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TAVASMI. Bhagvat Gita January 9, 2011. Agenda. Review of 7 Balaks Pushti Marg Elements: Samagrah Sharanagati Meaning of Yamunastak Bhagvad Gita , Part 5 DVD . Family Tree of Mahaprabhuji. Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhuji. Gopinathji. Vithalnathji ( Gusainji ). Girdharji. Govindji.
TAVASMI BhagvatGita January 9, 2011
Agenda • Review of 7 Balaks • PushtiMarg Elements: SamagrahSharanagati • Meaning of Yamunastak • BhagvadGita, Part 5 • DVD
Family Tree of Mahaprabhuji Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhuji Gopinathji Vithalnathji (Gusainji) Girdharji Govindji Balkrishnaji Gokulnathji Raghunathji Yadunathji Ghanshyamji
First House: ShriGirdharji • Eldest son; He was also known as 'Govardhan' • Responsible for the sewa of Shrinathjiin Nathdwara. • Due to his characters of solitude, renunciation, knowledge and divine powers he was well known by the name 'Yatiji'. • a. Yati means devoted or someone that abstains, or someone that is devoted to the practice of self denial • b. Yati becomes Jati . Today Gopalpur is well known by the name 'Jatipura' • He can be differentiated by the white beard. • He created the various utsavs such as Ankoot. • He gave a few people Bhramasambandh (six people) • a. They went to Golok (Krishna abode in Heaven) on the spot
Second House: ShriGovindraiji • He was nicknamed name ‘Rajaji’ since he looked like a Raja. ShriGovindraiji's wealth of expertise in administration and politics as well as his extreme kindness to towards all beings and perfected sensibilities in Bhagavatseva, which were apparent right from his childhood. • ShriGovindraiji took Brahamsambandha mantra from his father in Jatipura • ShriGusainji gave him the NidhiSwaroop of ShriVitthalnathji at Nathdwara. • When his son ShriKaliyanji was born, he was performing Shinghar and ShriNathji asked bhadai and told him “Govindterekhaliyanbhaiyo, bhadai de”, than Shri Govindji went a bit away, but ShriNathji told him “bhadaipele de, shingharkarkechaliyojayango” so Govindji removed the ring from his hand. Panna (emerald) of that ring ShriNathji till date wears on His head and the empty gold ring is kept in ShriVithalnathji’shaveli at ShriNathdwara. *Grandfather to Hariraiji
Third House: ShriBalkrishnaji • He was the third son of Gusaiji and grandson of Vallabacharya. • His appearance was dark like cloud and his body was healthy and stout. • His eyes were excellent. So they called him ‘Rajivlochan’. • ShriGusainji gave him nidhiswaroop of ‘ShriDwarkadhishji’ located in Kankroli. • Once on Nandutsav, he became Yasodhaji and swung the palna and because of motherly love and affection a spring of milk ran out from his breast and at that time he was singing padh “toambrajranikelalna”. • He had immense knowledge and he could interpret Dreams.
Fourth House: ShriGokulnathji • He received the NidhiSwaroop of Gokulnathji • Shree Gokulanthji, aged 70, took the tedious journey to Kashmir to meet the Moghul Emperor Jahangir, to allow Hindus to wear Mala and Tilak. • Jahangir agreed but in return sought that Gokulnathji leave Gokul. Later, while travelling through Gokul, the Emperor found the Town of Gokul to be deserted, and he was reminded of his understanding with Gokulnathji. The Emperor felt guilty and invited Gokulnathji to return. • Commentary on Shodashgrantha: Siddhantamuktavali, Pushtipravahamaryada, Siddhantarahasya, (Purushottamasiddhanta-vivrti) Antahkaranaprabodha, Bhaktivardhini, Sannyasanirnaya. Characterization of 84 & 252 Vaishnavas • The compilations of his teachings are known as 'BaithakCharitra' or the various pastimes of ShriVallabha at the Baithaks. • Once when someone stole his youngest brother’s Krishna svarupa, MadanMohanji, ShriGokunathj vowed, “Whoever stole my brother’s Krishna, their lineage will not continue. • When someone mentioned to him, “What if it is your own son?” • ShriGokulnathji exclaimed, “Then my lineage will not continue.” • It so happened that it was his own son that did the deed and because of ShriGokulnathji’s curse, for many generations, there were no sons born into his line and very often an Acharya had to be adopted into the fourth seat.
Fifth House: ShriRaghunathji • Fifth son of Gusaiji and nicknamed Ramchandra’. • Served the Swaroop of Gokulchandramaji, currently in Kamvan, Rajasthan. • Just as ShriGusainji has written ‘ShriSarvottamStotra’ wherein he writtes the 108 names of ShriMahaprabhuji, ShriRaghunathji has written 108 names of ShriGusainji in “ShriNamratnakhyaStotram’. • Once ShriGusainji was performing Navnitpriyaji’sShinghar and all his sons were present he wanted jewel box he said “Manjushaaahnay” and this son said “jai jaiahgiya” and went to get it, the other brothers were thinking what will he bring? He was wondering what to take and if he returns empty handed his brothers will laugh. He began to cry so Mahaprabhuji appeared and told him to take the box take it he also gave him from His mouth “Charvittambul” and placed it in his mouth and disappeared. He sang the first stanza of Naamratnastotra, Gusainji and all others were surprised to hear the names of Gusainji.
Sixth House: ShriYadunathji • He studied medicine (ayurvedh) as well as religion. • He wrote a book named ‘VallabhDigvijay’, one of the oldest books on Mahaprabhuji. Served the Swaroop of Balkrishnaji. • He received ShriBalkrishnaji as his Swaroop. He did not want small Swaroop so he kept this Swaroop with his elder brother ShriBalkrishnaji’sDwarkanathji and said “when anyone from My Vansh ask for it please do give.
Seventh House: ShriGhanashyamji • At very young age his mother ShriPadmavati entered lila and he was brought up by his elder brother ShriGiridharji’s wife, ShriBhaminiji. • ShriGusainji offered him the NidhiSwaroop of ‘ShriMadanmohanji’. • When somebody took away his Thakorji ‘ShriMadanmohanji’, he cried continuously and he had given up eating food and drinking water. • After anushar (making ShriThakuji sleep) he used to fan whole night with his eyes closed. One night while he was fanning ShriThakurji, he heard some noise, thinking ShriThakurji and ShriSwaminiji were doing lila, he did not opened his eyes. In the morning he saw Thakurji and Swaminiji were stolen . • He could not bear the pain of separation of ShriThakurji he hid Himself in cave and leaving Prasad and jal. ShriGokulnathji his brother, used to come in and offered a grain of Rajbogh’ssakadhi (one grain of rice) and a drop of Ghariji’sjal. This way he lived for seven days and entered lila with his physical body in samv 1669.
CurrentAcharyas and Houses • Indirabetiji: 6th House—Yadunathji: Balkrishnaji • Vrajeshkumar and Vageshbawa: 3rd House—Balkrishnaji • Vrajraj Kumar*: 6th House—Yadunathji (Balkrishnaji) • Dwarkeshlalji: 6th House—Yadunathji (Kalyanraiji) • Sureshbawa: 4th House—Gokulnathji (Gokulnathji) • Rakeshbawa: 1st House—Girdharji (ShriNathji) • Haribawa: 5th House—Raghunathji (Gokulchandramaji)
NidhiSwaroop Meaning • The meaning of Nidhi:Why are these swaroop known as NidhiSwaroop? Nidhi means assets (Bhandar). Any asset that has been more than a century in the family is known as Nidhi asset. So this kind of wealth is classified as Nidhi.The meaning of Swaroop:The word Swaroop is made of Swa + roop, Swa means own and roop means form. So in this case the Swa means divine self and roop means divine form. Only a Supreme deity can create a divine Swaroop of Himself without losing that original element of original Swaroop.
PushtiMarg: The Essential Elements • Total Submission (SamagrahSharanagati) • To submit is to yield to the influence, power or authority of another. • To submit is to defer to another’s opinion, decision or judgment. • To submit is to surrender to another. • Submission: state of mind that arises out of defeat against an adversary or against adverse circumstances. We normally submit when we are helpless, when we do not have any other choice. But Submission to Krishna must not arise out of helplessness or defeat. • Submission to Krishna must be caused by our readiness to accept that Krishna is The Supreme Being.
Total Submission (SamagrahSharanagati) • When our willing and total submission to Krishna is based on our knowledge of His omnipotence, we feel relieved of all our tensions and worries – personal and professional. This is because of the total protection that we feel when we accept Krishna as our sole protector and submit to Him. • How can we acquire the mental state of total submission to Krishna? • ShriVallabh has blessed us with a solution. He has given us a Mantra known as “Ashtakshar Mantra”. • The Mantra is “ShriKrishnahSharanam Mama” • The Mantra means Shri Krishna is my only total protection.
Total Submission (SamagrahSharanagati) • ShriVallabh has suggested that if we constantly recite this Mantra with an intention to submit only to Krishna then one day we will reach a mental state of total submission to Krishna. • A great Cobra (Naag) named Kaliya was hiding in river Yamuna and harassing the Vrajvaasis. Krishna decided to teach Kaliya a lesson. Krishna jumped into the waters of Yamuna and challenged Kaliya to a fight. Kaliya wrapped around Krishna and started squeezing Him. Krishna expanded his body to such an extent that Kaliya started feeling breathless. • He started shouting : “Krishna! I surrender. I submit to you. Please pardon me.” • Krishna let Kaliya live even though Kaliya had evil personality. Krishna did this only because Kaliya honestly and totally submitted to Krishna. Krishna’s pardon changedKaliya. He decided to leave Yamuna river and behave himself.
Total Submission (SamagrahSharanagati) • In Mahabharat, the queen of Pandavs, Draupadi was being harassed by Pandav’s cousins Kauravs. • One of the Kauravs, Dushashan started pulling Draupadi’s clothes. No one in the entire court could stop this. • Draupadi tried very hard to fight Dushasan and appealed to the court but nothing changed. At last, she called upon Krishna: “ Hey Krishna! I submit to you. Please save me from this shame.” Krishna appeared from nowhere and kept on supplying clothes to Draupadi. Neither Dushashan nor anyone could understand where the clothes were coming from and why Dushashan was unable to pull all the clothes off Draupadi. Ultimately, Dushashan got tired and gave up. • Krishna protects all who come to Him and totally submit Him. • Total submission can happen only in the state of total egoless-ness. Egoless-ness will have to be the integral part of our character to achieve its totality. • Thus, submitting to Krishna must mean substantial change in our egotistic behavior with others around us. • Such a transformation in our attitude resolves many social, familial, personal, professional problems that usually arise out of our egoistic attitude.
The Meaning of each Word in the Yamunashtak • “Namami” – Mahaprabhuji starts off this stuti by bowing or giving naman to ShriYamunaji without any expectation or reward • By doing so, you arise dinta and bow down to Thakorji for His happiness • As a “jiv” you cannot offer anything to Thakorji other than naman • If we know how to do naman (join two hands and bow your head), then only are we given the right to enter Pushtibhaktimarg • When a “jivatma” proclaims that they have done various things to serve Thakorji like buy fancy vastra, they are only praising and showing off their wealth. Thakorji has no expectation of these things, he only wants us to do naman. • Your true test is your humility, a Pushtimarg element.
The Meaning of each Word in the Yamunashtak • “Yamunam” – Yamunaji is Yam dev’s younger sister • The meaning of “yam” is to bring closer to God • That is what Yamunaji does, bring us closer to God • “Aham” – literally translates into ego • You should put your ego in Yamunaji
The Meaning of each Word in the Yamunashtak • “SakalSiddhiHetum” – There are 8 alaukiksiddhi’s given to us by Yamunaji. • 4 viprogsiddhi – experienced by the heart • 4 sayogsiddhi – experience with eyes and body • 1. Makes our body capable of performing seva • 2. We are able to do darshan of Thakorji’svariouslleelas and to understand the true knowledge that God does not only reside in mandirs, but everywhere and inside everyone • 3. You get to do anubhav of the leelas, meaning that you not only do the darshan but experience happiness • 4. Helps you create bhav and you worship Thakorji as a whole
The Meaning of each Word in the Yamunashtak • “Muda” – to give happiness. This basically means that Mahaprabhuji is speaking out to the youngsters; that do not start bhagwadsmaran when you are old, but when young. Learn to do naman to Yamunaji so that you could fight the changing times that lead to destruction • “Murari” – “Mur” means the Mur Rakshash and “ari” means enemy. God had cut Mur Rakshash’s head with his sudarshan chakra. “Mur” can also mean maya
The Meaning of each Word in the Yamunashtak • “Pad Pankaj” – lotus feet of God • Reason that lotus and feet are put together is because both are pink in color, both delicate and fragrant • “SpuradaMandaRenutKatam” – the water form of Yamunaji is portrayed as less important than the physical form
Tavasmi DVD Recap • Nirgun • No life form/human being is Nirgun. • We are a mixture Satva, Tamo and Rago gunn (qualities). • Some have more and some have less each of the qualities, but we all are a mixture. • Bhakti • Prem thi je karva va ma aavti je seva - te Bhakti • Bhakti = Prem + Seva • To reach Bhakti one needs to have Sharnagati (submission) • One can reach Sharnagati when you have Prem
Bhakti Vardini • 11 granth of Shodash Granth • Composed in V.S. 1552 (1495), at Prayag by Vallabhacharya • Explains how to strength the seeds of devotion • Explains the three stages of development of devotion namely, affection, attachment and addiction. • From the first line of Bhakti Vardini "tyagat shravan Kirtanat". • To grow the seed of Bhakti, you first need to Tyag. Let go of anything related not to god. • Ex. Leaving home to come to Tavasmi, letting go of some activity. • Shravan: (Sanskrit: listening or hearing) Concentrating your indriyas (senses) that they are paying attention to just one thing, so that you understand the meaning of what is being done or said in your consciousnessAfter you Shravan - do Kirtan. • Kirtan: Saying the lord's name with inspiration; Anything said with bhaav (feeling) is Kirtan. • Example: Valmiki Rishi was a looter/theif. He was given the phrase "Raam". Instead of saying "Raam", he said "Maraa". He said it with Bhaav. Because he said it with Bhaav, his sins were absolved.His life changed from looter to become a Rishi.
Prem/Love • Prem never talks of taking but only talks of giving. • God only accepts things that are given with Prem. • Gopis would call Krishna with "bad" words such as Karo (dark) or Chor (theif) or Ranchod (one who runs from the battle field/ “Chicken”), but it is said with Love and therefore called Rasiya. • Rasiya = Prem Ras thee barelu (Full of the Essense of Love) • In Bhakti, the first thing you need is Prem.
Mahatmya Gyan Purvastu • Vallabhacharya has described Bhakti as follows in Shastrarth-Nibandh:"Mahatmya Gyana purvastu sudrudhah sarvo Adhikah sneho Bhaktihi iti proktha taya muktirna canyatha“ • From Pushtikul (When one has developed deep-rooted and utmost love for Bhagvan, preceded by the knowledge of the greatness of the lord, it is called Devotion to Bhagvan. One can obtain salvation only by this devotion and in no other way.) • To get Prem, “Mahatmya Gyan Purvastu” - First you need Mahatmya Gyan (Superior Knowledge) • When you have knowledge of something then you can develop love for it. • If you have no knowledge of anything or anyone, how can develop love for it. • Gyan means knowledge about one thing. Mahatmya gyan means three-fold knowledge. Ex. who am I, why am I and where am I? • Who to do Bhakti of, Why to do Bhakti, For what are we doing Bhakti - this knowledge is very important.
Shastrarth-Nibandh • Those that want to do Bhakti: • The person you are doing Bhakti of, why are you doing it? • Who is that person? • Knowledge of the type of BhaktiThis three-fold knowledge is Mahatmya Gyan. • When we have Mahatmya gyan it produces love. • When the love becomes Sudrudh and Sarvo-adhik then it is called Bhakti-ithi. • Sudrudh = cannot move (steady, unfaltering, resolute) • (Pushtikul) Vallabhacarya’s Faith also is an Intelligent Faith and not a Blind Faith. • When there is love within you there is no ahankaar (ego). • When there is love in your heart, there is dinta (humbleness) [This is the first stage of love]. • Stage 2 is Sharnagati. • Whatever that will provide protection for me, Krishna will do. Whatever that is being done for me is done by Krishna. The development of this thought is caused by Sharnagati. • Sharnagati = Bhakti + Prem
Sharnagati • When one has Sharnagati, developing inside the bhakt is wish to conduct seva of people (guru, elders, all people) • Also developing inside the bhakt is the thought or wish to understand who is Krishna. • Third development of the wish to remove faults • Sharnagati removes Ahankar and mamkarahankar - i am something/mamkar - i have something • When one has attained Sharnagati then one doesn't like anything that does not have god in it. • What is a bhakt? • One that leaves something for god. • One who can leave your friends for one time for god. • One that does for god/One that wants to please god
Next ChintanSabha • Sunday, January 23