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EUROSION Coastal Erosion - Assessing the needs for actions

EUROSION Coastal Erosion - Assessing the needs for actions. Project funded by the European Commission. OBJECTIVE. “To provide the European Commission with a package of recommendations on policy and management measures to address coastal erosion in the EU.

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EUROSION Coastal Erosion - Assessing the needs for actions

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  1. EUROSION Coastal Erosion - Assessing the needs for actions Project funded by the European Commission

  2. OBJECTIVE “To provide the European Commission with a package of recommendations on policy and management measures to address coastal erosion in the EU. These recommendations should be based on a thorough assessment of the state of coastline and of the response options available at each level of administration.”

  3. ORIGINS Jan. 2001 : Budget amendment proposed by the European Parliament July 2001 : Call for tender launched by the the Directorate General Environment Dec. 2001 : Appointment of the consortium led by the National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management of the Netherlands Jan. 2002 : Starting date Jan. 2004 : Expected ending date

  4. THE CLIENT European Commission Directorate-General Environment Directorate B - Environmental quality of Natural resources Unit B.3 Territorial Dimension

  5. THE CONSORTIUM • Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ) • EUCC - The Coastal Union • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) • Bureau de Recherche Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM) • IGN France International • Institut Français de l’Environnement (IFEN) • EADS Systems & Defense Electronics

  6. PROJECT ORGANISATION WORK PACKAGE 1 P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T WORK PACKAGE 2 Production of a comprehensive multi-thematic database at scale 1:100,000, of European coasts and their vulnarability to coastal erosion WORK PACKAGES 3&4 Review of lessons learned from local shoreline experiences and elaboration of a shoreline management guide WORK PACKAGE 5 Formulation of policy recommendations for managing coastal erosion. WORK PACKAGES 6&7 Communication and dissemination of the project results towards the public


  8. INDICATORS OF DRIVING FORCES Occurence of storms EUROPE-WIDE DATABASE Sea level rise Administrative boundaries Sediments discharged from rivers Elevation and bathymetry Coastal urbanization Hydrography Infrastructure disrupting sediment transports Infrastructure INDICATORS OF PRESSURE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT Geology, geomorphology and evolutionary trends Change in coastal erosion patterns since 1985 Coastal erosion hotspots Hydrodynamics and sea level rise INDICATORS OF STATE Highly vulnerable areas Coastline sections featuring coastal erosion Sediments discharged from rivers Moderately vulnerable areas Presence of coastal defence works Land cover and Land cover changes Lowly vulnerable areas INDICATORS OF IMPACT Nationally designated areas (NATURA2000) Areas potentially subject to floods Legal and regulatory patterns Economical assets at risk Budget invested in shoreline management People at risk Socio-economical profiles Natural habitats at risk INDICATORS OF RESPONSE Budget invested in shoreline management WP 2 – EUROPE-WIDE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT FROM DATA TO INFORMATION FROM INFORMATION TO ACTION

  9. Elaboration of a Shoreline Management Guide 11 pilot areas Guidelines for implementing Local Information Systems WP3&4 - LESSONS LEARNED FROM LOCAL EXPERIENCES Review erosion management practices over 60 case studies 1. Geomorpho- and hydro-dynamical processes 2. Policy framework 3. Technical and engineering solution 4. Social and economical profile 5. Communication between stakeholders Decision-making processes Public perception 6. Information management practices Modelling and monitoring tools Data collection and storage Data processing and representation Data dissemination and exchange


  11. “Do nothing” water level rise “Managed realignment” “Hold the line” seawall “Move seaward” dunes “Limited intervention” wetland WP5 - THE 5 POLICY OPTIONS

  12. Community of Coastal Zone managers, scientists and Policy-Makers European Commission Steering Group Advisory Board WP 6&7 - COMMUNICATION STRATEGY European Commission: - Approves Eurosion deliverables - Orients the project strategy - Reports to European Parliament Steering Group (20 members): - Assists European Commission - Approves deliverables - Orients the project strategy Eurosion Team • Advisory Board (70 members): • - Reviews and comments deliverables • Makes suggestions to Eurosion team • Facilitates contacts at the local level • Community of CZM and Policy-makers: • Is informed about the project progress via Eurosion Website and Newsletters • Provides feedback on Eurosion tools

  13. TIME SCHEDULE • Inception Report : April 2002 • First Interim Report : December 2002 • Second Interim Report : September 2003 • Final Report : January 2004 • Final event : Brussels, March 2004

  14. Thank you for your attention ! http://www.eurosion.org

  15. GEOMORPHOLOGY AND GEOLOGY Example of Aquitaine (France) Source: EUROSION

  16. ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES Example of Ajaccio Bay – Corsica (France) Source: SABE Mediterranean Sea

  17. LAND COVER Example of Andalucia (Spain) Source CORINE Land Cover

  18. HYDRODYNAMICAL DATA Example of Fécamp (France) Source: EUROSION

  19. QUANTITY OF SEDIMENTS DISCHARGED BY RIVERS Source: adapted from NOPOLU / JRC Quantity discharged in 2000

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