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Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Palestinian Energy Authority (PEA). Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center. RE &EE Applications in Palestine Amman , 22-23 Mar. 2011. Outline. Introduction The current situation of Energy Sector in Palestine The Strategic Objectives
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Palestinian Energy Authority (PEA) Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center RE &EE Applications in PalestineAmman , 22-23 Mar. 2011 (1)
Outline • Introduction • The current situation of Energy Sector in Palestine • The Strategic Objectives • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy • Strategic issues • Activities And Achievements • Ongoing Projects • Priority Activities (2)
1. Introduction(1/4): ( Energy Forms) • The main forms of Energy Sources are : • Oil and Gas Energy :represents 51% of the energy local market total consumption • Electric Energy:represents about31% of the total local energy consumption • Renewable Energy (RE) : used particularly for water heating, represents 18% (4)
1.Introduction (2/4): The current Situation (2009 ) • Available Capacity in West-Bank and Gaza (2009) (5)
1.Introduction (3/4): The current Situation (2009 ) Electric Energy Purchases (GWH) from (2007-2009) (6)
Introduction(4/4) : The current Situation • Main Characteristics • Palestine is almost entirely dependent on imported energy supplies • Supply of conventional energy monopolised by Israel. • (75%) of energy demand is accounted for by the service and household sectors, since there is relatively little activity in manufacturing. • Per capita electricity consumption= 855 kWh/y • Annual consumption growth rate is 5-6% (7)
The Strategic Objectives(1/3)PNP(Building the State and Ending Occupation 2011-2013) • A Palestinian Electric System That is: • Sustainable, reliable,efficien,integrated and secure. • Capable of meeting the current and future demands. • Conform to international environmental measures • Promoting social and industrial development • Has a Tariff policy that reflects the actual cost for the service and Stimulate private sectors investment (9)
The Strategic Objectives(1/3)The General Electricity Law • The General Electricity Law (approved in mid.2009) unbundles the electric system into three sub-sectors : • Generation and Distribution( privatized and corporatized) And • Transmission(retained by the public sector) • Clarifies roles and responsibilities among sector players: (PEA,PERC,PEC,PETEL,IPP’s and Distribution Utilities). • Emphasizes the promotion of energy efficiency improvement and exploitation of available energy resources (10)
` The Palestinian Energy Center (PEC) `` Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council (PERC) The Palestinian Energy Authority (PEA) The Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company (PETL) Energy Sources The General Electricity Law Consumes up to 36KV Consumes above 36KV (11)
Yr 2020 Yr 2020 EE/RE (1/10) a. The Strategy • Increasing renewable energy contribution to the supply: • 10% of the Local Electricity Generation Capacity:(100MW-CSP) • Adopt Energy Efficiency and Rational Energy Consumption Programs • 5% of the End Use Energy Consumed utilizing EE programs. • Using tried-and-true technologies that are more efficient and mitigate • potentially negative environmental effects or to generate environmental • benefits. (13)
EE /RE (2/10):b.Actions in EE & Energy conservation • Energy Efficiency Improvement and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Project (GEF) 1998-2001 • The project aimed at : Removing barriers to achieving energy efficiency improvements and creating an institutional framework to gain attention for energy efficiency opportunities among governmental decision-makers and in the public. • The activities accomplished by the project: • Dissemination of 20.000 CFL. • Energy audits: 200 factories ( 14)
EE /RE (3/10):b.Actions in EE & Energy conservation • Energy Efficiency management initiative, AFD and FFEM, the French Global Environment Facility and the WB for RE initiatives: • The project aimed at : • Reducing the consumption of the imported energy in the occupied Palestinian Territories through the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy. • Reducing the emission of greenhouse gases attributed to energy use in the Palestinian Territories ( 15)
Energy Efficiency management initiative, AFD and FFEM, the French Global • Environment Facility and the WB for RE initiatives • (Cont….4/10 • Activities of the AFD project: • Improvement of energy performance in key sectors; industry, services and public buildings. • Promotion of renewable energy; institutional support, training and pilot projects. • Creation of an energy efficiency and renewable energy support information centre within PEC (Technical support for implementation, auditing service, information, training and communication). ( 16)
EE /RE (5/10):b.Actions in EE & Energy conservation • Energy Efficiency Strategy in Palestinian Building Sector: PEC / MED-ENEC I,II • Aims and activities • Improving energy efficiency in buildings and reducing its energy requirements without affecting the level of comfort, luxury or the quality of building. • Geothermal Pilot project and MENA geothermal company. • Proposed Solar testing creation • Technical assistance for large buildings in implementation of EE measures. ( 17)
EE /RE (6/10):b.Actions in EE & Energy conservation • PERIODIC ACTIVITIES IN EE/RE • Energy labeling for domestic appliances • Energy labeling and specifications for construction materials • Adoption of Energy code for building ,approved by PHC in 2004, for insulation materials used in building envelope. • Energy auditing in industrial and service sectors to reduce energy waste and consumption. • Awareness campaigns through workshops and seminars for energy conservation in key sectors for the efficient use of energy. (18)
EE /RE (7/10):C.On Going Projects • Renewable Energy Assessment Project(Started Oct. 2010) • Task1:Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the RES in Palestine. • D1: Inception Report • D2: Availability maps for each RES • D3: RES assessment report including a list of potential projects. • Task2: Prepare Draft National Regulations on Rational Use of Energy and Renewable Sources of Energy. • D4: Feed-in Tariff Report • D5: Incentives Mechanisms Report • D6: Recommendations Report • Task 3: Prepare a Renewable Action Plan • D7:Policy Recommendations and RE-Action Plan Report ( 19)
EE /RE (8/10):C.On Going Projects • Promoting Clean Energy Using Solar Photovoltaic System: (PV JICA) • Funded by JICA • Rating Capacity: 300 kWp • Expected amount of power generation:422,000 kWh/y. • Amount of carbon dioxide reduction: 290.6 tons/y • Landscaping : 12/2010 and Project completion: 2/2012 20)
EE /RE (9/10):d.Priority Activities • Construction of 10MW CSP generation plan : • Finalizing the prefeasibility Study • On going prefeasibility for the first phase – 2MW • Set up RE/EE Law and National Regulations on Rational Use of Energy and Renewable Sources of Energy: • Promotes the exploitation of RE and EE • Participate in protection of Environment • Establishment of a RE Fund • Feed-In Tariff • A achieving the sustainable Development trough the promotion of RE resources • Restructuring of the electricity tariff in order to encourage improved energy efficiency ( 21)
RE /EE (10/10):d.Priority Activities • Finalize the Preparation of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan • Main Goal: Energy Conservation and Rational Use of Energy and promote the use of renewable energy sources. • Plan Elements: • Information: collect the right and valuable information then analyze and simplify it to be suitable for the beneficiaries. • Information Dissemination: select the suitable and effective way to present and disseminate the information for the beneficiaries. • The beneficiaries: Reach the related and effective societies in energy conservation and concentrate on the most energy consumption sectors. • Proposals and pilot projects: practical implementation of the awareness campaigns to convince the consumer. ( 24)
RE /EE (1/7):d. Priority Activities (Cont…) • Effective organizations and partners : • The Palestinian Energy Authority (PEA). • The Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center (PEC). • The Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council(PERC) • Electric Distribution Companies • Research centers • Ministry of national economy • Ministry of Education ( 24)
Urgent assistance needs • Assistance and support for preparing the NEEAP-Palestine • Solar Water Heater and Electric Appliances Testing Facilities • TA for Drafting the RE/EE Law • Technical Assistance for the Establishment of EE /RE Accreditation Department in the frame work of PEC • Technical and Financial Assistance for launching the CSP generation Plant (phase –I). (25)