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20 th century - overview

20 th century - overview. 1920. 1940. 1960. 1980. 2000. 1946 Gruber- De Gasperi Agreement. 1960-61 South Tyrol before UN. 1992 Formal Conflict Settlement. 1961-64 negotiations Commission of “19”. 1948 First Autonomy Statute. 1919 Treaty of St. Germain, annexation by Italy.

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20 th century - overview

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  1. 20th century - overview 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 • 1946 Gruber-De GasperiAgreement • 1960-61 SouthTyrol before UN • 1992 FormalConflict Settlement • 1961-64 negotiationsCommission of “19” • 1948 FirstAutonomy Statute • 1919 Treaty ofSt. Germain,annexationby Italy • 1969 "Package" • 1939Option • 1957 „Losvon Trient“ • 1972 New Autonomy Statute Protests, terror 2nd Autonomy Fascist Oppression 1st Autonomyregional basis "Dynamic" aut. Implementation South Tyrol - a case study

  2. Census 2001 German (+ 1,16) 4,37 Italian (- 1,18) Ladin (+ 0,01) 26,47 69,15 600.000 Cityof Bozen/Bolzano 400.000 200.000 0,79 26,62 0 Total Bz Brx Me 462.542 97.232 18.379 34.120 72,59 Population % Census 1991 4,36 67,99 27,65 Population 1999 South Tyrol - a case study

  3. Process and procedures: Compromise: • Recognition of (cultural) differences • Autonomy as (internal)self-determination • Subdivision and delimitation of spheres of influence • Negotiations and special procedures (joint commissions) • Consensus and cooperation • Mechanisms of control Content: The "Model" and its Different Levels Autonomouspowers Integrationinto the State Group-relations within theautonomous entity “Foreign“ affairs and external relations(kin-State, CBC, EU, …) South Tyrol - a case study

  4. Cultural autonomy • Proportional principle • Parity of languages • Veto rights Group rights in South Tyrol Art. 2 Autonomy-Statute In the region all citizens are granted equal rights,regardless of the linguistic group to which they belong, and their respective ethnic and cultural characteristicsare safeguarded. South Tyrol - a case study

  5. Protection of persons Principle of territoriality Sovereignty Multilevel governance Minority Protection and Autonomy • Individual vs. Collective Rights ? • "Tolerance established by law" • Segregation, defensive character • Functional dimension • Participation, co-resonsibility • Integration "Mix" and balance of fundamental principles Frequent exchange between majority- and minority-positions South Tyrol - a case study

  6. Lessons to be learned Case-specific factors of success • political conditions • economic situation • international anchoring • dimension of time South Tyrol The Process • internationalized conflict de-escalation • single procedures (time-frame, joint commissions, enactment norms) "Mix" of segregation and integration (within the autonomous entity) legally guaranteed distance between the groups, segregationist character coexistence: "institutionalised" forms of cooperation, power sharingand proportional representation, compromise acrossethnic cleavages, increased inter-ethnic interaction + livingtogether: South Tyrol - a case study

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