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  1. 3rd ASEE International Colloquium on Engineering Education  TRACK ON INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION OF QUALIFICATIONS Breakout Session D, September 10, 2004 Beijing ESTABLISHING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN JAPAN – ACCREDITATION, PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION AND CPD – Hideo Ohashi Vice President, Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education  Chairman, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan

  2. Impact of Globalization • : Collapse of Cold War Regime • Globalization started to accelerate! • : /1 WTO founded > Accelerate free trade of services • /11 APEC Summit Meeting > Mobility of engineers • 1996:/3 Coordination of APEC Engr by HRD-WGstarted • /5 Preparation for revision of PE Law • /7 Study of accreditation of eng. education • 1997: /11 Final agreement on requirements for APEC Engr • 1998: /7 Preparation for founding accrediting organization • 1999: /11 Foundation of JABEE • 2000:/4 Amendment of Professional Engineers Law • 2001:/3 First registration of APEC Engr • 2002:/4 First JABEE accredited programs announced Japanese domestic events International events

  3. Confucius said ? Socrates said ? Learning for Truth Oriental subconsciousness Metaphysical means higher ! Working for Bread

  4. Life-long Professional Development of Engineers Fundamental Training & Professional Continuing Training Practicing Qualification Prof. Development Engineering education Engineers with global competence CPD provided by eng. societies, universities, companies, etc. duty Accreditation system Domestic PE Exemption of primary exam duty Global Equivalence International PE Quality Assurance APEC Eng. Eng. societies PDE Council(in preparation) JABEE

  5. Organization of JABEE  General Assembly Regular & Supporting Members Auditors Industrial Advisory Board President Executive Committee Board of Directors Criteria & Procedures Committee Accreditation Commission Executive Director Appeal Commission Staff/Office

  6. Membership of JABEE NGO and independent of any educational institutions Regular Members: 90 major engineering societies IPEJ, JSME, JSCE, IEEJ, AIJ, SCEJ, IPSJ, MMIJ, ISIJ, FASJ, JSAP, JIMA,,,,, Supporting Members: 52 major industrial firms Canon, Denso, Fuji Film, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IHI, Kajima, Matsushita, MHI, NEC, TDK, Toshiba,, The government (MEXT and METI) has been supporting JABEE by Grant-in-Aid for developing criteria, training examiners, con-ducting pilot accreditation, promoting international exchange, etc.

  7. Relation among JABEE, Engineering Organizations, Educational Institutions and Industry Application for accreditation Government Support Accreditation Result Examination Request for examination Engineering Organizations(90) Educational Institutions JABEE Examination report Public Release Employment Cooperation and support International Mutual Recognition Industry Supporting member ( 52 companies)

  8. Progress of JABEE Activities

  9. Financing – Fiscal Year 2003 – Revenue 154 M\ Expenses 140 M\

  10. International Relations

  11. Membership in Washington Accord, 2003-2005 Mutual Recognition of the Equivalence in Engineering Education UK Germany Canada Ireland Japan USA Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore Australia South Africa Signatory Member New Zealand Provisional Member

  12. 250 thousand MDs 500 thousand PEs Amendment of Professional Engineers Law Composition of Engineers in Japan • Target of Amendment • Increase number of PEs by enhancing value and merit of the title. • (quantity) • 2. Improve compatibility with foreign PEs by modifying rules. • (quality) 300 thousand 1st Class Architect/Engineers 2.5 Million Engineers 40 thousand PEs before amendment Currently 56 thousand ! 400 thousand R&D Engineers 100 Thousand Annual Inflow of New Graduates

  13. Infrastructure of Supporting CPD for Engineers Needs Diverse Services Seeds Clients/Engineers CPD ProgramsProviders • Disciplines • Mechanical • ICT, etc. • Level • Introductive • Advanced • Duration & time • Days, weeks • Semester • Day or evening • Method • Face to face • Correspondence • E-Learning • Size of Enterprises • Small • Medium • Large • Sort of Business • Manufacturing • Sales • Operation • R&D etc. • Kind of Job • R&D • Design • Manufacturing • Management • Engineering Societies • Short term • Advanced topics • Universities • Systematic courses • Degree and Diploma • Training Centers • of Industrial Companies • Needs oriented • Exclusive & efficient • Industrial Associations • Practice oriented • Education Companies • Commercial service

  14. Objectives of a Coordinating Organization in Preparation - PDE Council (tentative name) - • Disseminate the importance of CPD among engineers and employers • Promote communication andcooperation of CPD providers • Accredit CPD providers and assure the quality of programs • Offer a common platform for the selection of programs based on the data base of available CPD services • Introduce common format for the annotation and labeling of CPD programs • Introduce common calculation method for CPD hours with properly defined weight factors • Introduce CPD record format of individuals that is interchangeable across disciplines

  15. Conclusions • Establishment of engineering profession is indispensable to improve the public confidence on engineering and engineers. • Globalization requested us to reform tradition-based perception, value and culture. • Mutual communication and understanding within Asian region are needed for the future cooperation.

  16. Appendix Comparison of Terminologies used in China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan * Not used frequently Compiled by Hideo Ohashi based on the information given by Prof. Shouwen Yu of Tsinghua Univ. (China), Prof. Wenshion Chang of Lunghwa Univ. of Science and Technology (Taiwan) and Prof. Jaemin Hyun of KAIST (Korea).

  17. Statement to the public (1998) by Prof. H. Yoshikawa, President of JABEE • The safety and reliability of modern society depend heavily on human-made products such as materials, buildings, vehicles, information and communication devices and systems, etc. • Engineers are thoroughly responsible for such products, throughout planning, developing, designing, manufacturing and operating phases. Engineers must be qualified to accept such responsibility. • Society should recognize the role of engineers properly. To obtain the public understanding, there must be a publicly acceptable system that assures the professional qualification of engineers.

  18. Introduction of Japanese version of Professional Engineer is urgent, that should be compatible, of course, with global standards. • Introduction of an accreditation system of engineering education at university level is also urgent. Accreditation not only assures the quality of fundamental education for engineers, but also generates strong driving force for the improvement of university education. • To maintain life-long expertise of engineers, the importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) must be recognized.

  19. Recognition of Engineering as a Profession What is “profession”? No historical background to understand the perception, since there is no indigenous terminology in Chinese-character cultural zone.

  20. Revised Rules for Professional Engineers Higher Education general Engineering Education Accredited Programs by JABEE Education Primary Examination X Engineering practice more than 7 years Engineer in Training Initial Professional Development Rout 1 Rout 2 Rout 3 Final Examination in 20 Divisions License Professional Engineer, PE CPD Mutual Recognition APEC Eng’r, PE, CEng, etc Continuing Professional Development Lifelong Engineering Career

  21. Engineer in Training Initial Professional Development, IPD Rout 2 Rout 3 Rout 1 Final Examination Rout 1: 4+ years training program under experienced supervisors Rout 2: 4+ years training as an assistant to a licensed PE Rout 3: 7+ years practice in engineering ********** Master in Engineering is counted as 2 years training.

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