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Chronicles of Early Civilizations: Social Studies Essentials

Dive into the ancient world with key terms, artifacts, map reading guides, and insights on prehistoric and river valley civilizations. Learn important facts about Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus, and China.

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Chronicles of Early Civilizations: Social Studies Essentials

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  1. Chapter 1 9th Grade Review

  2. Unit OneMethods of Social Studies -Key Terms of Social Studies Artifact- human-made objects of past cultures such as tool or weapons Culture- way of life Civilization- complex culture Cultural Diffusion- the spreading of one culture to another - Sources of Information - Primary Sources -First Hand Account written by the person who experienced the event examples: diary, journal, autobiography - Secondary Sources - Account that was written by someone that did not witness the event examples: textbook, biography

  3. Unit OneMethods of Social Studies (Pg.2) -Important Professions Archaeologist - studies past cultures ( archaeology) Cartographer- map maker Geographer- studies the natural features of the Earth (geology) Anthropologist- study artifacts to learn how ancient people lived (anthropology) -Keys to Reading a Map Latitude- lines that run across a map Equator: 0 degrees latitude Longitude- lines that run up/down on a map Prime Meridian: 0 degrees longitude Map Key – describes information on the map (Look at Map Key and Title of Map for basic info)

  4. Unit TwoPrehistoric Civilizations • Paleolithic Age “ Old Stone Age ” Paleolithic People were primarily nomads • Neolithic Age “ New Stone Age ” Began to develop technology to meet basic needs • Neolithic Revolution - change from nomadic life to the development of permanent settlements ( Development of Agriculture and the Domestication of Animals)

  5. Unit ThreeAncient River Valley Civilizations • Early Civilizations - Early governments either ruled by one individual or a council of elders - Traditional economy ( based on agriculture) - Polytheistic religion - Early system of writing - As they developed a surplus of food, began to specialize in other jobs ( Barter Economy- the exchange of goods) The four main early civilizations (1) Egypt, (3) Indus River Valley Civilizations (2)Mesopotamia (4) China - Developed along rivers to provide fresh water for their crops, domesticated animals and themselves and provided transportation.

  6. (1) Egypt Important Facts • Located in North Africa • Settled along the Nile River • Polytheistic religion • Mummification- preparation of the dead for the afterlife • Egyptian ruler was known as a Pharaoh • System of writing known as Hieroglyphics • Built pyramids that served as tombs for the pharaohs and later for wealthy individuals

  7. Map of Ancient Egypt

  8. (2) Mesopotamia Important Facts - “ Land between two Rivers ” • Area located in the Middle East • Fertile Crescent region- area of fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers • Area was the considered the crossroads of the world • Constant warfare due to lack of natural boundaries • First Civilization –Sumerians • System of writing- Cuneiform ( Wedge-shaped writing) Important Individuals • Hammurabi ( 1st written law code)

  9. Map of Mesopotamia

  10. (3) Indus River Valley Important Facts -Located in India along the Indus River Valley -Two main cities- Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro - Known for their highly structured grid pattern -Monsoons have great impact on their culture Dry Season- Air comes from the Northern Mountains Wet Season- Air comes from the Southern Oceans -Later evolved into the Mauryan Empire

  11. Map of Indus River Valley Civ

  12. (4) China • Located along the Huang He or Yellow River • Due to natural boundaries, isolated from other civilizations • Isolation led to the development of a unique culture • Middle Kingdom Concept- Chinese civilization was the center of the Earth • Ethnocentrism- Their culture was far better than any other civilizations • Developed dynasties to rule China ( Tang and Song Dynasties) • Mandate of Heaven concept- need the approval of god to rule over the people • Later Development of the Silk Road- ( Trade Route) -opened up trade with the west. As a result, new Chinese goods moved west, while new Western products flowed into China

  13. Map of Ancient China

  14. Unit 4Classical Civilizations The two classical civilizations are; (1) Greece (2) Rome - Each had a strong,well-organized government and a prosperous economy - These civilizations took over vast amounts of land and other cultures.

  15. (1) GREECE - Collection of independent city states due to mountainous region • Two most famous city-states; Athens and Sparta • Athens- Valued education and democracy • Sparta- Valued militarism • Trojan War- Greek City-states vs. the Persians • Peloponnesian Wars- wars between Athens and Sparta Important Individuals - Alexander the Great- Hellenistic culture - Socrates, Aristotle, Plato – Greek philosophers

  16. Map of the Greek Empire

  17. (2) ROME • Developed the Republic form of government (government officials that represented the citizens) • Most powerful governing body was the Senate • Patricians- landowning upper class • Plebeians - working middle class • Pax Romana- 200 years of Roman Peace, Golden Age of Rome • Twelve Tables of Roman Law- greatest contribution of the Romans • Decline of the Roman Empire resulted in : Eastern Half: Byzantine Empire Western Half: Middle Ages in Europe

  18. Map of the Roman Empire

  19. Unit FiveBeliefs Systems 1) Animism - Belief system of early man - Belief that every living and nonliving thing in nature has a spirit - Polytheistic religion (2) Judaism - Monotheistic religion of the Hebrews - Code of Conduct: Ten Commandments - Central Belief: Covenant (Promise) with God if they follow the Ten Commandments then they will be the chosen people - Sacred Text: Torah - Established the Kingdom of Israel with Jerusalem as its capital

  20. Unit 5Belief Systems ( Page 4) (3) Christianity - Rooted in Judaism - Code of Conduct: Ten Commandments - Central Belief: Jesus is the Messiah or savior sent by God - Sacred Text: Bible ( Old Testament: Torah, New Testament: Gospels) (4) Islam - Based on the teachings of Muhammad ( prophet of Allah, or God) - Monotheistic religion - Central Beliefs: Five Pillars of Islam - Sacred text: Koran ( Quran)

  21. Unit 5Belief Systems ( Page 4) (5) Hinduism - Belief system of India - Polytheistic religion - Main belief is to unify one’s spirit with the Brahman, - Unification process takes many lifetimes, (reincarnation) - Beliefs rooted concept of karma and dharma - Beliefs introduced caste system ( rigid social class structure) - Sacred Texts: Vedas ( prayers) and Upanishads ( beliefs)

  22. Caste System of India Brahmin (Priests) Kshatriyas (Warriors) Vaisyas (middle class) Sudras (servants/farmers) Untouchables (peasants)

  23. Unit 5Belief Systems ( Page 2) (6) Buddhism - Founder Siddhartha Gautama ( Buddha-Enlightened One) - Central Philosophy :Four Noble Truths - Code of Conduct: The Eightfold Path - Accepts Hindus beliefs in reincarnation, karma, dharma - Rejects Hindus castes system - Sacred Text: Three Baskets of Wisdom ( collection of teachings) (7) Confucianism - Teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius - Every person has certain duties and responsibilities according to position - Key Text: The Analects

  24. Unit 5Belief Systems ( Page 3) (8) Taoism (Daoism) - Chinese Philosophy founded by Laozi - Central Belief: people live in harmony with nature - Code of Conduct: Tao, or Way with the universe - Balance between forces in natures ( yin and yang) - Sacred Text: The Way of Virtue (9) Legalism - Chinese Philosophy - In order to create a stable society the ruler should have absolute power - Citizens should have unquestioning obedience toward the government - Severe punishment for disobedience

  25. Unit 5Belief Systems ( Page 5) (10) Shintoism - Ancient Religion of Japan - Polytheistic religion - Religion of festivals and rituals that centered on respect for nature - Worshipped the Kami, or spirits that controlled the forces of nature

  26. Unit 6Other Cultures • Japan - Archipelago ( chain of islands) - Limited natural resources, relied on sea for food and trade with China (cultural diffusion - Early Japan was organized into clans, or family groups • Japanese Feudalism (1) Emperor - highest rank in society, no political power (2) Shogun - actual political ruler (3) Daimyo - powerful landowners (4) Samurai- warriors that protected their lords (5) Peasants and Artisans (6) Merchants – low social status due to did not produce goods - Bushido- Samurai code of loyalty (similar to chivalry)

  27. Map of Japan

  28. Unit 6Other Cultures ( Page 2) • Byzantine Empire - Former Eastern half of Roman Empire - Capital Constantinople – founded by Emperor Constantine - Preserved Roman culture during European Middle Ages - Justianian’s Code- law code that organized Roman law • Russia - Rooted in Byzantine culture - Cyrillic alphabet – written language taken from the Byzantines - Orthodox Christianity- Russian religion taken from the Byzantines

  29. Map of the Byzantine Empire

  30. Unit 6 Other Cultures ( Page 3) • Islamic Cultures - Comprised lands in the Middle East, North Africa, India and Spain - Caliph- religious successor to Muhammad - Split within Islam - Sunnis – believed the caliph should be chosen by Muslim leaders - Shiites- believed only descendents from Muhammad should be his successors - During Islam’s Golden Age developed many achievements in mathematics, medicine, literature and art

  31. Unit 6Other Cultures ( Page 4) • Africa - Geographic Areas (1) Savanna ( grassy plains) (2)Deserts ( dry barren lands) (3) Tropical Rain forests, (4) Mediterranean climates ( moderate temperatures, good farming, located on tips of African continent)

  32. Geographic Map of Africa

  33. Unit 6Other Cultures ( Page 5) - Early African Kingdoms 1) Western African Kingdoms - Ghana - Mali ( Mansa Musa- powerful ruler that brought Islam to North Africa) - Songhai Involved in Trans-Saharan Trade (Gold and Salt) 2) Eastern African Kingdoms -Kush -Axum 3) Southern African Kingdoms -Great Zimbabwe- African empire in Southern Africa

  34. Map of Early African Kingdoms

  35. Unit 6Other Cultures (Pg. 6) China - Two main dynasties 1) Tang 2) Song -Lasting Contributions - Civil Service Examinations - Movable type -Gunpowder -Porcelain -Advancements in Math -Mongols - Nomadic Herders from Northern Asia that took over China and Southeast Asia -Kublai Khan/Genghis Khan -Silk Road -Main trade route from China to the West

  36. Tang and Song Dynasties

  37. Unit 7 Middle Ages - Western Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire - Franks- led by Charlemagne - Germanic tribes that took control of Western Europe after the Romans - Formed alliance with Christian Church, spread Christianity throughout Europe - Feudalism – form of government during the Middle Ages Feudal Contract = Lord (Land) Vassal (Money/Military Service - Manorialism – form of economy during the Middle Ages Manor ( self-sufficient feudal village) - Roman Catholic Church- most powerful institution during the Middle Ages ( provided stability and structure during time of constant warfare between feudal kingdoms)

  38. Unit 7 Middle Ages ( Page 2) King Lords Lessor Lords (Nobles) Knights Peasants Chivalry- Code of Conduct for Knights (similar to Bushido)

  39. Map of Feudal Europe

  40. Unit 7Middle Ages ( Page 2) • Crusades - 200 year holy war between the Roman Catholic Church and the Muslims to regain Palestine ( the Holy Land) Negatives - Failed to regain the Holy Land Positives - Resulted in Increased Trade with the Middle East - Revived interest in learning as European were introduced to Byzantine and Muslim culture - Increased the power of the Monarchs as the Feudal nobles lost control of their land and power -Middle Ages Ended Due to two events: (1) Bubonic Plaque (2) Hundred Years War

  41. Major Battles of the Crusades

  42. Unit 8Renaissance “ Rebirth in Greek and Roman Culture” - Period of time of great creativity and change in Europe - Began in Italy in the mid 1300s and spread northward into Europe - Due to Vast amount of wealth generated form trade with the Middle East and willingness to promote art and education - Concept of Humanism - Invention of the Printing Press ( Johann Gutenberg) - books became more available, literacy increased, ideas spread rapidly - Printed in the Vernacular ( Local Languages) rather than in Latin

  43. Unit 9Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation • Europeans broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed new Christian Churches ( ended religious unity in Europe) Causes of the Protestant Reformation - Renaissance led people to question the Roman Catholic Church’s authority - Objections to Church abuses such as selling indulgences Protestant Reformers - Martin Luther ( 95 Theses) - John Calvin ( Calvinists) - Anglican Church- Protestant Church of England

  44. Unit 9 (Page 2) Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation Counter Reformation - Reform movement within the Roman Catholic Church - Purpose was to strengthen the Catholic Church and to keep Catholics from converting to the Protestant Churches Reforms - Council of Trent - Catholic council that guided the reform movement -Ignatius Loyola - Founded Society of Jesus (Jesuits) that defended the Catholic faith, strict obedience to Church law

  45. Unit 10Rise of Absolute Monarchies - During the late Middle Ages, feudalism and the power of the Roman Catholic Church declined - Monarchs began to increase their power and consolidate feudal lands. - Formation of Modern European Countries (England, France, etc.) - Magna Carta- Limited the power of the English king - English Bill of Rights- further limited the power of the English monarchy ( limited monarchy) - Glorious Revolution- Protestant takeover of England from the Catholics - Strengthened the belief in a limited monarchy

  46. Unit 11Age of Exploration Mesoamerican Civilizations - Cultures of Central and South American - Olmecs – First major American civilization settled along coastlines of Mexico - Mayas – established large cities in southern Mexico and Central America - Aztecs- later civilization that covered most of Mexico, militaristic culture that took over many other cultures - Incas- established large cities in the Andes Mountains in South America

  47. Map of the Mesoamerican Cultures

  48. Unit 11Age of Exploration ( Page 2) • Europeans looking for a direct trade route to Asia • Two nations, Spain and Portugal took the lead. • Reconquista - Christian campaign that recaptured Spain from the Muslims - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella • Exploration in Africa - Trade Routes to Asia first went around the continent of Africa - Led to the established of imperialistic colonies in Africa • Exploration in the Americas - In order to find shorter trade route to Asia, explorers tried to sail West, instead discovered the Americas - Conquistadors – Spanish conquerors that explored the Americas in search ofgold

  49. Unit 11Age of Exploration ( Page 3) • Triangular Trade - trade that involved Europe, Africa and the Americas - slaves were brought from West Africa to solve labor shortage in the Americas, raw materials brought to Europe from Americas, finished goods went from Europe to the Americas and Africa • Columbian Exchange - an exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas and technology between the Americas and Europe • Mercantilism - Economic system in which the sole existence of the colonies was to provide raw materials and supplies to the mother country • Inventions - Astrolabe - Magnetic Compass - Larger Sails - Better Maps

  50. Triangular Trade Map

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