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The Global Co-operative Movement Iain Macdonald Director General ICA. 7th Asia-Pacific Co-operative Ministers' Conference: 2-5 February 2004. Outline of Presentation. What is the ICA? ICA Priorities for 2004 Myths and Reality. What is the ICA.
The Global Co-operative MovementIain MacdonaldDirector General ICA 7th Asia-Pacific Co-operative Ministers' Conference: 2-5 February 2004
Outline of Presentation • What is the ICA? • ICA Priorities for 2004 • Myths and Reality
What is the ICA “the ICA is an independent non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide” Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
A little about us…… • One of the largest and oldest NGO’s in the world, established 1895 • Our members includes 230 national and international organisations in all sectors of activity from 100 countries, representing 760 million individuals worldwide • Hold consultative status with the United Nations and its agencies Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Our Structure • Combined global and regional (decentralized) structure, with offices covering: • Head Office: Geneva, Switzerland • Asia-Pacific: New Delhi, India • Americas: San José, Costa Rica • East, Central & South Africa: Nairobi, Kenya • West Africa: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso • Europe: Geneva, Switzerland • Plus Project Offices, Middle East, Asia, South America • Sectoral organisations and thematic committees • Governed by an elected Board Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
The Board • Elected by the General Assembly: • President, 4 Vice Presidents from four ICA regions • Wide geographic and sectoral representation • Principal role to implement policy on major issues affecting the future of ICA and the world wide co-operative movement Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
2004 President and Vice Presidents VICE-PRESIDENT (AFRICA)Stanley Charles Muchiri ICA President Ivano Barberini AFRICA Stanley Muchiri EUROPE Pauline Green ASIA - PACIFIC Mu Li AMERICAS Carlos Palacino
General Assembly • Held every 2 years; Oslo, Norway 2003 • Includes delegates from members, sectoral organisations, thematic committees and observers, normally over 1000 participants • Elects Board approves rules and sets overall policy direction • Next Assembly: Colombia, 2005 Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Regional Assemblies • Held alternate years to General Assembly in: • Africa • Asia-Pacific • Americas • Europe • Sets regional policy and priorities, within overall context of ICA global policy, elects global VP’s and regional officials Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
ICA: Global Sectoral Organisations • Agriculture (ICAO) • Fisheries (ICFO) • Banking (ICBA) • Consumer (CCI) • Health (IHCO) • Housing (ICA Housing) • Insurance (ICMIF) • Tourism (TICA) • Workers (CICOPA) Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
ICA Thematic Committees • Research • Gender • Human Resource Development • Communications Both the sectoral organisations and the thematic committees may also have regional groupings • Plus…………… Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
ICA Strategic Focus • Global Networking and Trade Contacts • Co-operative Legislation and Policy • Development Assistance – Fighting Poverty • Promoting the Co-operative Identity • Raising awareness on co-operatives in international institutions Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004 • Good communication • Development • Membership and organizational issues • Anti poverty • Fair trade • Trading links • International standing • Legislation and policy • Promoting the co-operative identity Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004:Communications • Survey of members to be undertaken • New communications strategy to be developed • Revamp/review of website, logos and publications, etc • Higher profile with members and wider community • Greater co-ordination of communication activities, better management of information and knowledge within ICA network • Promotion of .coop Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004: Development • Recognise the centrality of development to the ICA • Co-operatives are a proven self help method out of poverty • The co-operative movement supports UN Millennium Development Goals • New Anti-Poverty Campaign to be launched later this year. Possible theme………… Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
C o-operatives o rganising to o vercome p overty
Co-operatives Organising to OvercomePoverty Through strengthening co-operative enterprise
Priorities for 2004: Fair Trade • Co-operatives have been among the leaders of this trend • Provides ideal vehicle for co-operatives from the more developed economies to “twin” with co-operatives from the developing economies Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004: Membership • Membership analysis and subscription review • Sectoral liaison • Regional strategies • Good governance Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004: Trading Links, Co-operation among Co-operatives • Great opportunities exist • Recent initiative involving Chinese, Canadian, Singaporean, Japanese and UK co-operative movements seems promising • Shows the compatibility of commercial success and co-operative principles Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004: International Standing • UN Agencies • International Labour Organisation (ILO) • Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) • UNAIDS, WHO etc • World Bank • Committee for the Advancement of Co-operatives (COPAC) • Co-operative Development Agencies, e.g. SCC • National Governments Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priority for 2004 Co-operative Legislation and Policy • ILO Recommendation 193 plus UN Guidelines • Joint activities with Committee for the Promotion of Co-operatives (COPAC) • Seminars and special conferences, e.g Co-operative Ministers Conferences in Asia and Africa • Research and commissioned studies, publications and web resources • Global Advisory Committee on legislation and special sub-committee of the Board Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Priorities for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Priorities for 2004: Promoting the Co-operative Identity • ICA has revised the principles 3 times, most recently in 1995 • Most widely accepted international definition of a co-operative • Included in ILO recommendation 193 and many countries’ co-operative legislation Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Focus Areas for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Myths • Co-operatives don’t work; aren’t competitive – they all fail! • “Tools of governments – not independent” • Yesterday’s organisations, no role in global world of today • “Too much democracy” is bad for business • Values are incompatible with commercial success • Are poorly managed, under funded Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Focus Areas for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Reality: some facts….. • Co-operative enterprise provides 100 million jobs worldwide - far more than multinational corporations! • Over 120 million people - 2 of every 5 people-are members of 48,000 U.S. co-operatives • In Finland were responsible for • 74% of the meat products, • 96% of dairy products, • 50% of egg production, • 34% of forestry products • 34% of total deposits in Finnish banks Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Focus Areas for 2004 / Myths and Reality
Reality: more facts….. • In Norway: • dairy co-ops 99% of milk production • consumer co-operatives 25% market share • Saludcoop health co-operative 2nd largest employer in Colombia caring for 25% of population • 4 of 10 Canadians are members of at last 1 co-operative, co-operatives handle 40% of farm cash receipts in Canada • 520 million of 760 million co-operative members worldwide are from co-operatives in Asia • The list goes on…… Outline of Presentation: What is the ICA /Focus Areas for 2004 / Myths and Reality
I would like to finish with one last personal thought……… Peace has been at the heart of the international co-operative movement since its beginning - what other global movement combines enterprise culture with peace and justice…..