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Introduction to generic applications (that can serve CTF too). Katarina Sigerud OP shutdown lectures, 10 Feb 2011 With the much appreciated input from B.Dupuy , R.Gorbonosov , S.Pasinelli , E.Roux , B.Vandorpe. Scope.
Introduction to generic applications (that can serve CTF too) Katarina Sigerud OP shutdown lectures, 10 Feb 2011 With the much appreciated input from B.Dupuy, R.Gorbonosov, S.Pasinelli, E.Roux, B.Vandorpe
Scope • Make publicity for some generic tools, their purpose and where to get more information about them
Glossary • Parameter = device/property#field
WorkingSetshttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/workingset.htmlWorkingSetshttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/workingset.html Responsible: Eric Roux Represents a collection of parameters The WorkingSets are stored in the CO Configuration Database, so can easily be used by applications for dynamic configuration. Ex: References/Archive, WorkingSetLogger, Semgrid… They are grouped by processes, which are related by operational functionality: RF, RING, TIMING, INJECTION ... Processes are themselves grouped by Operational Configuration - OpConfig - in the Operator Console configuration database
WorkingSet Launcherhttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/wslauncher.html Responsible: Eric Roux A specific application to launch WorkingSets The WorkingSet selector uses the OpConfig/Process organization to group the WorkingSets
HTML output WorkingSet Logger Responsible: Eric Roux Used by some equipment specialists and operators to save WorkingSetvalues in flat/html files as a “paper reference/archiving tool” in case the archive DB is not available
Archive and referenceshttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/archives.html Archives References Only ever one value per TGM cycle index, i.e. a value saved for a given TGM cycle index will overwrite the previous value. In the same TGM cycle index you will find reference values of equipment coming from different accelerators (For InCA, the references are stored per LSA cycle name) • Many values per TGM cycle name, i.e. a value saved for a given TGM cycle name is never overwritten • In one archive you will find only equipment values of the same accelerator • Identified by: • an ID • a TGM cycle name • an accelerator • a description • (for InCA archives also a name and a version, and LSA cycle name instead of TGM cycle name) Only parameters which belong to a WorkingSetcan be restored
ArchiveUIhttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/archives.htmlArchiveUIhttp://ab-dep-co-ap.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-ap/dev/java/gui/archives.html Responsible: Eric Roux The parameter list to be archived is based on WorkingSets To find the archivableWorkingSets, the tool uses the same structure of OpConfig and Processes It is used to create, delete, rename, clear, view archive contents and to compare to another archive For References, the views are the same starting at ‘Process & action chooser’
Synoptics editor & viewer Responsible: Eric Roux Based on standard controls components The editor allows you to ‘animate’ an image based on values from parameters or launching other applications, like Knobs, XMLKnobs, WorkingSets, another synoptic …
XMLKnobs Responsible: Eric Roux The layout of regular Knobs are defined in the CO Configuration Database and are the same for a given device class name XMLKnobs allows you to define a ‘knob’ via a text-based description, using existing parameters but choosing the layout more freely
OP Display Responsible: Bernard Vandorpe To create a ‘dashboard’/’workbench’ configured according to operational needs, saved to a text file in XML format Can choose from a catalogue of components:Charts, tables, bar charts, reference panels … It is possible to synchronize between the different components displayed, e.g. the scaling of charts
Editor Trigger condition Acquisition condition Viewer Task Eqp Survey Responsible: Bruno Dupuy To quickly set up a monitoring of several equipment in parallel to investigate the source of complex problems It is also used to create online statistics Mainly used by experts as both setting up a correct monitoring task and interpreting the data returned requires a profound understanding of the possible sources of a problem The data returned is stored in text files that can be read by other applications
Sequencerhttp://wikis.cern.ch/display/SEQ/Sequencer+-+Operator%27s+ManualSequencerhttp://wikis.cern.ch/display/SEQ/Sequencer+-+Operator%27s+Manual Responsible: Vito Baggiolini (for CTF3: Sergio Pasinelli) Used to guide the operators through a predefined set of tasks, providing them automation and reliability in their everyday routines In CTF3 for example, the sequencer is used to Switch ON/OFF groups of power supplies in different parts of the CTF Control the ON/OFF/standby/reset of the modulators as they must follow a specific sequence time/voltage when their actuation is changed For measurements The Sequences are built either using a Sequencer editor or using a regular Java IDE, depending on the level of freedom which is desired
JAPC toolbox http://wikis.cern.ch/display/APS/Diagnostic+tools Choose the most appropriate version according to what TGM network the device belongs
JAPC toolboxhttp://abwww.cern.ch/java/data/tools/asctoolbox/help.html • Responsible: Eric Roux • To provide features allowing to test any control devices accessible via standard controls components • Context diag – contains tools to check parameters features • JAPC/RDA diag – to test the access to any parameter at any level • PPM values comparator – to compare values between two acquisitions • TGM video – Shows the telegram event content
Tools to check parameters features such as PPM values PPM Values – a table with the values for each user for the chosen parameter Table history – shows a table with the history of the last parameter values ChartViewer – as Table history but displayed as a scrolling plot (last 60 basic periods) PLS copy – to copy a value from one user to other users, operator selection Default GUI component JAPC toolbox: ‘Context diag’ tab
Connection status at all levels JAPC Toolbox : ‘JAPC/RDA diag’ tab Can display a function This panel is also available from the first-aid button in the default toolbar available in many applications Equipment access – to check access to a parameter for a TGM cycle at different levels RDA – ‘Raw’ access, gives output for all properties JAPC, Context – Application levels, gives output only for the parameter monitored PPM comparator – the same as PPM values comparator tab (next slide) To verify the output for a parameter or to diagnose a problem with accessing a parameter
JAPC Toolbox : ‘PPM values comparator’ tab Shows the difference for a parameter for all TGM users between two acquisitions (e.g. before and after a PPM copy) The same as the ‘PPM comparator’ in the ‘JAPC/RDA diag’ panel
Other generic applications presented elsewhere • Alarms and monitoring • Improve Alarm Management with LASER • Use and Configuration of DIAMON • (OP shutdown lectures 19/1/2011) • Controls Configuration DB • Applications for Browsing and Editing Data in the Controls Configuration DB • (OP shutdown lecture 20/1/2011) • Signal observation • Advanced OASIS • (OP shutdown lecture 20/1/2011) • Logging data extraction • ‘Using TIMBER Effectively’ • Seminar this Friday 11/2/2011 at 14:00 in the BE Auditorium 864 1-D02
CO/AP development wikihttp://wikis.cern.ch/display/APS/Software+Development Summarizes guidelines, FAQ, HowTos and tools for the software life cycle