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EU Study development of registries specifications

EU Study development of registries specifications. IETA – Bonn SBSTA Laurent Segalen J une 2003. Important Notice.

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EU Study development of registries specifications

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  1. EU Study development of registries specifications IETA – Bonn SBSTA Laurent Segalen June 2003

  2. Important Notice This presentation was prepared for the IETA Side Event solely in order to explain the content and timetable of the study referenced ENV.E.1/ETU/2002/0014 which is being carried out by CDC IXIS, PwC & Baker & McKenzie for the European Commission and to draw the attention of the Side Event to certain issues arising from this study. All views, opinions and statements in this presentation are only those of PwC. No inference should be drawn that any of the content of this presentation represents in any form or substance the opinion of the European Commission or of its officers nor that any of the proposed schemes herein have been or will be approved or validated by the European Commission or its officers in the context or otherwise of the above-mentioned study. Whilst every effort has been made by PwC to ensure the proposals and schemes shown in this presentation are well founded, no responsibility in any form is assumed by PwC for any actions that any parties may take with respect to any of the proposals and/or statements and content in this presentation. Each party should take its own precautionary measures and conduct its own verifications before basing any action or decision in whatever context on any subject contained in this document.

  3. Prerequisites to functional & technical specifications • The EU Directive concerns only legal entities. • EU registries will be integrated with Kyoto registries so that each national registry should be able to handle both Kyoto allowances and credits and EU allowances. • There will therefore be only one national GHG registry for each MS. • Registries may be maintained in a consolidated system (Art 19) • The ETL will be separate from the national registries and or/ any consolidated system of registries • Any person may hold allowances (Art 19) 3

  4. Registries based on accounting tools • Kyoto registries can be considered as accounting tools: • One of the main options we have considered so far in this study is the use of the double-entry book-keeping accounting method to account for participants’ positions. 4

  5. Functional specifications (1/2) • The following functional specifications need to be integrated into the workings of each national registry: • Creation of EAUs • Initial Allocation • Domestic Transfer • International/Regional Transfer • Freezing of transfers in absence of a satisfactory report (Art 15) • Compliance/Retirement • Cancellation 5

  6. Functional specifications (2/2)5 key macro-processes • The management of registry accounts • The issuance, allocation, cancellation, retirement and eventual banking of allowances • The transfer of allowances and credits • The assessment of compliance - reconciliation between holdings of allowances and credits and verified emissions • The production of reports 6

  7. Key issue 1: proposed interface ETL / ITL 2005-2008 After 2008 REGISTRY A REGISTRY B X 7 ETL X 7 REGISTRY A REGISTRY B X 7 X 7 X 7 ETL ITL

  8. Key issue 2: proposed numbering of EUA Party of origin (ISO 3166 standard) Vintage Indicates the year Unit type 1=AAU, 3=ERU, 5=CER JI or CDM project identifier Unique consecutive #. For non JI or CDM=0000 FR - 00 – 0 - 00 - 0000 - 000000000001 - 000000001000 - 03 - 097 End block Issuance commitment period Pre-Kyoto # are 00, period from 2008-2012 will be 01, etc. LULUCF activity This field is relevant to RMUs, for all other instruments = 00 Unique number 12 consecutive number enables identification of instruments by block (Start) EU tag (ISO 31661 standard) Shows that an AAU/ERU/CER has been converted into an EU allowance

  9. Key issue 3: CPR • Question: Should the CPR apply to all legal entities between 2005 and 2008 or should this be consolidated at the EU level? • CPR applies only to Parties in the Kyoto Protocol, whereas the EU trading scheme only applies to legal entities (companies, etc.). • Consequence: The CPR will not apply to legal entities before 2008 but will have to be respected by Parties from 2008 on. It remains to be determined how the CPR will be applied to legal entities from 2008. 9

  10. Key issue 3: CPR • Question: Should the CPR apply to all legal entities between 2005 and 2008 or should this be consolidated at the EU level? • CPR applies only to Parties in the Kyoto Protocol, whereas the EU trading scheme only applies to legal entities (companies, etc.). • Consequence: The CPR will not apply to legal entities before 2008 but will have to be respected by Parties from 2008 on. It remains to be determined how the CPR will be applied to legal entities from 2008. 10

  11. Technical specifications: key elements to consider • IT Organization (Project Mgmt, Team, Hosting) • Technical architecture (incl. web server, application server, database server, LDAP directory server, “Exchange Module”) • Communication standards (Exchange Protocols, Authentification, Confidentiality) • User Management (Passwd, Security) • Business Continuity (Availabity, Disaster, Back-up…) 11

  12. Next steps • Functional specifications – draft delivered & discussed • Technical specifications – draft delivered • July / September – draft framework completed 12

  13. CDC IXIS - Heneage Legge-Bourkeh.legge-bourke@cdcixis.comB&M - Anthony Hobleyanthony.hobley@bakernet.com PwC - Laurent Segalen laurent.segalen@fr.pwc.com

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