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What Matters to me: a tale of rosary beads, earrings - a new vital sign

Join Geraldine Marsh as she shares the transformative story of understanding patients' needs beyond medical assessments. Discover the importance of asking patients what truly matters to them in their healthcare journey, shifting the focus from 'What's the matter' to 'What matters to you.' Through real-life experiences like Rose's and Barbara's, learn how listening and acting on patients' priorities can enhance their well-being. Explore the impact of considering individual preferences in healthcare decisions through David's inspirational journey. Embrace the concept of patient-centered care by asking, listening, and acting on what truly matters to each person. Experience the power of empathy and understanding in healthcare practice. Join the movement of meaningful healthcare interactions that prioritize patient values and preferences.

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What Matters to me: a tale of rosary beads, earrings - a new vital sign

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Matters to me: a tale of rosary beads, earrings - a new vital sign Geraldine Marsh Associate Chief Nurse Scottish Quality & Safety Fellow NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde @geraldinemars11

  2. Patient Assessment & Diagnosis • Early Warning Scores • Bloods • ECG’s • X rays • Mobility • Exercise • Functional ADL’s • BUT

  3. What Matters to them?

  4. Flip Health Care from ‘What’s the matter’ to ‘What matters to you’

  5. “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has,” Hippocrates approximately 2,400 years ago.

  6. Jen Rodger’s and her team were asking children what mattered to them, why could we not ask older people what and who mattered to them?

  7. What’s important to me What’s Important to me 1st Draft

  8. Rose’s story 88 year old with advanced dementia Admitted following a fall at home, had little safety awareness, would often try to mobilise unaided and would often become distressed. Frequently fell while in hospital and sustained a # NOF

  9. Barbara • 92 year who was admitted following a fall at home • Nursing staff knew everything about her; • They knew she lived alone, was partially sighted, was mobile with a zimmer, had home care 4 times a day, her next of kin is her daughter. • She required further physiotherapy and a home assessment prior to discharge...... But wasn’t complying, medical staff considered anti depressants • We knew everything about her ……. Or did we ?

  10. David Story

  11. Spread

  12. Ask what matters • Listen to what matters • Do what matters • Stop seeing the patient. Start seeing the person

  13. So.................. • Asked what matters • Listened to what matters • Did we do what matters ? • Testing within GORU asking patients what will make today a good day for you ?

  14. Thank you for listening Special thanks to Jen Rodgers & Paediatric team at Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow for the Inspiration @geraldinemars11 @ jenfrodgers

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