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The History and Health Benefits of Yogurt

Explore the timeline of yogurt's creation and industrial production, learn about its nutritional benefits, and discover its potential health benefits. Also, find interesting facts about yogurt and ideas for incorporating it into your diet.

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The History and Health Benefits of Yogurt

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  1. YOGURT By: Randy Celmar and David Fung

  2. History Timeline 6,000 B.C.– First created in Central Asia 1919- First industrial Production by a man named Isaac Carasso in Barcelona. 1700s- Brought to North America 1960s- soared in popularity The name “yogurt” originated from Turkey

  3. What’s in It? Calcium Protein Potassium Magnesium Riboflavin Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 • Yogurts also contains: • Nutritional benefits beyond those of milk • “Good Bacteria” • People who are moderately lactose intolerant may consume yogurt without receiving ill effects.

  4. Health Benefits • Probiotics: the “good bacteria” that fights off the bad bacterias. • Reduces the risk of cancer • Enhances digestion • Build strong bones and teeth • Boost immune system • Improves lactose intolerance • Prevents acne and builds clear skin • Low in cholesterol • Increase in metabolism

  5. Serving Size It is recommended that everyone should consumeat least 1 cup of yogurt per day 1 cup or 8 ounces

  6. “side Kicks” of Yogurt Cheese! Buttermilk Soy Yogurt Sour Cream

  7. Interesting Facts • The process of making yogurt is similar to that of beer, wine and cheese. • Yogurt supplies double the protein of milk because it’s usually thickened with non-fat milk solids.

  8. Yogurt in your diet Eat it for breakfast! Add fruits to it! Healthy Snack! Smoothies!

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