforts to carry out pure and applied space related research in Geophysics. The Earth’s sciences from space and satellite instrumentation technology are the main track of the Network to come closer to the frontier, as well as sharing and transfer of knowledge. MISSION
The Network efficiency and product quality are related to: human capital (cooperation of PhD Schools), new space related projects, number of new proposals, publications & data acquisition, outreach to the public. MANAGEMENT
The performance profile is annually reported for evaluation to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Institutes of Network were evaluated in 2004 with respect to space technology in the frame of “Industry Assessment of Poland for Space Activities” done by Bertin Technologies for ESA. REPORTING
The cross-scale phenomena in Ionosphere,magnetosphere and Earth`magnetism, Atmosphere (aerosols, electricity), Earth` surface ecosystem, Geodynamics and gravimetry. Area of joint Activity
Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences is a governmental, non-profit, research organization that was established in 1976. The fields of scientific interest of the Space Research Centre (SRC) are - remote sensing, - satellite geodesy, - space weather, - geodynamics, - the solar system, - extraterrestrial environmental physics. To support these areas of interest, a wide range of technically advanced instruments have been developed. Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences
SRC scientists serve as elected officers of nine scientific international organisations. The scientific staff consists of 25 senior scientists (13 professors and 12 habilitated doctors) and 23 PhD researchers. They are supported by 17 specialists (physicists, mathematicians, programmers, geodesists and observes). The Design and Applications Branch employs 15 designers and 10 technical support people. Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences
The SRC has developed and manufactured space-qualified hardware for over 40 space missions. For the last 15 years the space instruments made in the institute studied or are going to examine the Earth’s orbit and deeper space in the frame of satellite projects and missions: APEX, CORONAS I, Interball–2, CASSINI/HUYGENS, PRIRODA/MIR, CLUSTERS, CORONAS-F, INTEGRAL, ROSETTA, MARS EXPRESS , VENUS EXPRESS and HERSCHEL. Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography was founded in 1945.The Institute has a legal status, acting on the basis of regulations concerning research institutions. Since 2001 the Minister of Infrastructure has supervised the Institute. The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography is authorised to confer doctor's degree in the field of geodesy, cartography and remote sensing and conducts post-diploma studies. The main task of the Institute is to do research in the field of geodesy and related disciplines for the needs of science, geodetic and cartographic service, public life, administration and state security. The Institute works for different ministries, governmental and self-governmental authorities, domestic and foreign scientific institutions and for geodetic/cartographic enterprises, regardless of their type of legal status. The Institute collaborates with many institutions in Poland and abroad. The main directions of scientific activity of the Institute are geodesy, cartography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, information systems, designing and construction of geodetic and cartographic instruments. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography IGiK
The Remote Sensing Centre is the research department within the Institute. It is the main centre in Poland dealing with digital processing of multisource satellite / aerial images and with using remotely sensed information for multidisciplinary purposes. Extensive experience of the Centre in remote sensing and GIS applications resulted in its recognising as the National Focal Point for undertaking joint international activities, related to Earth Observation programmes. Activities of the Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Centre cover the broad range of research and application-oriented works. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
Institute performs investigations in following fields: Seismology Earth's Interior Dynamics Earth Magnetism Water Resources Atmospheric Physics Polar Reasearches Experimental basis located in geophysical observatories Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Geophysical Observatories of IG PAS
Measurements of: Solar Radiation (UV and total) Surface Albedo Total Ozone Content Total Water Vapour Content Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties Trace Gases and PM10 monitoring Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Atmospheric Physics • Instrumentation: • Pyranometers, UV Biometers • Ozone spectrometers (Brewer, Dobson) • LIDAR and Sunphotometers • Analyzers of Trace Gases and Particulate Matter (PM10)
Cooperation with COPAL Validation of LIDAR measurements Profile of Aerosol Backscatter and Extinction Spatial Variability of Surface Albedo Spatial Variability of Aerosol Properties Spatial Variability of Trace Gases Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Atmospheric Physics
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Magnetism Geomagnetic observatories Belsk, Hel and Hornsund operated by Institute of Geophysics PAS. All 3 observatories belong to INTERMAGNET network.
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Schumann resonance observations (magnetic and electric elements) are carried out in Belsk and Hornsund (Spitsbergen) Magnetism
Magnetotelluric soudings – simultaneously recording magnetic elements and currents flowing in Earth. Such work is carried out in many locations in Poland. X Ey Y Ex
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Numerical modelling Water Resources One of the basic information indispensable for hydrologic modeling is the terrain topography with the inclusion of floodplains. Water Resources Department carries out the research studies and also experimental investigations in the Upper Narew Catchment. Digital Terrain Model has been constructed for hydrological purposes and it is based upon in situ field measurements and topographic maps. Due to very difficult excess to many sites only a selected area has been embraced by field measurements. In the remaining part the measurements are almost impossible to be carried out. One of the ways to gain topographic data is the use of laser scanning (LIDAR). That method is considered the quickest and the most accurate way of the collection of information on the land cover. A very important feature of that method is its independence from weather conditions and its ability to penetrate the vegetation. Valley section River section
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Flood area Water Resources • Application of hydrological models of the flood wave transformation requires their calibration based on the measuring data: historical series of water levels at gauges and remote observations (satellite and aerial photographs) • Particularly important is the spatial information remotely received independently from weather conditions (there is significant cloud cover during floods) and allowing for the penetration of vegetation Flood at Narvia river
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Soil moisture Water Resources Cooperation within SMOS project – ground based observation of Narvia river. Observation tools - L-BAND RADIOMETER, for instance. Observations from the plane are most welcome.
Potential goals for cooperation with COPAL as a task: Remote sensing hyperspectral measurements, Microwave imaging, Validation of ground based measurements by means of airborne techniques, Atmospheric measurements usable for navigation and positioning, Validation of satellite data, Development of airborne scientific instrumentation. Satellite Geophysics Network