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TAVASMI. October 7, 2012 . Agenda. Question: What is one thing you have learned in Tavasmi?. Mangalacharan, Yamunastak Tavasmi Review Quiz How to Peform Seva How to fill jhariji Tulsiji at the charan of Thakorji and why Radhastami Daan leela Vaman Jayanti. Tavasmi Quiz.
TAVASMI October 7, 2012
Agenda Question: What is one thing you have learned in Tavasmi? Mangalacharan, Yamunastak Tavasmi Review Quiz How to Peform Seva How to fill jhariji Tulsiji at the charan of Thakorji and why Radhastami Daan leela Vaman Jayanti
Tavasmi Quiz What is one thing you have learned in Tavasmi?
Mangalacharan • ChintaSantanHantaro, Yatpadambujrenav • Sviyanamtannijacharyan, Pranmamimuhurmuhur I offer my respect to ShriVallabhacharyaji mere soil under whose pious feet is able to destroy all my worries. • Yadnu grahtojantuhu, Sarvdukhhatee go bhavet • Tamahamsarvadavande, Srimadvallabhnandanam I offer my respect to Vallabhacharyaji’ssons (GopiNathjiand Gusainji), whose destroys all my miseries. • Agyantimirandhyashya, Gyananjanshalakaya • Chakshuroonmilitamyen, Tasmaishriguravenamah I offer my respect to my Guru who is apt to bring awareness to my life by imparting knowledge and wisdom that would destroy my ignorance. • Namamihridayesheshe, Leelakshirabdhishayinum • Lakshmi sahasraleelabhi, Sevyamaanamkalanidhim I offer my respect to Bhagwan Krishna who is the greatest treasure of Talents, who is loved and served by Laxmi-like thousand Gopis (milkmaids of Vraj) in numerous divine ways, who dwells in the countless variety of His own Divine Plays (Leela) and Who is in my heart. • Chaturbhischachaturbhischa, Chaturbhischatreebhistatha • Shad bhirvirajteyosau, Panchadhahridayemam I offer my respect to BhagwanKrishna who is in my heart and whose glory is known five ways as written in the Tenth Canto of ShrimadBhagvat
Mangalacharan 2 • ShriGovardhanNathpaadyugalam, haiymgavinpriyam…nityamShriMathuradhipamsukhakaram, ShriVithhaleshammuda… • ShrimadDwarvatish-Gokulpati, ShriGokulenduvibhum, Shrimanmanthmohanmnatvaram, ShriBalkrushnmbhaje. [1] Let me always worship the bliss-bestowing lotus feet of Shrinathji; NavnitPriyaji who enjoys fresh butter, Mathuradhishji who is a constant source of joy, and Vitthalnathji. Dwarikadhishji, Gokulnathji & GokulChadramaji are also worthy of worship, as is MadanMohanji who charms even the god of love - Manmath, and let me forever sing the praises of our Natavarlalji and Balkrishnaji.[1] • ShrimadVallbhVithhalouGiridharam,GovindrayabhidhamShriBalkrushna-Gokulpati, nathamRaghuanamtathaEvamShriYadunayakam, kilGhanshyamam cha tandrashjankalindimswagurumgirimswiyamprabhuchasmaray [2] Let us bring before our mind's eye the swarup of Mahaprabhuji, Gusaiji, Giridharji, Govindrayji, Balkrishnaji, Gokulnathji, Raghunathji, Ghanshayamji, who are progeny of our Vallabh. ShriYamunaji, ShriGurudev (our spiritual guide), Girirajji, the Thakorji of our Gurdev & our own Tharkorji [2].
Radhaastami • Radhastami is the celebration day of Radha’s appearance. • Radhaji's father is Vrushbhanu and mother is Kirti. Vrushbhanuji did excessive penance. Due to their Penance, Lord Vishnu became satisfied and asked them to demand some boon from him. They both demanded a child like him. Due to this, Vishnu gave the boon and Radhikaji, who is the other half of Thakurji appeared in their family in Barsana. • When Radhaji was born she didn’t open her eyes for a year. Due to this, Naradji came and tried to open her eyes through creating many stotras like Shree Radha Sahastranaam, Radhastak, Radha Upanishad etc., but Radhaji didn’t open her eyes. When she heard the sound of Maadal (an instrument played when some divine celestial body takes birth) in Gokul on the occasion (Janamastmi) of appearance of Shree Krishna, she spontaneously opened her eyes. • This made Vrishabhanuji very very happy and requested all of Nandbawa, Yashodama, Krishna to visit Barsana on Radha's birthday which was coming in 15 days. Hence all visited including God and celebrated Radhastami from then on in a very big way. Today, this is the biggest event celebrated in Barsana every year. • On that day Yashodaji dressed Lord Krishna with Janmashtmi clothes. • Why "Swaminiji“? -Don't prefer to call a very respectful entity with name. Thus in Pushtimarg, refer to Radhaji as Swaminiji
Vaman Avtaar • This is the 5th avtaar of Lord Vishnu and first complete human incarnation. It was done for uplifting of the devotees. • Prakatya occurs 12th day of the bright half of the month of Bhadarvo • The reign of King Bali is considered to be the golden era. There were no lies, cheating, poverty – it was utopia. To this day, there are those that pray to Mahabali. • Also, Indra and other Devs had lost their power to King Bali and took refuge at Lord Vishnu’s feet. To save the Devs Lord Vishnu took the form of dwarf Vaman and attended a yagna being conducted by King Bali. During the yagna, Bali announced that he will fulfill any wishes. Vaman asked him to grant as much land as he could cover in three step, which Bali granted. Bali’s guru Shuklacharya warned him that the person asking is God and he will take everything from you, but Bali stuck to his promise. • Suddenly, Vaman took a gigantic form and in one step covered the whole heaven, and with the second step the earth and netherworld (Pathal). As there was no more space left to keep the third feet, Bali lowered his head and Vaman placed his foot on it and sent Bali down below to rule the netherworld (Pathal). • Another story was that Aditi, mother of Indra, fasted for 12 straight days only surviving on water to save her son. God gave her a boon and she gave birth to Vaman, an incarnation of Vishnu, on Bhadarva Sud 12.
Vaman Avtaar and Pushti Marg • Birth takes place after Rajbhog. In PushtiMargiyaHavelis after Rajbhog is taken, panchamrutsnaan (snaan with five amrits: milk, ghee, curd, sugar and honey) of Shaligramji (special stone) is done. • (VamanDwadashi) For those doing seva, a saffron vastra is put on Thakorji. Five pairs of saffron kulhe (head gear) are offered. • Abhran(jewelry) of diamonds are offered. • Abhyang(massage) is done to Thakorji. • After Rajbhog, Thakorjiis offered bath with Panchamrut & Tilak is applied to Thakorji.
Pushti Marg and Vaman Jayanti • In our PushtiMarg, all Vaishnavs should do all Ekadasiand fast during the following four Jayantis : • Ram Navami • NrushiJayanti • Janmashtami • VamanDwadashi • Why is VamanJayanti important in PushtiMarg? • PushtiMarg puts importance in Bhakti, so how is this Avtaar related to Bhakti. It is easily seen in the Avtaars of Ram and Krishna, people were suffering under Ravan and Kans, so Lord Vishnu had to take an Avtaar for his Bhakts. Even NrushiJayanti, the Lord reincarnated to help Bali’s grandfather, Prahlad. People weren’t really suffering under Bali (till this day people still continue to worship him). • Lord Vishnu was just helping out Indra and other gods. Any opinions?
Some light • Astachap, Parmanandas, wrote/sung the following pad to celebrate:Bali Raja ko samarphan sacho Bhahut kahyo Guru Shukradevta mann dhrud Aap nahi kacho-1Yagna karat hai jaa-ke karan, so Prabhu Aapun jacho Parmanand prasan hari jo, jun ko janat sancho-2Meaning:The Surrendering with total dedication of King Bali is true with pure heartHis Guru Shuklacharya informed him (Bali) that the person asking for Daan is Lord Vishnu disguised as dwarf Vaman but still he did not pay attention but kept his mind firm to keep his promise.Bali informs that he is doing Yagna to please God and if Lord Vishnu (God) himself is come to my door for Daan then what else do I need as everything belongs to HIMSo says Parmanand that God is so pleased for his devotee Bali raja who kept his promise (by being honest) even while losing everything including surrendering himself (along with body and soul)
Types of Seva • Misri Bhog Seva – Dharaay Misri,Yamunastak/Krushnashray, Thakorji is taada, some people podave • Misri Bhog Seva (step 2): give fruit and misri and a little more pad/kirtan, a little more other steps such as snaan • Doodhghar Seva: add pendo, halwo, seero, pista roll, kaaju katri to the above or any item made of milk • Ansakhadi Seva: anything made with milk for rajbhog like sev, puri (cannot use water to make these items), some don’t add salt as well • Sakhdi Seva – everything satvik, everyday sakhadi (rice) or mamra • Permission (Aagnya) from your guru (the one that gave you brahmasambandh or one guru from the same house) to do each type of seva. If you want to advance to the next step, you have to get permission.
How to perform seva: Mangala • Remember we must do dandvatas soon as we enter the room of seva • Clean up around the mandir –this is called Buhari (Boo-Haa-Ree) • Seva starts with singing a few kirtans/pad • Sing any number of Mangalcharan • Mahaprabhuji nu pad (i.e. Jai Jai Shree VallabhPrabhu Shree VitthaleshSathe, Nijjan Per Karat KripaDharatHaathMathe)* • Vitthalnathji nu pad (i.e. Shree Vittalesh Vittalesh Vittahlesh kahiye..) • Yamunaji nu pad (i.e. Shree Yamunaji teeharo darash mohe bhave)* • Any Jagadvanu pad (i.e. Prathasamaybhayo) • *Daily Kirtanshttp://shrivallabhdham.com/haveli_sangita.php • While we sing these pad/kirtan, prepare the mangal-bhog, jalloto, also another water container for cleaning your hands • Mangal-bhogincludes milk, yogurt, makhan, misriand thor. • You must have mangal-bhog ready before Thakorjiwakes up, because he is very hungry like a baby waking up. • While singing the jagadvanu pad, clap your hands three time, do this a total of three times. Instead of clapping hands, one can do gantadi. • During final clap (3rd set), remove Thakorji'scovers (odvanu).
How to Perform Seva: After waking up • Show Thakorji the mirror. You need to show Thakorji His face first (don’t show him your face or the world). Then you take the mirror and put it over your heart. It’s as if you are placing Thakorji in your heart. • Place Thakorji on his sihasan. Venuji (flute) is placed at Thakorji’s feet • Sayan Bhog Saraavaano by saying “Shri Mahaprabhuji ni kaani thi, Shri Gusai Paramdayal ni Kani thi, Choriyasi Baso Bavan Vaishnav ni Kani thi aap Sayan bhog, jhariji ane aap ne biju je yogya lage te aarogyu hashe” • Remove yesterday's Sayanbhog and jhariji ; wash your hands. • Give Thakorji today's Mangal bhog and jhariji • Jhariji is always placed at left side (your right) of Thakorji. • Before offering any bhog, kaani of Shree Mahaprabhuji, Nand, Yashodaji, entire Vallabhkul, and all Vrajbhaktas is given to Thakorji. • Kirtans of Kaleva (mangalbhog/breakfast) are done. One example is given. • Saraay bhog and jhariji; wash your hands. • Venuji is placed upright by thakorji.
Mangal Bhog • After Mangal bhog is complete, “Mangal Mangalam Vraj Bhumi Mangalam” is sung without fail. • If you only have one jhariji, prepare new jhariji. If you have one jhariji, when you take away that jhariji you can put misri in it’s place. If you have more than one, please have it ready before saraay-ing jhariji • After that Mangala Aarti is peformed. Aarti is sung. i.e. Mangal Aarti gopal ki maayi on regular days. On days of utsav, Ratna jatit kanak thad • Kirtans of Khandita are sung (If no badhai or Utsav is there). If the days of badhai or utsavs are there, the kirtans of Badhai or Utsavs are sung. Khandita are songs of a scorned lover and for that they are not sung during happy occasions. • Kirtans of Utsav: http://www.vallabhkankroli.org/kirtan%20dhol%20pad_audio%20kirtans.htm
Mangla: What not to do • During Mangala, flowers and garland of flowers cannot be offered. • Pichvai does not come. • Takiya, Gaadi remains. • Venuji (Flute) remains besides Thakorji’s feet. Thakorjidoes not hold Venujion Hast because if apshri holds and plays venuji then Vrajbhaktas gets Mohit and cannot perform seva properly. • When giving food or any sort (mangala, rajbhog, etc.) venuji is not upright (it is placed by Thakorji’s feet) • Do not remove Thakorji'sclothes. He can stay dressed in his night-dress. • Cannot sing Yamunastak and Madhurashtak, butCan sing Krishnashray. A few lines of Yamunastak while filling Jhariji is okay.
How to fill jhariji • A container (loto) of Yamuna Jal in it. • From this container a small pot with a spout is filled with that jal • Then the wet, red cloth is wrapped around the outer wall of the pot. • It is wrapped, wound upward; so start from the bottom and wrap up. • The jhariji is in the shape of a woman and the cloth, navro, is like a sari. jhariji represents the female form of Yamunaji. • So Yamunaji is part of Krishna that symbolizes love and the color of love is symbolized as red, so nevra is red. • Yamunashtakam can be recited while filling Jaariji, which can be impractical. • Following mantra can also be recited while offering Jaariji. The mantra shows Bhaava of Yamunajal in Zaari-jal:Priyaa-ratnasham-parimilitam vaari yaamuna, Samarpayaami tat praan kuru shri krushna taap-hrut shri yamuna tavasmi shri yamuna tavasmi shri yamuna tavasmi. [Ha Krushna mukharvind veer haagani Vaishvaanar swaroop shree Vallabh tavasmi shree Vallabh tavasmi shree Vallabh tavasmi ]
Yamunaji: Teeharo Darash Mohe • Shree Yamunaji teeharo darash mohe bhave • Shree Gokulke nikat bahot ho, Lehren ki Chhabi Aaave .. (1) • Dukh harni Sukh deni Shree Yamunaji Jo Jan Prath Utti Nave • Madan Mohan Jhuki, Khar pyari patrani jukh have .. (2) • Brindavan Raas rachyo hai, Mohan Murli bajaave • Surdas prabhu teehare milan ko ved vimal yash gaave...(3)
Prath Samay • Prath Samay Savriya-Oh Jaago, Gaay Duhan Bhajan Maango • Ravike Uday Kamal Prakashe, Bramar Utt chale tumchar bhaase • Gopav doodh munthan laagi, harijuki leela raspagi • Vikasat kamal chalat ali seni; Utto Gopal Guhu teri Beni • Parmanand das Man Bhaayo, Charnakamal tek shan paayo • Jaago Jaago Jago
Mangal Aarti (regular days) • Mangal Aaarti Gopal ki Maayi (repeated twice) • Nityaprati Mangal Hot Nirakhmukh, Chittavan nayan Vishalaki … (1) • Mangal Roop Shyaam Sundar ko, Mangal brukuti Subhaalki • Chatrabhuj Prabhu Sada Mangalnidhi, Banik Giridharlaal ki …. (2)
Mangal Aarti (Utsav):Ratna jatit • Ratna jatit kanak thaad madhya sohe deep maal • Agar yadi chandan so ati sugandh milayi • Ganan Ganan Gantt Gor Jannan Jannan Jaal Jakor • Tatt Thai Tatt Thai Bole Vraj ki naari sohai • Tannan Tannan Taan Maan Raag Rang Swar bandhan • Gopi sab gavat hai Mangal badhai • Chatrabhuj prabhu Giridhar laal aarti bani rasaal • Tan Mann Dhann Vaaratt haiYashomati Nandraayi
Kaleva nu pad • ChhaganMaganPyarelaalkijiyekaleva • ChhiketeSugariDadhi, ukkhalchhadikadilevu, • Perilevujagooliphett, bandhilevomeva • ChaganMaganPyarelaalkijiyekaleva • Yamunatat par kelanjaave, kelanmisbhooknalaage • Kaunparipyarelalnish din teva • Surdasmadanmohanghaarhi kyukhelolullan • Dehochakdorbangihansmorpareva Gopis are calling ChhgunMagan (their own kids) and (PyareLaal) Baby Krishna to eat Dahi is at the top of the ceiling. Climb on top of the big pot and take it out [They are telling him the location of the dahi (so can it be stealing)] Put on your “phetto” and clothes (jaguli= top and dhoti). Tie up snack (meva) box. If you go play at the banks of Yamuna, you’ll get hungry mid-play and there won’t be any food, what kind of daily habit have you developed Surdas asks baby Krishna why don’t you just play at home. I’ll give you all kinds of toys
Mangal Mangalam Vrajbhumi Mangalam Mangalam Mangalam Vrajbhoomi Mangalam- In Vraj, Thakorji is Mangal (Auspicious)Mangal Mih Shri Nand Yashoda Naam Sva Kirtan Me tdruchirotsang su lalit palit roopam II1II -Nand ,Yashoda, they raised (laalan paalan) Thakorji in their laps, are Mangal, even their names are Mangal, Shri shri kishna iti shruti saaram, naam svart janashay taapa pah mitimangal ravam - Swaminiji and Thakorji, their names heal their bhakts from missing them.Vraj sundari vayasya surabhi vrund mrugigan nirupam bhava mangalsindhu chayay II2II-Gopijans and friends of Krishna (Govadiyao), Cows, and inside them their bhagvad feeling are boiling inside them..these feelings are mangal and they can produce mangal feeling in our hearts.Mangal Mishat Smit Yut Mikshan Bhashan Munnat nasa put gat mukta fal chalanam -Thakorji smiles (more of a smirk) while he watches over his bhakts and calls his bhakts - this is all mangalKomalchal dangulidal sangat venuninad vimohit vrindavan bhuvi jaata II3II-The vibration from the Thakorji's flute is mangal. When Thakorji plays this flute those living beings in Vrindavan get mezmerisedMangal Makhilam Gopi shitu riti manthar gati vibhram mohit raas sthithgaanam -Gopijan in their minds they are playing raas with Thakorjitvam jay satatam shri govardhan dhar, palay nijdaasanam II4II-Govardhan prabhu I am your daas, everything that belongs to us, belongs to God and so do we. - this belief is Mangal
Why do we offer Tulsi Dal to Thakorji • Tulsi is a mark of dedication and sacrifice. It brings purity in the objects of worship. Bhagvan accepts offerings via Tulsi. This tradition comes form VaishnavTantraShastra. ShriVallabhacharya has accepted this. • After you put Tulsiji in Rajbhogsamagri, then do TulsiSamarpan • Tulsidhaaravana steps • Take tulsi in your hand and cover with other hand and recite Brahasambandh mantra (sahastravaras...) • Place the Tulsi leaf in front of Thakorji’sCharnarvind (Feet) • Do Charansparsh
Brahmasambandh • A person becomes a 'Pushtimargiya vaishnav' only after being initiated into Pushtimarg by the 'Brahmasambandh diksha' and not by simply being born in a Vaishnav family as is a misconception. • Brahmasambandh is the entry of a jiv into Pushtimarg. It is a diksha which can be given by any of the existing Vallabhkul acharya ONLY, not by any other person on this earth. • The word 'Brahmasambandh' is made up of two words 'brahma' meaning prabhu and 'sambandh' meaning relation/attachment. • This mantra is not man-made; it was first given to Vallabh byThakurji Himself (in the form of Gokulchandramaji) at Thakurani Ghat in Gokul on Shraavan Sud 11 in the year 1492 AD (Pavtra Agiyarus) • Thakurji had promised to Vallabhacharya - "To whomever you or your descendants give this diksha, I'll consider him/her as my own and so will not look at the faults of that jiv". • This mantra is an oath taken by the jiv wherein he/she does samarpan of all his worldly wealth and relations MENTALLY to Thakurji. • After taking brahmasambandh the jiv ( oneself) believes that all worldly attachments (like wealth, family, etc.)are given by prabhu with His kripa,
The Two Mantras • NaamMantra: To take initiation in Naam Mantra, we go to our 'Guru' only. One from 'Sri Vallabhacharya's lineage'. He then says 'Ashtakshar Mantra' ('Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama‘) in our ears three times and puts tulsi Kanthi around our neck and entitles us to become Pushtimargiya Vaishnav.Ashtakshar Mantra should be chanted everyday by Vaishnavs. • NivedanMantra, Brahmasambandh or Gadhya MantraThis Mantra is again given only by Vallabhkul Balak. The essence of this mantra is total surrender to 'Lord'.Meaning = Like sparks of fire that flies away from the eternal fire, we are driven away from our Lord for years together and are aimlessly going about forgetting that our duty is to be with the Lord. The Guru reminds us about this duty and reunites us with Lord. This mantra is secret and pure; it cannot be read, written or recited in public
Brahmasambandh Mantra If you want it in Sanskrit please email me at sheel1@gmail.com
Daan Leela • The eleventh day of the brighter half of the Bhadrapad (Aug-Sep) month is celebrated as ‘Daan ekadashi’, and the ‘daan leela’ continues for the next 15 days • Daan is a levy, toll or offering. Daan leela is a name given to Thakurji’s exaction of toll from the gopis of Vraj as they go out to sell their milk, curd. • The daan Thakurji has demanded from the gopis is of curd (dahi/ goras). All the senses should be used in Thakurji’s seva. Having His darshan through the eyes, hearing His leelas through the ears, singing His praises through speech, feeling His touch in seva etc. There are ten senses, the eleventh being mind which rules all the other senses. • To control the mind, the eleventh sense, and to divert all the senses’ direction to the Lord, the leela begins on ekaadashi, the eleventh day of the month. The gopis did not realise Shri Thakurji’s swaroop and went on performing their daily duties. Shri Thakurji wanted them to realize that He was superior to everything else in existence and wanted their senses to follow Him and His leelas alone, to experience the ultimate anand that could be felt only through Him. Daan leela is symbolic of diverting the mind from the material to the divine. Jeev is so full of worldly desires and lost in materialistic indulgence that Thakurji has to forcefully pull him from that illusion to bring him to the realization that he should be engrossed in Thakurji at all times to be in a state of total bliss. Therefore Thakurji blocks the gopis’ way and demands the dadhi daan.
Daan Leela • Dahi was very important for the gopis as they earned their living through it. Thakurji snatched away that very thing from them. He does not want His loved ones to depend on anything else other than Him. • Daan is of three types. • Saatvik means the one given easily and readily where the gopis feel privileged to have Thakurji asking something from them. • Raajas daan is the one given after a lot of discussion, verbal fights and arguments with Thakurji. The gopis need a reason and after a period of questioning and reasoning, taunts and complains, the gopis are finally made to surrender. • Taamas daan is one that is forcefully taken by Thakurji. The gopis refuse to give in to any of Thakurji’s demands and are totally unconvinced. They fight with Him, argue with Him and there is a lot of tug-of –war before they are made to give their daan. • The ashtachhap kirtans reveal more about daan leela than they hide. In the keertans, one can actually visualize the scene when Thakurji is standing with His gang before the gopis demanding them to surrender themselves; how the gopis argue with Him, fight with Him and in that quarrel, their necklaces break scattering the pearls all around the place, their clothes tear, their pitchers fall and break in the snatching and pulling the gopis complain; and finally Thakurji wins! The gopis surrender to Thakurji and realise that there no greater joy in existence than in being dedicated to Thakurji.
Daan Leela • The gopis challenge Thakurji that if He claims to be the head of Vraj and wants His daan, He should first go to Mathura and kill the evil Kansa and only then would they give Him the daan. • Thakurji agrees to do so but on a condition that once He goes to Mathura to kill Kansa, He would not come back to Vraj and stay in Mathura forever. The gopis are suddenly confounded. They cannot imagine their lives without Thakurji. However much they fight with Him, they love Him so much that they cannot live without Him. • Hearing this from Thakurji, they immediately surrender and humbly say He can take whatever He wants and as much as He wants from them but never even mention leaving them or Vraj. Thakurji takes His daan from them like a king and gives them the anand they could have never experienced without Him. • The daan leela is not opened anywhere in scriptures. • Thakurji’s leelas are infinite and eternal but the underlying essence of all His leelas is poornanand’- complete bliss- so unique that despite being complete, it leaves the bhaktas longing for more.
Ashray Pad • Dhradh in charanan kero bharonso Dhradh in charanan kero • ShriVallabhnakhchandrachhataa bin sab jag manzandhero I have an unwavering & absolute faith in my Spiritual Guru ShriVallabh without whose presence, total darkness (of ignorance) would prevail in the world • Saadhanaurnahiya kali meinjaso hoy nibero In this darkest of the times (Kali-Yug) what other means we have butAn unwavering & absolute faith in Him. • ‘Sur’ kahakahedvi-vidhaandharobinamolkochero I, ‘Surdas’, state that I am blind in two ways. I am blind as I can not see the world And I am blind as I can not see any difference between ShriNathji, the God & ShriVallabh, The Guru. I offer my unconditional servitude to Them.
Discussion Items • Tavasmi Initiatives for 2012-2013 • Diwali Celebration • Mahaprabhuji Utsav • Community Serice • Mangal Mandir • Vraj • Other Ideas? Next Meeting: Oct 21st, Jigar and Charmi’s House
Questions from Session Why is there no salt or water added to Samagri in Ansakhadi Seva?
Glossary • Prakatya – appearance on Earth • Sakhadi seva – seva that has bhog of rice and everything else • Ansakhadi – seva that has bhog made of milk • Venuji - flute
Shringaar • The next darshan follows the Mangala darshan by hour and is called Shringar. • Shrinathji is dressed carefully from head to foot, and a garland of flowers is placed around his neck. • A Mukhiya holds a mirror in front of him so that he can satisfy himself that, he is well dressed. • This is his play hour like that of any other child, and he is offered dry fruits and sweets representing food brought to him by his beloved gopis. This explains why he is called gopivallabh • It is only after this meal that Shrinathji's flute is placed in his hand, so that he can delight Swamiji - Shri Radha - with the tunes she loves. The ragas sung during this darshan are Ramakali, Gunakali • and Bilaval. • The poet Nandadas is considered the main singer.