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American Lit Honors

American Lit Honors. Vocabulary Unit 1. PROVINCIAL. JADED. APPROBATION. TRANSCEND. “Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it.”. INNUENDO. ELICIT.

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American Lit Honors

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  1. American Lit Honors Vocabulary Unit 1


  3. JADED



  6. “Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it.”



  9. Golden Opulence sundae for the low, low price of …….$1,000First dates looking to impress or sweet-sixteens in search of something special strike gold, quite literally, at Serendipity 3, the legendary New York City eatery where celebs are often spotted. The restaurant's golden opulence sundae is covered in 23-carat edible gold leaf and is also rich in flavor thanks to Tahitian vanilla ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla beans and chunks of rare Chuao chocolate from Venezuela. In lieu of Hershey's syrup and a maraschino cherry, this sundae is drizzled with one of the world's most expensive chocolates, from AmedeiPorcelana, and then adorned with candied fruits, gold covered almonds, chocolate truffles and marzipan cherries. The dish also features a dollop of sweet Grande Passion caviar served with a mother of pearl spoon and a gilded sugar flower. The whole shebang looks as good as it tastes, served in a Baccarat crystal goblet (yours to keep) with an 18-carat gold spoon (not included).



  12. HIATUS


  14. LURID










  24. approbation n. the expression of approval or praise syn. approval, Commendation, sanction ant. disapproval, censure Origin—1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French ) < Latin approbātiōn-  (stem of approbātiō ). Saban gives his team another sign of approbationas they win the National Title.

  25. assuage • to make easier or milder, to calm or to quench, to appease or satisfy syn. mitigate, alleviate ant. Intensify, aggravate, exacerbate • 1250–1300; Middle English aswagen  < Old French asouagier  < Vulgar Latin *assuāviāre,  equivalent to Latin as- as- + -suāviāre,  verbal derivative of Latin suāvis  agreeable to the taste, pleasant ( compare suave; akin to sweet) Granny can assuageyour hunger with a homemade Jimmy Dean sausage and biscuit.. ANAGRAM

  26. coalition n. a combination, union or merger syn. alliance, league, ant. splinter group • 1605–15; < Latin coalitiōn-  (stem of coalitiō ), equivalent to coalit ( us ), past participle of coalēscere  ( co-+ ali-,  past participle stem of alere  to nourish + -tus  past participle suffix) + -iōn The United States created a strong coalition that defeated Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War.

  27. decadence n. decline and decay; a period of decline and decay; excessive self indulgence syn. Degeneration ant. rise, growth, development SENTENCE Some musicians may experience a time of decadence if they only produce a one-hit wonder. 1540–50; < Middle French < Medieval Latin dēcadentia,  equivalent to Late Latin dēcadent-  (stem of dēcadēns ), present participle of dēcadere  to fall away ( de- + cad ( ere ) to fall + -ent-) + -ia  noun suffix;

  28. elicit v. to draw forth or to bring out from some source syn. Call forth, evoke, extract, Educe ant. Repress, quash, stifle SENTENCE A teacher’s question may elicit several responses from the class. 1635–45; < Latin ēlicitus  drawn out (past participle of ēlicere ), equivalent to ē- e- + lici-  draw, lure + -tus  past participle suffix

  29. expostulate v. to attempt to dissuade someone from course or decision by earnest reasoning syn. Protest, remonstrate, complain ORIGIN—1525–35; < Latin expostulātus  demanded urgently, required (past participle of expostulāre ). Postulate— To demand Though it was a scorching 98 degrees outside, Bernie dressed in the chicken outfit in an attempt to expostulate eating fast food.

  30. hackneyed adj. Used so often as to lack freshness or originality syn. banal, trite, common place, corny ant. new, fresh, novel, original • Origin: 1740–50; hackney + -ed2 “to be honest” “actually” “don’t just talk the talk; you got to walk the walk” “when I get around to it” “the fact of the matter is” “in conclusion” “first of all” Mrs. League said I must “hack” away the hackneyed phrases in my essay if I expected to earn an A.

  31. hiatus n. a gap, an opening, or a break syn. pause, lacuna ant. continuity, continuation ORIGIN 1555–65; < Latin hiātus  opening, gap, equivalent to hiā ( re ) to gape, open + -tus  suffix of v. action Joe’s doctor informed him that he would need to take a hiatusfrom table tennis for about ten weeks since he broke his arm while trying to carry his girlfriend’s purse.

  32. innuendo n. A hint or indirect suggestion or reference (often in a derogatory sense) syn. Insinuation or intimation ant. direct statement ORIGIN— 1555–65; < Latin: a hint, literally, by signaling, ablative of innuendum,  gerund of innuere  to signal, equivalent to in- in-2 + nuere  to nod The gangster’s innuendo, “Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it,” made me cringe.

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