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2013–2014 End-of-Course Assessments Training Materials

2013–2014 End-of-Course Assessments Training Materials. Algebra 1 Biology 1 Civics Geometry U.S. History. Overview. These training materials are based on the 2013–2014 End-of-Course Assessments Test Administration Manual and are available at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC . Overview.

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2013–2014 End-of-Course Assessments Training Materials

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  1. 2013–2014End-of-Course AssessmentsTraining Materials Algebra 1 Biology 1 Civics Geometry U.S. History

  2. Overview These training materials are based on the 2013–2014 End-of-Course Assessments Test Administration Manual andare available at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC.

  3. Overview These training materials are designed to highlight important information regarding test administration policies and procedures. Not all information from the test administration manual is included in this presentation, so it is imperative that district and school staff read and familiarize themselves with all information in the manual in addition to using these training materials.

  4. Test Administration Manual • One manual (2013–2014 EOC Manual) is provided for the Winter 2013, Spring 2014, and Summer 2014 administrations. • Scripts and instructions for administering computer-based tests (CBT) are included in this manual. • Scripts and instructions for administering computer-based and paper-based accommodations are located at www.FLAsessments.com/EOC.

  5. Test Administration Schedule Each administration window has different scheduling requirements. Please review the schedules carefully to ensure schools understand the guidelines for all EOC administrations. Since the testing window allows for multiple test sessions to be scheduled throughout the window, schools may reassign absent students to an existing session scheduled later in the week rather than create separate make-up sessions in PearsonAccess. Any deviation from the test administration schedule requires written approval from the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) prior to implementation.

  6. Test AdministrationSchedule Spring 2014 Scheduling

  7. Test AdministrationSchedule Spring 2014 Scheduling • The testing window for all subjects will open on April 21, 2014. • Subject tests must be completed by the end dates listed in the table on the previous slide. • Subjects may be tested in any order, by school. • Subjects may be tested simultaneously.

  8. Test AdministrationSchedule Summer 2014 Scheduling • The testing window is July 14–25, 2014. • For the Summer 2014 test administration, subject tests do NOT need to be completed in a designated order. • The following assessments will be offered in Summer 2014: • Algebra 1 • Biology 1 • Civics • Geometry • U.S. History

  9. Test AdministrationSchedule Testing Duration • Each EOC assessment will be administered in one 160-minute session with a scheduled 10-minute break after 80 minutes. Individual restroom breaks are permitted as needed. • Students may not be dismissed during the first 80 minutes. At the beginning of the break, any students who have completed testing may be dismissed. • After the 10-minute break, students may be dismissed from the testing room as they complete testing. • No special incentives should be given to students to encourage them to finish early. • Any student who has not completed the test by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, testing must be completed within one school day.

  10. What’s New CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide • The CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide (formerly Appendix D of the manual) has been removed from the manual and is available at www.FLAssessments.com/AdditionalResources.

  11. What’s New Testing Rules Acknowledgment • The last portion of the testing rules read to students now reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the test items with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or websites like Facebook or Twitter. If you are found sharing information about test items, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” • Students and their parents/guardians should be made aware of the testing rules prior to testing.

  12. What’s New Required Administration Information • The list of required administration information has been updated to include both the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students during the test administration. This information may be recorded on the Session Roster. • If a student chooses not to use an accommodation that is provided, the school assessment coordinator should be notified when testing is completed, and the accommodation should not be recorded in PearsonAccess or on the student grid sheet. • Schools are responsible for maintaining documentation of accommodations that are provided but not used. • The blank Administration Record/Security Checklist has been updated to include fields for recording both accommodations provided and accommodations used.

  13. What’s New Test Security Statute and Rule • Florida Test Security Statute, Section 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, previously located in Appendix B, are now located in Appendix C. • The Statute and Rule are printed on perforated pages that may be removed and, if necessary, copied for all personnel involved in test administration.

  14. What’s New Students’ Retake Status • Districts and schools no longer need to provide students’ retake status when entering a student through the PreID process or the New Student wizard. • Pearson will track the retake status for students using EOC history files. • If a student has a previous score or test attempt on file for the subject test he or she takes, that student will be flagged as a retake student.

  15. What’s New Updates to Student Profiles • Incorrect student profiles in PearsonAccess that were created via the New Student Wizard may be updated before or after the student tests. • The district assessment coordinator can submit a request by calling Pearson Customer Support at 877-847-3043.

  16. What’s New Accommodated Scripts and Instructions • The test administration manual no longer includes scripts and instructions for administering paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, braille) or TestHear accommodated computer-based test forms. • Scripts and instructions for administering these accommodations are located at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC. • It is important that school personnel who will administer paper-based and computer-based accommodations familiarize themselves with the appropriate scripts and instructions before testing.

  17. What’s New CBT Worksheets • For students taking the computer-based U.S. History and Civics EOC Assessments, CBT Worksheets may be provided if students prefer to make handwritten notes instead of using the online notepad tool. • The worksheet is an 8½ × 11 page (located in Appendix D and PearsonAccess) that may be copied and distributed to students at the beginning of a test session. • Used worksheets must be handled as secure materials and packaged in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box after testing.

  18. Reminders Electronic Practice Assessment Tools (ePATs) • The computer-based practice tests, also called ePATs, and scripts for administering ePATs are posted separately at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs. • Students should be made aware that they can access ePATs on their own at this location. • Schools must administer the appropriate practice test(s) to all students to be tested using the ePAT scripts; however, if a student has previously participated in an ePAT for the subject test he or she will take, the student is not required to participate in an ePAT session.

  19. Reminders Technology Coordinator Guide • Information and instructions for technology coordinators to follow before, during, and after testing are now provided in a separate online 2013–2014 Technology Coordinator Guide posted at www.FLAssessments.com/AdditionalResources. • Technology coordinators must familiarize themselves with all information in this guide prior to test administration. CBT Training Resources • Resources for computer-based testing, including information about test setup, best practices, and training resources, are located at www.FLAssessments.com/CBTTrainingResources.

  20. Reminders To Be Scored Materials • Due to the accelerated reporting schedule of EOC assessments and the amount of time needed to process TO BE SCORED paper-based test materials, these materials must be returned for scoring on an accelerated schedule that has been provided to the district assessment coordinator. • Student results for paper-based tests returned after the established pickup dates will be included in late reporting.

  21. Reminders Chain of Custody Form • Schools are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form posted at www.FLAssessments.com/EOCand located in Appendix D. • Record accurate information on the form, including the dates and times activities are completed, the names of the people performing activities involving the materials, and information about the locked storage room. • Retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms after materials are packaged for pickup, and email or return the originals to the district assessment coordinator.

  22. Reminders Test Security Policies and Procedures • Per Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, and Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S. (see Appendix C), district and school personnel are required to maintain test security before, during, and after testing. • Please remember that inappropriate actions can result in student or classroom invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. • All school personnel, including itinerant teachers and proctors, must receive thorough training in test administration and security policies and procedures, familiarize themselves with all relevant content of the test administration manual, read the Statute and Rule in Appendix C, and then sign a FloridaEOC Test Administration and Security Agreement. • All test administrators must be certified educators and must sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.

  23. Reminders Test Administrator Policies • ALL test administrators must be certified educators. • Test administrators are required to sign a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement in addition to a Security Agreement. Test administrators must record their certification numbers on this document. • The Florida EOC Test Administration and Security Agreement and the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement may be copied together so that double-sided, single-page copies can be distributed to test administrators. • School assessment coordinators must file the signed forms with their signed security agreements. • Test administrators must NOT administer the EOC assessments to their family members

  24. Reminders Seating Charts • Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their rooms during testing. • All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction students are facing. • If students are moved to a different location or the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created and maintained.

  25. Reminders Electronic Devices • Students may not have any electronic devices (except an approved calculator, if applicable) at their desks, in their pockets, or anywhere they can reach them during testing, even if they are turned off or they do not use them. • If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic devices during testing OR during a break (e.g., restroom breaks, lunch), his or her test must be invalidated. • Students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing.

  26. Reminders Testing Rules Acknowledgment • All EOC assessments include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads, “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” • Prior to testing, students must acknowledge the testing rules that the test administrator reads to them by checking a box (in TestNav) or clicking a circle (in TestHear) next to the statement. Students taking a paper-based test will sign below the acknowledgment.

  27. Reminders Leaving Campus • If a student begins a test and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. • No exceptions will be made once the student leaves the school’s campus, so students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy. • If a test administrator has concerns about a student (e.g., if a student seems ill), that student should be tested in a different test session or on a make-up day.

  28. Reminders Marking Tests Complete Student tests should only be Marked Complete in one of the following circumstances: • A student had to leave the test (e.g., cheating, illness) and will not finish the test. (After being marked complete, school personnel will invalidate the test.) • A student finished the test but exited instead of submitting the test and the test should be scored. • As otherwise directed by FDOE or Pearson after a technical difficulty or other extenuating circumstance.

  29. Reminders • The following resources for this administration can be found at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC: • Test administration manual • Scripts and instructions for administering TestHear accommodated computer-based test forms • Scripts and instructions for administering paper-based accommodations (regular print and large print) • Braille scripts and instructions • Student tutorials • Forms to report test irregularities/security breaches and missing materials • Training materials • Comment forms • Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist • Security Log • Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement • Test Materials Chain of Custody Form • Florida EOC Test Administration and Security Agreement • Materials Return List • Reference sheet and periodic table • Parent/guardian letters • CBT worksheet • Checklists for district and school personnel to reference before, during, and after testing

  30. Students to be Tested Algebra 1 The following students will take the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment: • All students enrolled in and completing one of the following courses: • Algebra 1 – 1200310 • Algebra 1 Honors – 1200320 • Algebra 1-B – 1200380 • Pre-AICE Mathematics 1 – 1209810 • IB Middle Years Program/Algebra 1 Honors – 1200390

  31. Students to be Tested Algebra 1 (cont.) The following students are eligible to participate in the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment administration: • Students who need to earn a passing score for graduation purposes • Students who have not yet taken the assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grade • Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit

  32. Students to be Tested • Biology 1 – 2000310 • Biology 1 Honors – 2000320 • Pre-AICE Biology – 2000322 • Biology Technology – 2000430 • Biology 1 PreIB – 2000800 • IB Middle Years Program Biology Honors – 2000850 • Integrated Science 3 – 2002440 • Integrated Science 3 Honors – 2002450 Biology 1 The following students will take the Biology 1 EOC Assessment: • All students enrolled in and completing one of the following courses:

  33. Students to be Tested Biology 1 (cont.) The following students are eligible to participate in the Biology 1 EOC Assessment administration: • Students who need to earn a passing score for a standard diploma with a scholar designation • Students who have not yet taken the assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grade • Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit

  34. Students to be Tested Civics The following students will take the Civics EOC Assessment: • All students enrolled in and completing one of the following courses: • Civics – 2106010 • Civics – 2106015 • Civics & Career Planning – 2106016 • Civics, Advanced – 2106020 • Civics, Advanced – 2106025 • Civics, Advanced & Career Planning – 2106026 • Civics and Digital Technologies – 2106029 • M/J U.S. History & Civics – 2100045 Any student who completed one of the above courses during the 2013–14 school year must participate in the Spring 2014 Civics EOC Assessment.

  35. Students to be Tested Geometry The following students will take the Geometry EOC Assessment: • All students enrolled in and completing one of the following courses: • Geometry – 1206310 • Geometry Honors – 1206320 • IB Middle Years Program Geometry Honors – 1206810 • Pre-AICE Mathematics 2 – 1209820

  36. Students to be Tested Geometry (cont.) The following students are eligible to participate in the Geometry EOC Assessment administration: • Students who have not yet taken the assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grade • Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit

  37. Students to be Tested U.S. History The following students will take the U.S. History EOC Assessment: • All students enrolled in and completing one of the following courses: • United States History – 2100310 • United States History Honors – 2100320

  38. Students to be Tested U.S. History (cont.) The following students are eligible to participate in the U.S. History EOC Assessment administration: • Students who need to earn a passing score for a standard diploma with a scholar designation • Students who have not yet taken the assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grade • Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit

  39. Students to be Tested Special Program Students • Make arrangements to test special program students (Home Education, Virtual School, McKay Scholarship, FTC Scholarship). • Ensure that these students are tested under the correct school number, according to the chart on page 132 of the manual. English Language Learners (ELLs) All ELLs who complete the applicable courses are expected to participate in EOC assessments no matter how long these students have been receiving services or have been enrolled in a U.S. school.

  40. Students to be Tested Students with Disabilities • Students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following: • EOC assessment without accommodations, • EOC assessment with accommodations, or • Florida Alternate Assessment. • All determinations regarding participation in the statewide assessment program must be documented in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan. • See Appendix A of the manual for information regarding accommodations.

  41. Students to be Tested Private School Students • Private school students may participate in the EOC assessments. • Instructions for setting these students up for testing in PearsonAccess or packing their materials for return are included in the 2013–2014 EOC Manual.

  42. Proctors When testing a large group of students, proctors must be assigned to the room. Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors. *FDOE strongly encourages the use of proctors in all testing rooms, even those with 25 or fewer students.

  43. Test Security Per Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board Rule, 6A-10.042, FAC, inappropriate actions by school or district personnel can result in student or classroom invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement. Examples of prohibited activities include the following: • Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after testing • Revealing the passages or test items • Copying the passages or test items • Explaining or reading passages or test items for students • Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items • Copying or reading student responses • Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported

  44. Test Irregularities/Security Breaches Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet connectivity) and possible security breaches to the school assessment coordinator immediately. If a test irregularity or security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment coordinator to discuss possible test invalidations.

  45. Test Irregularities/Security Breaches • For test irregularities requiring further investigation by the district and for security breaches, a written report must be submitted within 10 calendar days after the irregularity or security breach was identified. The report must include: • The nature of the situation • The time and place of the occurrence • The names of the people involved • A description of the communication between the district assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel • How the incident was resolved • What steps are being taken to avoid future test irregularities or security breaches • Schools should submit completed reports to the district office, and district assessment coordinators should then submit reports to FDOE. • A form to report test irregularities and security breaches can be found at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC.

  46. Missing Materials • Schools must investigate ANY report of missing materials and report missing secure materials (e.g., Student Authorization Ticket, used work folder, Session Roster) to the district assessment coordinator immediately. • Within 30 calendar days of the incident, a written report must be submitted to the FDOE. The report must include: • The nature of the situation • The time and place of the occurrence • The names of the people involved • A description of the communication between the district assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel • How the incident was resolved • What steps are being implemented to avoid future missing materials • Schools should submit completed reports to the district office, and district assessment coordinators should then submit reports to FDOE. • A form to report missing materials can be found at www.FLAssessments.com/EOC.

  47. Test Invalidation District assessment coordinators will advise schools of the appropriate course of action if invalidation is being considered. Remember that the purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. If a situation described in the “Test Invalidation” section on pages 26–27 of the manual occurs, test administrators should discuss the situation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. Instructions for how to invalidate tests in PearsonAccess may be found on pages 128–129 of the 2013–2014 EOC Manual.

  48. Test AdministratorBefore TestingChecklist • Read the test administration manual. • Read the Test Administration Policies and Procedures and sign the Florida EOC Test Administration and Security Agreement. • Read and sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement. • Establish an appropriate setting for test administration and remove or cover any unauthorized aids in the testing room. • Prepare and assemble all materials needed for test administration. • Ensure that students and their parents/guardians understand the testing policies prior to the first day of testing. • If you are administering tests to students who require special accommodations, become familiar with the accommodations and discuss with your school coordinator how accommodations will be provided. • Ensure that you are familiar with how to open TestNav or TestHear to the login screen for each student computer prior to testing.

  49. Test Administrator Before Testing • Sign and return a Florida EOC Test Administration and Security Agreement, which indicates that you: • Have received training • Have read the Test Security Statute and State Board Rule • Have read all applicable portions of the test administration manual • Understand and agree to adhere to all test security and administration policies and procedures • Sign and return a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form

  50. Test AdministratorBefore Testing Prepare the Room for Testing • Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, adequate ventilation, and sufficient workspace. • Students must not be able to easily view other students’ computer screens or test materials. During the practice test, check the configuration of your testing room to make sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing. If necessary, use visual blocks. • Post the sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb on all entrances to the testing room and display starting and stopping times for students as soon as testing begins. • Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids. Discuss any concerns with your school assessment coordinator.

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