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Ji-sheng Chen Phys. Dep. & Institue Of Particle Phys. , CCNU, Wuhan 430079 With P.-F Zhuang (Tsinghua Univ.) , J.-R Li(CCNU) and M. Jin (Tsinghua Univ.). Hidden Local Symmetry and Correlations of Nucleons in Nuclear Matter. Contents. Motivation Correlations:
Ji-sheng Chen Phys. Dep. & Institue Of Particle Phys. , CCNU, Wuhan 430079 With P.-F Zhuang (Tsinghua Univ.) , J.-R Li(CCNU) and M. Jin (Tsinghua Univ.) Hidden Local Symmetry and Correlations of Nucleons in Nuclear Matter
Contents • Motivation • Correlations: a. Superfluidity with screening effects b. Novel EM interactions on the correlations of nucleons in nuclear matter with Proca Lagrangrian 3. Conclusions and prospects
1. Motivation • Phase transtion • ~ changes of symmetry is the central topic of physics (nuclear physics, condensed physics, high energy etc.) • “Vacuum ” physics attracts much attention. • Heavy ion collisions’ goal:High T/ρ Physics, • Medium effects? Many-body Physics?
EOS and pairing correlation:a hot topic in temporary physics • Full description of Nuclear Matter Phase diagram • Astrophysics • Heavy ion collisions Widely discussed in the literature and attract much attention. Conclusion can not be made up to now!
2a, Screening effects on 1S0 correlation J.-S Chen, P.-F Zhuang and J.-R Li, Nucl-th/0309033, Phys. Lett.B585, 85 (2004), Crucial: interactionpotentialmedium dependent induced by polarization Inspired by Phys.Lett. B445 (1999) 254, with the proposal by R. Rapp et al., “in-medium bonn potential…”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 1827. Polarization effects are discussed within the original version of quantum hadrodynamics(QHD).
Superfluidity in nuclear matter:a longstanding issue • Bohr, B.R. Mottelson, and D. Pines, Phys. Rev. 110, 936 (1958) to interpret some puzzles in nuclear theory. Qualitatively or quantitatively, not unique yet! Various approaches tried and gave quite different results • “standard” but non-relativistic, J. Decharge and D. Gogny, Phys. Rev. C 21, 1568 (1980). • Relativistic continuous field theory, H. Kucharek and P. Ring, Z. Phys. A 339, 23 (1991). Attention: • A,Quite unacceptable numerical results of superfluidity with frozen meson propagators. • B,Screening effects widely discussed within the frame of nonrelativistic frame!
2b,Broken U(1) EM symmetry related with LG phase transition and breached pairing(NN, NP) strengthsnucl-th/0402022,J.-S Chen, J.-R Li and M. Jin,An improved version will be accessible soon.
Motivation • The unrealistic and very uncomfortablenon-zero gaps at zero baryon density with QHD existed in the literature • Anderson-Higgs mechanism and electric-weak theory, super-symmetry theory • The quite different negative scattering lengths of nucleons!
Framework: relativistic nuclear field theory (QHD), agood one to discuss symmetry physics • QHD hidden Chiral symmetry (QCD characteristic? the parametric description of residual strong interaction between nucleons): G.-E Brown et al., NPA596(1996) 503; G. Gelmini et al., PLB 357 (1995) 431. • How about “weak” EM symmetry? Important non-saturating coulomb interaction role on the EOS? Multi-canonical formalism Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 (2003) 202701, argued the theoretical background needs to be explored.
Why? • Not-empty of realistic ground state with mean field theory approach! Nonzero electric charge of protons and charged clusters • Infrared singularity of photon propagator even with Fock exchange term ~point-like interaction model(s) ; Furry theorem’s limit: direct Hartree contribution can not be included, theoretically! • Empirically, quite different negative scattering lengths with Charge Breaking Symmetry (CSB) between various nucleons (Phys.Rev. C69 (2004) 054317)
How?Constructed a Proca-like model • Lagrangian (not Maxwell EM formalism?) with a parametric photon mass
Physical understanding for “photon mass”? • Just for the parametric description of EM interaction? EM interaction is mixed with other residual strong ones. • Deep reasoning: responsible for the nucleon structure. EM field is mixed with gluon etc. and obtains virtual mass? • Infrared singularity~ gluon condensation, confinement. In deed, how to “appropriately” dispose proton is a puzzle to some extent even in standard model.
Powerful if done like so • EM breaking (U(1) electric charge symmetry Breaking CSB) ~ SU(2) isospin breaking. They should be taken into account simultaneously. • There is some kind competition between them for phase space distribution function deformation- (corresponding to supercharge)! The former dominates over the latter! • “Weak” interaction is “strong” in many-body environment. • Not important for bulk EOS property, but important for transport coefficients and affects the relevant flows!
Relevant topics • Strongly coupling electrons correlations. Not Trivial screening effects! • QGP, How to solve the Puzzle? hep-ph/0307267: Edward V. Shuryak, Ismail Zahed, Rethinking the Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma at $T\sim T_c$? (quasiparticles into pair “mesons” or color electric clusters: attractive Color Coulomb Yukawa force); hep-th/0310031: Edward V. Shuryak, Ismail Zahed Spin-Spin and Spin-Orbit Interactions in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories … G.E. Brown et al.’s Non-perturbative characteristic as well as many-body physics
Compact star as Type-I superconductor, PRL 92, 151102 (2004). • Rule completely the magnetic field out of the star! • Locally electric charged stars? Vortex phenomena? • (Hottest topic in astroparticle physics and condensed matter physics)
J. Ekman et al., “The hitherto overlooked electromagnetic spin-orbit term is shown to play a major role ” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 132502 (2004) (experimentally) (Very difficult to analyze with nonrelativistic nuclear theory.) Lasting and interesting • 1S0 Proton and Neutron Superfluidity in beta-stable Neutron Star MatterW. Zuo et al., nucl-th/0403026, “The three-body force has only a small effect on the neutron 1S0 pairing gap, but it suppresses strongly the proton1S0 superfluidity in $\beta$-stable neutron star matter”. The CSB effects.
3.Conclusions and Prospects 1.Superfluidity with screening effects Improving the description for the nuclear matter property Significantly at ρ=0? “polarization~fluctuation effects suppress the pairing gaps by a fact of 3~4 ” : A. Schwenk, B. Friman and G.E. Brown with other approaches PRL92,082501(2004), NPA 713, 191(2003),703, 745 (2003) etc. 2. Proca-like QHD Apply into finite nuclei structure or neutron star structure esp. the mirror-nuclei would give many interesting results (tensor or spin-orbit force). 3. liquid-gas phase transition and different gaps can be seen as the fingerprint of the spontaneously U(1) gauge symmetry within the framework?
Highlights:many-body physics a, CSB should be taken into account properly (models or approaches) within the frame of continuous field theory b,fluctuations and correlations: weak interactions may lead to richful phase structure for hot and dense system~quantum Hall effects, Landau levels... c, For QGP, if really produced as argued, how about the “phase structure” in this special phase near the critical temperature regime. Viscosity coefficients? (multi-components system)?
Comments welcome to Chenjs@iopp.ccnu.edu.cn