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Are workers in highly eusocial insects altruistic or oppressed? Tom Wenseleers. Why do social insects cooperate?. E.g. become a worker rather than a queen. ...or work rather than reproduce. Charles D. Michener. William D. Hamilton. WORKERS ARE OPPRESSED ALTRUISM IS ENFORCED .
Are workers in highly eusocial insects altruistic or oppressed?Tom Wenseleers
Inclusive fitness model • Does kin selection theory predict that many females should develop as workers? Or are they coerced into a working role? • model I.F. interests of individual females? • for swarm-founding species, e.g. honeybee • mainly workers needed • every female that becomes a queen rather than a worker will reduce colony productivity • linear cost function assumed Bourke & Ratnieks 1999 Beh. Ecol. Sociob. Wenseleers et al. 2003 J. Evol. Biol.
Results • kinship affects % of females that like to become queens • queen polyandry / polygyny (reduces relatedness among females) • male parentage (worker reproduction increases relatedness to males reared) • but normally far fewer queens produced • implies females are coerced to become workers Wenseleers et al. 2003 J. Evol. Biol.
Apis: worker fate enforced “Power” to the adult workers
Queen dimorphism allows coercion Bombus terrestris Apis mellifera Nannotrigona melanocera Vespula vulgaris Atta cephalotes Dorylus wilverthi
Exception: Melipona bees Melipona beecheii queen worker “Power” to the female larvae, coercion impossible
Effect of kinship • in Meliponacoercion is impossible, and kinship should affect optimum • queens singly mated (Rf=0.75)but male parentage varies • I.F. optimum is for14% of females to become queens when all males are W’s sons20% of females to become queens when all males are Q’s sons • less selfishness when cost falls on closer relatives,workers’ sons (l-f-l R=0.75) rather thanqueen’s sons (l-f-l R=0.25) Wenseleers et al. 2003 J. Evol. Biol.; Wenseleers & Ratnieks 2004 Proc. R. Soc. B
Empirical test lower optima than predicted but trend in right directionsupports role of kinship in influencing decision to become Q or W Wenseleers & Ratnieks 2004 Proc. R. Soc. B 1 Darchen & Delage-Darchen 1975; Moo-Valle et al 200; Paxton et al. 2001; 2; Contel & Kerr 1976; Koedam et al 1999; Kerr 1950; Hara 2001; 3 Kerr 1950; Hara 2001; Toth et al. 2002; 4 da Silva 1977; Toth et al. 2002; Kerr 1950; 5 Sommeijer et al 1999, 2003; Chinh et al. 2003
Evading coercion: dwarf queens Schwarziana quadripunctata89% of all queens produced are dwarf queens strategy to evade feeding control same weight as workers, so meant to become workers but cost: less fecund, reduced founding success 22% of colonies headed by dwarf queens w Q q Q q q Q Wenseleers, Ratnieks, Ribeiro, Alves & Imperatriz-Fonseca, submitted; Wenseleers, Hart & Ratnieks Am Nat, in press
Kinship Coercion high relatedness worker-laid eggs favours workers are often eaten or to be altruistic “policed” by queen or other workers disfavours worker reproduction
Inclusive fitness model • relative importance of kinship and coercion insetting the number of reproductive workers within colonies ? • assumptions - reproductive workers don’t work - linear cost function Wenseleers, Helantera & Ratnieks 2004 J. Evol. Biol.; Wenseleers et al. 2004 Am. Nat. in press
Effect of kinship if policing is rare or absent,fewer workers should reproduce when relatedness is high Wenseleers, Helantera & Ratnieks 2004 J. Evol. Biol.; Wenseleers et al. 2004 Am. Nat. in press
Effect of policing / coercion effective policing disfavours worker reproduction 15 10 ESS % of laying workers 5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability that worker-laid egg is policed Wenseleers, Helantera & Ratnieks 2004 J. Evol. Biol.; Wenseleers et al. 2004 Am. Nat. in press
Kinship or coercion? • empirical test: correlate effectiveness of police system and relatedness with % of egg-laying workers • 8 Vespidae wasps + honeybee • combination of own and literature data • % of laying workers: dissection data
effectiveness of policing = 1 – relative prob. that worker egg survives • rel. prob. that worker egg survives estimated in 2 ways: • from policing assays:proportion of worker eggs surviving after 1 day (ideally 3 days)proportion of queen eggs surviving after 1 day • from difference between % of male eggs (e) and adults (a) that are worker produced: • both estimates show good agreementestimates with smallest relative error used in final analysis Effectiveness of policing
1 Ratnieks & Visscher 1989; 2 Ratnieks 1993; 3 Visscher 1989, 1996; 4 Suzuki 1998; 5 Tsuchida et al. 2002, 2003; 6 Foster et al. 1999, 2000, 2002; 7 Greene 1979; 8 Foster et al. 2001; 9 Foster & Ratnieks 2000; 10 Wenseleers, Tofilski & Ratnieks Beh. Ecol. Soc. in press; 11 Foster & Ratnieks 2001; *=Wenseleers, Badcock et al. submitted; Wenseleers, Tofilski et al. in prep. Carpenter 1987, 2002
Spearman rank R = -0.92, p = 0.0005 p = 0.001
Spearman rank R = 0.92, p = 0.0001 p = 0.027
Low relatedness favours more effective worker policing • explanation:when relatedness is low (r < 0.5) workers are morehighly related to queen’s sons (r=0.25) than toother workers’ sons (r<0.25) • this favours workers to police each others’ eggs • worker policing is more effective than queen policing Ratnieks 1988 Am. Nat.
Queen and worker policing W W • Worker policing many against many W W • Queen policing one against many W W Q W W Ratnieks 1988 Am. Nat.
Low relatedness favours more effective worker policing Foster & Ratnieks 2001; Wenseleers, Badcock et al. submitted
Low relatedness favours worker policing raw correlation significant = 0.28, 2-sided p = 0.01 stingless bees bumblebees Augochlorella (H. bee) Dolichovespula Vespula rufa some ants significant % of adult males worker’s sons species in Hammond & Keller 2004+ 14 additional species- studies with low detection power honey bees Epiponine wasps large-colony Vespula multiple paternity colonies of D. saxonica little or no adult males worker’s sonsworkers more related to queen’s sons than toother workers’ sons
Selfish or “corrupt” policing • inD. sylvestris • workers police but then lay an egg themselves90% of all worker policing is by egg-laying workers • corrupt, but still partially effective: workers do not eat queen’s eggs (cost of killing sisters)
Summary coercion plays a more important role thankinship in favouring cooperation in insect societies e.g. why females develop as workers • females usually coerced to become workers • kinship only important when coercion is impossible (Melipona) • coercion selects for evasion strategies (dwarf queens) e.g. why workers do not reproduce • coercion: policing of worker-laid eggs by queen or workers • effective policing selects for worker sterility • kinship only plays an indirect role:low relatedness favours more effective worker policingover less effective queen policing
We’re lucky that humans are not like social insects... ...or what a Brave New World it would be!
Thanks to • CollaboratorsD. Alves, V. Imperatriz-Fonseca, J. Quezada, M. Ribeiro stingless beesA. Tofilski, F. Nascimento wasp policing assaysM. Archer, N. Badcock, T. Burke, K. Erven Vespula rufa studyA. Hart, H. Helantera theoryF. Ratnieks ? • FundingINSECTS networkFWO-VlaanderenPekka Pamilo