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Kamal Banjara Rodrigo Benedetti Bob DeBorde John DeLeonardis. Nanotechnology applications: Oil and gas industry . Overview. Oil and Gas Industry Nanotechnology in the Industry Applications . http://kiaostherealitytraveler.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-do-you-like-this-reailty.html.
Kamal Banjara Rodrigo Benedetti Bob DeBorde John DeLeonardis Nanotechnology applications: Oil and gas industry
Overview • Oil and Gas Industry • Nanotechnology in the Industry • Applications http://kiaostherealitytraveler.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-do-you-like-this-reailty.html
Applications • Geothermal Energy • Fuel Energy • Better Equipment • Smart fluids • Sensors stockwatch.in webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca
Introduction • Oil spills and wastewater • Conventional Techniques Julio Cortez / Houston Chronicle
Oil Spills Clean Up Booms -- Floating barriers placed around the oil or around whatever is leaking the oil. Booms contain the oil so skimmers can collect it. Skimmers -- Boats, vacuum machines, and oil-absorbent plastic ropes that skim spilled oil from the water's surface after booms have corralled it. The skimmer collects oil into a container so it can be removed. In-situ burning -- Igniting freshly spilled oil while it's still floating on the water. Chemical dispersants Bioremediation erez-therm.com industrysearch.com.au
NEW APPROACH: • Nanowire membranes
Chemical composition • Potassium sulphate • Potassium persulphate • Manganese sulphate monohydrate • Solution ratio 1:2:1 in deionized water K2S2O8 @ 2500C for 4 days in OVEN K2SO4 MnSO4 . H2O Transferred Teflon-vessel Final product: Superhydrophilic Manganese oxide nanowire membranes
Use of Polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) • Provides silicon • Silicon is hydrophobic PDMS nanomembrane @ 2340 C and for 30 mins Final product; Silicon coated superhydrophobic membranes
What they have accomplished • MIT engineers have developed self-assembled nanowire membranes with superwetting properties (0.05 s). • By coating the membrane with hydrophobic molecules, the wetting characteristics are reversed http://www.newscientist.com/articleimages/dn16340/0-nanotechnologys-biggest-stories-of-2008.html
The nanomembrane was assembled underwater and dried. SEM high magnification few of nanowire bundle under various magnification
Later the wool-like bundle was stretched out and pressed in a similar way that paper is made. Optical image of the cryptomelane membrane Scanning electron microscope image of cross section area of the membrane
What they found: • Very robust • Reusable • Hydrophobicity doesn’t decrease with use
Nanowire membranes act as nano-capillary sponges • the pore size distribution centered about 10nm • Surface area of 44 m2g-1
Membrane absorbs on average of 14 t m-3 of motor oil making it an ideal oil absorbent • Experimental results shows the membrane can soak up organic substance 20 times of its weight
Oil uptake studies of the silicone-coated nanowire membrane ; absorption capabilities of the membrane for a selection of organic solvents and oil in terms of its weight gain
Comparison to porous Polypropylene and silicon-coated glass fabric membranes
Conclusions • Nanowire membranes can be controlled to be either hydrophilic or hydrophobic • Addition/subtraction of coating • Thermodynamically stable • Selective solubility • Polar v. non-polar • Non-polar v. non-polar
Applications • Oil Spills • Absorbs only organics • Regeneration • Separation Process sanfrancisco.ismyhome.com
Assessment • Useful technology • Wide variety of applications • Manganese Oxide is Toxic Manganese Oxide Optionoxides.tradeindia.com ouhsc.edu
Further Research Possibilities • Membranes that are specific to one species • Techniques for large-scale production • Use compounds that are non-toxic • Full properties of material filebox.vt.edu
Rebuttal from U1 http://www.ivan-ong.com/wp-admin/images/public.jpg We agree that we all need to work on our speaking skills, such as eye contact and overall verbal delivery. We should also avoid filler words. Some people thought our introduction was either too long or too short, and many people felt that it was vague and off-topic. Our intention with the introduction was to familiarize the audience with the problems of current oil spill cleanup and how nanotechnology can help out. We should have made it a little more clear and possibly improved our organization. More in-depth research could have been done by us on the hazards of such materials and similar research being done by other groups. http://www.freewebs.com/matthewstolte/Oil_Spill!_by_Berger.jpg
Review of Group U1’s Presentation- Nanotechnology Applications: Oil and Gas Industry By Group U2: -Kyle Demel -Keaton Hamm -Bryan Holekamp -Rachael Houk industrysearch.com.au
The presenters could have discussed the following more in depth: • Further applications of oil- soaking nanomembranes: • Small-scale water clean-ups • Self-cleaning fabrics/carpets • Super absorbent rags • Hydrocarbon storage • Filter membranes • Introduction • Needed to be longer
Review from Group U3 Super wetting Nanomembranesfor Selective Absorption Group 3: Krista Melish James Kancewick Phillip Keller Mike Jones
Presentation Review: Ugrad #1 Presentation Review Material Review Good Volume and Tone Need to reduce use of verbal distractors (umm, like, etc.) and pauses Slight tendency to present to the slide versus the audience Good slide design Consistent format Use of graphics enhanced presentation Well thought out and easy to follow Overall Grade: 90 Article chosen appropriate and Interesting Selective absorbance characteristics of non-polar liquids holds future value Speed and selectivity of absorbtion are astounding Holds promise for oil spill clean up Laboratory separations Industrial absorption bed material Questions for further research: What are the hazards of regeneration? Can the technology be applied to other areas such as solute adsorption (seawater) or gas adsorption (fuel storage)?
Super wetting Nanomembranesfor Selective Absorption Review from Group 4 Group U4
Main Points • Possible uses rely on the hydrophobicity of the membrane. • Tested on a laboratory scaled and proved to absorb oil and not water. • Reusable. • When scaled up, could be used to clean up oil spills. • Chemical properties could be modified to absorb other substances, thus broadening the range of applications. • Debate over its hazardousness. Group U4
Nanotechnology Applications: Oil and gas industry • Review of Team U1 by Team U5 – Jaynesh Shah, Greg Pudewell, Edwin L. Youmsi Pete and John Pack.
Oral and Quality of Slides Review • The speakers did a great job of speaking in a clear manner. • They were confident and sounded knowledgeable on the subject. • The slides were visually appealing and consistent • Graphics helped gave visuals about and helped understand the subject
Technical Review • The presentation was technically sound • Good use of technical jargon • Paper selection was relevant and recent • Perhaps research other new methods of cleaning up oil spills
Review from U6 to U1 Nanotechnology Applications: Oil and Gas Industry • The presentation was well laid out and there were illustrations to support their points. • The paper presented was very innovative and possessed many potential future uses. • Further research needs to be performed to determine the feasibility of large scale production. • They could have spoken more clearly and made more eye contact with audience. Presented by Undergraduates 1 (U1) Critiqued by Undergraduates 6 (U6) – PavitraTimbalia, Michael Trevathan, & Jared Walker Group U6
Review from U6 to U1 What We Learned • Nanowire/nanomesh is: • Highly hydrophobic • Extremely durable • Has a strong affinity toward hydrocarbons • Capable of significant hydrocarbon separation – • based on polarity • Only been produced on small scale • The cost of production is unknown • Potential toxicity issues while manufacturing • In the future it will be capable of efficiently • cleaning up spilled oil in the field. Group U6
Review from G6 to U1c Mass Production • It seems that the nano-capiliary sponges can be used to selectively absorb or set boundaries for and contain leaked oil. In order to make this possible, a large amount of sponges are needed. • What efforts have researchers made to improve the techniques to mass-produce this nano-material? • Have they been successful? • How far has the research been done to commercially produce the material for use? Jung Hwan Woo
Review from G6 to U1c Socioeconomic Issues • Is the production toxin-free? (especially for large-production) • Is this material more cost-effective than the current methods discussed in the introduction? Jung Hwan Woo