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A structured tool for local areas to assess and improve their system for addressing alcohol-related harm, based on evidence-based practice and NICE guidance.
The alcohol stocktake tool • Provides a structure for local areas to take a systematic view of their system for responding to alcohol-related harm in the adult population • Explores integration of activity by all local partners across all levels of prevention • Covers the interventions that evidence indicates are most effective • In line with NICE guidance PH24, CG100 & CG115 • Provides an opportunity to benchmark against evidence-based practice, facilitating the identification of effective practice, any gaps in provision and highlighting possible improvements. Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
Where the stocktake came from • Prototype developed and tested in 14 pilot areas during 2012-13 • Pilot partnerships and NTA regional teams fed back that it had been highly successful as a means of structuring a constructive review of local response to alcohol harm. • Subsequently, revisions were made in close consultation with PHE centre alcohol and drug teams. Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
What pilot areas said about the stocktake: • “This enabled a '360 degree' look at local alcohol issues and 'quick wins' that could help address these, so it was a very useful exercise.” - Senior Substance Misuse Commissioner • “The tool was useful in allowing us to recap on some of the work already undertaken and what further work needed to be done. It also reinforced that whilst there was still a lot of work to be delivered, we had carried out some good pieces of work.” - Substance Misuse Strategic Lead • “The stocktake tool helped to focus and identify what we do well and what we need to improve on. I found the process useful as it concentrated the mind and did what it said on the tin.” – Substance Misuse Joint Commissioning Team Planning Manager • “The stocktake approach was good as it provided the opportunity to reflect on current services.- Consultant in in Public Health Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
What NTA/PHE teams said about the stocktake: • “The stocktake tool was very effective – particularly in engaging providers and commissioners and establishing some sense of external intervention and motivation. It was a comprehensive coverage document, able to gather most of the information required for the project. It provided for the exploration of a system and the integration of its components or lack thereof.“ • “It puts the whole system under the microscope – from a commissioning perspective sometimes what you think you are commissioning and what providers are actually delivering are two different things – and quite often you don’t have the capacity to get into this level of detail.” • “The tool itself was easy to use – could be broken down into sections to use with different groups. A walk through with all treatment providers should form part of the process – it helps to identify gaps.” Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
Revised version • stocktake was felt to be very useful in the pilots with the 14 areas • Some criteria were ambiguous • Some criteria redundant • Primary prevention was missing • Maintaining the evidence-based approach • Added guidance where criteria may be misinterpreted • Emphasis on the identification of evidence that demonstrates the criteria. 6 Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
42 criteria covering 7 domains, grouped into 5 broad sections: • Strategic Leadership and Planning Section • Domain 1: Needs assessment and Data • Domain 2: Finance • Domain 3: Pathways • Primary Prevention Section • Domain 4: Population Level Actions • Secondary Prevention Section • Domain 5: Targeted Interventions • Hospital-based Alcohol Services Section • Domain 6: Hospital-based Alcohol Services • Tertiary Prevention Section • Domain 7: Specialist treatment 7 Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
Using the stocktake • Local areas can use unassisted • Input from a wide range of stakeholders will be necessary: • Commissioners • Strategic leads • Acute Hospitals • Treatment providers • Health Check leads • Licensing • etc. 8 Alcohol stocktake self-assessment
Publication • The tool will be freely available to local areas via the PHE Alcohol Learning Resource website http://www.alcohollearningcentre.org.uk • and the NTA legacy website. • http://www.nta.nhs.uk • Centre teams may wish to offer support to local areas in the use of the tool and in developing and completing resulting improvement action plans. Alcohol stocktake self-assessment