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Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis 1975-2006. J.J.De Laey, Chair III AOI meeting, Sao Paulo, Brasil February 20, 2006. Where it started?.
Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis1975-2006 J.J.De Laey, Chair III AOI meeting, Sao Paulo, Brasil February 20, 2006
Where it started? • On March 7, 1975, during the meeting of the American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology in Bal Harbour, Florida, the act of foundation of the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis was signed by Jules François (Honorary Life President), Fritz Hollwich (President), Saul Sugar (1st Vice-President), Edward Grom (2nd Vice-President) and John G.Bellows (Secretary-General).
Bal Harbour, March 7, 1975 J.Bellows, E.Grom, J.François, S.Sugar, F.Hollwich
AOI • “An organization dedicated to the conservation of ophthalologic ethics and tradition, preservation of its heritage and transmission of its history to future generations” • No more than 50 members. • Members must have practiced ophthalmology not less than 20 years have at least 100 publications and published no less than one book.M
AOI • Meetings at least every 4 years. • Insignia, certificates and diplomas • Will prepare a code on professional ethics • Official languages: English, French, German and Spanish • Prof.Jules François to become the Honorary Life President
I. J.François II. F.Hollwich III. H.S.Sugar IV. J.G.Bellows V. E.Grom VI. H.G.Scheie VII. P.Brégeat VIII. H.E.Henkes IX. A.Kettesy X. J.I.Barraquer X. XI. E.S.Avetisov XII.H.Sautter XIII. M.da Silva-Pinto XIV. S.Vannas XV. G.W.Crock XVI. P.Trevor-Roper XVII. R.F.Lowe XVIII. L.E.Werner XIX. GB Bietti XX. A.M.Soliman AOI Charter Members
XXI. L.Paufique XXII. Duque-Estrada XXIII. M.H.Luntz XXIV. T.Krwawicz XXV. H.K.Merté XXVI. Fronimopoulos XXVII.I.Michaelson XXVIII. B.F.Boyd XXIX. J.Casanovas XXX. G.Offret XXXI. Urrets-Zavalia XXXII. L.Sanchez-Bulnes XXXIII. FW Newell XXXIV. H.Rocha XXXV. J.Diallo XXXVI. Puchkoskaya XXXVII. A.Nakajima XXXVIII. J.H.King XXXIX. JS Charamis AOI Charter Members
XL. E.Maumenee XLI. A.B.Reese XLII. M.Radnot XLIII. J.Arentsen XLIV. H.Fanta XLV.B.Streiff AOI Charter Members
Presidents of AOI • Jules François, Honorary Life President • Fritz Hollwich, 1976-1980 • Frank Newell 1980-1984 • Frederick C.Blodi 1984-1988 • Akira Nakajima 1988-1990 • Giuseppe Scuderi 1990-1994 • Benjamin F.Boyd 1994-1998 • Bradley Straatsma 1998-2002 • Koichi Shimizu 2002-2006
Vice-Presidents of AOI • F.Newell & S.Sugar 1976-1980 • P.Brégeat & E.Grom 1980-1984 • P.Brégeat & J.Fronimopoulos 1984-1988 • G.Scuderi & H.Fanta 1988-1990 • B.Boyd & R.Lowe 1990-1993 • B.Boyd & P.Amalric 1993-1994 • M.Lund & A.Lim 1994-1998 • E.Malbran & K.Shimizu 1998-2002 • G.Coscas & R.Brancato 2002-2006
General-Secretaries of AOI • Edward Grom 1976-1980 • Akira Nakajima 1980-1988 • Pierre Amalric 1988-1994 • Gabriel Coscas 1994-2002 • Paul Lichter 2002-
Treasurers of AOI • Werther Duque-Estrada 1976-1993 • Jean-François Cuendet 1993-1998 • Rosario Brancato 1998-2002 • Juan Verdaguer 2002-
1. Ghent :10.04.76. 2. Dallas :30.09.77. 3. Kyoto :16.05.78. 4. Ghent :14.05.79. 5. London: 19.04.80 . 6. Acapulco: 09.05.81. 7.S.Francisco:30.10.82 8. Paris : 07.05.83. 9. Cos : 10.06.84. 10. Baltimore 30.4.85. 11. Rome: 03.05.86. 12. Barcelona:23.5.87 13. Sidney: 27.10.88 14. Rio: 02.09.89 15. Singapore:18.3.90 16. Paris: 26.05.91 17. New Delhi:1.2.92 18. Mexico: 13.02.93 19. Toronto: 26.06.94 20. Milano: 24.06.95 Meetings of AOI
21. Chicago. 27.10.96 22. Kyoto. 10.05.97 23.Amsterdam21.6.98 24. Nile. 27.02.99 25. Orlando. 25.10.99 26.Jerusalem 21.05.00 27.BuenosAires21.7.1 28. Sydney. 21.04.02 29.New Delhi. 15.1.03 30.N.Orleans.23.10.04 31. Florence. 12.05.05 32. Sao Paulo.20.2.06 Meetings of AOI
Dallas, October 1, 1977 • Discussion on The code of ethics the Journal “History of Ophthalmology” Book on ophthalmology in 4 volumes. • L.Werner (XVIII) to become emeritus • Obituary of G.Bietti (XIX) • Election of F.Blodi (XVIII), S.Mishima (XIX), B.Straatsma (XLVI), E.Norton (XLVII), A.Dubois-Poulsen (XLVIII), M.Radnot (XLIX), M.Krasnov (L)
Kyoto, May 16, 1978 • Presentation of the Code of Ophthalmologic Deontology • ICO accepts an ex-officio representative of the AOI. E.Grom is elected in that post. • New members elected: G.Scuderi and L.P.Agarwal
Ghent, May 14, 1979 • Presentation of the first issue of History of Ophthalmology. Only 200 subscriptions (200 more are needed) • Emeritus members:H.Rocha (XXXIV), A.Reese (XLI) • Election postponed. • Problems with Bellows
Acapulco, May 9, 1981 • Creation of Committee on attendance (chair Trevor- Roper) Committee on membership (chair: Nakajima) • Emeritus: G.Offret (XXX) • Elections: P.Amalric (IV), J.Barraquer (XXX), Stephen Drance (XXI), W.Jaeger (XXVII), B.Spivey (XXXIV)
San Francisco, October 30, 1982 • Obituaries: L.Paufique (XXI), I.Michaelson (XXVIII) • Emeritus: J.Casanovas (XXIX), H.King (XXXVIII), M.da Silva-Pinto (XIII) • Elections: G.Meyer-Schwickerath (XXIV), DMA Albert, E.Malbran (XIII) • “A member can become emeritus if he is more than 75 years old or is in the impossibility to further participate in the affairs of the Academy.”
Island of Cos, October 6, 1984 • For the first time a guest speaker is invited. Prof.Nicolas Kouzos, former Minister, gives a lecture on Hippocrates “The first steps out of darkness”. • It is proposed to reduce the term of office of president and vice-presidents from 4 to 2 years • The importance of geographic distribution is stressed.
Rome, May 3, 1986 • The president shall represent the AOI in the International Council of Ophthalmology. • It is proposed to deposit the Archives of the AOI in Ghent.
Paris, 26 May 1991 • The president G.Scuderi presents new badges and new medals. • Committees are suggested 1. History 2. Ethics 3. Scientific activities 4. Administrative problems 5. Bylaws 6. Didactic activities 7. Relationship with the Int.Council.
Toronto, June 26, 1994 • 1. To have a special guest lecture within the AOI meeting 2. To organize an Academia session in selected national or international meetings. 3. The Academia Oration by an AOI member during the special session. 4. Presentation of AC.Award every 2 y. 5. Qualification of emeritus member after 70 years on request or at 80 years peremptorily. Founder members are for life.
Milano, June 24, 1995 • Special guest lecture and Academia award: Raymond D.Lund. Reconstruction and repair of the primary optic circuitry with transplants. • Special session honoring E.Norton
Chicago, October 27, 1996. • Academia Oration. Prof.J.Barraquer “The challenge of combined surgery: keratoplasty, EECC, IOL, vitrectomy and glaucoma”. • Special guest lecture. Prof.G.O.H.Naumann “Pseudo-exfoliation syndrome for the comprehensive ophthalmologist.”
Kyoto, May 10, 1997 • Academia oration by A.Nakajima • The AOI has officially agreed to present the Streiff medal. • Special Academia Session during SOE in Budapest on June 2, 1997 with as topic “New trends in ophthalmology”.
Streiff medallists • Pierre Amalric, 1998 • Bruce Spivey, 2002 • Fritz Naumann, 2006
Amsterdam, June 21, 1998 • Academia oration: A.F.Deutman “ Dutch masters and the macula”. • Special session honoring Prof José Barraquer and Prof.Maumenee. • Special guest lecture. Michèle Schwartz, New horizons in optic neuropathy: neuroprotection and regeneration. • Academia Session on contemporary concepts in uveitis. • First issue of the Academia Newsletter.
Fall 1998, Volume 1, Number 1 Spring 1999, Volume 2, Number 1 Spring 2000, Volume 3, Number 1 Spring 2001, Volume 4, Number 1 Spring 2002, Volume 5, Number 1 2003, Volume 6, Number 1 www.acad-ophthal-int.org/newsletters
Nile meeting, February 27, 1999Int.Ophth.Strategic Plan with ICO • Goals: 1. Ophthalmic training 2. Continuing ophthalmic education 3. Preservation and restoration of vision and prevention of blindness. 4. Advocacy for education and blindness prevention 5. Eye care guidelines & standard 6. Research
Orlando, October 27, 1999 • AOI lecture on October 27. M.LaVail: “Toward pharmaceutical and gene therapy for retinal degeneration.”
Jerusalem, May 21, 2000 • AOI lecture. G.Coscas “Photodynamic therapy for CNV in age related maculopathy.” • AOI oration. Michael Blumenthal. “Cataract surgery: training, quality and innovation.” • AOI symposium: “Retina update in the third millenium.” • Membership increased to more than 50.
Buenos Aires, July 21, 2001 • Academia Lecture: E.Malbran “Scleral fixated intra-ocular lenses”. • AOI symposium: “Corneal diseases and surgery” • AOI is officially registered in Switzerland on July 9, 2001
Statutes • J.François, April 1976 • F.Blodi, May 1986 • A.Nakajima, January 1990 • B.Straatsma, July 1999