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Gravitational Dynamics

Explore the application of gravitational dynamics in various systems, such as binary stars, planetary systems, stellar clusters, and galaxies. Learn about the equations of motion, potentials, orbit calculations, and the conservation of energy in gravitational systems.

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Gravitational Dynamics

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  1. Gravitational Dynamics

  2. Gravitational Dynamics can be applied to: • Two body systems:binary stars • Planetary Systems • Stellar Clusters:open & globular • Galactic Structure:nuclei/bulge/disk/halo • Clusters of Galaxies • The universe:large scale structure

  3. Syllabus • Phase Space Fluid f(x,v) • Eqn of motion • Poisson’s equation • Stellar Orbits • Integrals of motion (E,J) • Jeans Theorem • Spherical Equilibrium • Virial Theorem • Jeans Equation • Interacting Systems • TidesSatellitesStreams • Relaxationcollisions

  4. How to model motions of 1010stars in a galaxy? • Direct N-body approach (as in simulations) • At time t particles have (mi,xi,yi,zi,vxi,vyi,vzi), i=1,2,...,N (feasible for N<<106). • Statistical or fluid approach (N very large) • At time t particles have a spatial density distribution n(x,y,z)*m, e.g., uniform, • at each point have a velocity distribution G(vx,vy,vz), e.g., a 3D Gaussian.

  5. N-body Potential and Force • In N-body system with mass m1…mN, the gravitational acceleration g(r) and potential φ(r) at position r is given by: r12 r mi Ri

  6. Eq. of Motion in N-body • Newton’s law: a point mass m at position r moving with a velocity dr/dt with Potential energyΦ(r) =mφ(r) experiences a Force F=mg , accelerates with following Eq. of Motion:

  7. Orbits defined by EoM & Gravity • Solve for a complete prescription of history of a particle r(t) • E.g., if G=0  F=0, Φ(r)=cst,  dxi/dt = vxi=ci xi(t) =cit +x0, likewise for yi,zi(t) • E.g., relativistic neutrinos in universe go straight lines • Repeat for all N particles. •  N-body system fully described

  8. Example: Force field of two-body system in Cartesian coordinates

  9. Example: 4-body problem • Four point masses Gm=1 at rest (x,y,z)=(0,1,0),(0,-1,0),(-1,0,0),(1,0,0). What is the initial total energy? • Integrate EoM by brutal force with time step=1 to find the positions/velocities at time t=1. i.e., use straight-orbit V=V0+gt, R=R0+V0t+gt2/2. What is the new total energy?

  10. Star clusters differ from air: • Size doesn’t matter: • size of stars<<distance between them • stars collide far less frequently than molecules in air. • Inhomogeneous • In a Gravitational Potential φ(r) • Spectacularly rich in structure because φ(r) is non-linear function of r

  11. Why Potential φ(r) ? • More convenient to work with force, potential per unit mass. e.g. KE½v2 • Potential φ(r) is scaler, function of r only, • Easier to work with than force (vector, 3 components) • Simply relates to orbital energy E= φ(r) +½v2

  12. 2nd Lec

  13. Example: energy per unit mass • The orbital energy of a star is given by: 0 since and 0 for static potential. So orbital Energy is Conserved in a static potential.

  14. Example: Energy is conserved • The orbital energy of a star is given by: 0 since and 0 for static potential. So orbital Energy is Conserved in a static potential.

  15. 3rd Lec • Animation of GC formation

  16. A fluid element: Potential & Gravity • For large N or a continuous fluid, the gravity dg and potential dφ due to a small mass element dM is calculated by replacing mi with dM: r12 dM r d3R R

  17. Potential in a galaxy • Replace a summation over all N-body particles with the integration: • Remember dM=ρ(R)d3R for average density ρ(R) in small volume d3R • So the equation for the gravitational force becomes: RRi

  18. Poisson’s Equation • Relates potential with density • Proof hints:

  19. Poisson’s Equation • Poissons equation relates the potential to the density of matter generating the potential. • It is given by:

  20. Gauss’s Theorem • Gauss’s theorem is obtained by integrating poisson’s equation: • i.e. the integral ,over any closed surface, of the normal component of the gradient of the potential is equal to 4G times the Mass enclosed within that surface.

  21. Laplacian in various coordinates

  22. 4th Lec • Potential,density,orbits

  23. From Gravitational Force to Potential From Potential to Density Use Poisson’s Equation The integrated form of Poisson’s equation is given by:

  24. More on Spherical Systems • Newton proved 2 results which enable us to calculate the potential of any spherical system very easily. • NEWTONS 1st THEOREM:A body that is inside a spherical shell of matter experiences no net gravitational force from that shell • NEWTONS 2nd THEOREM:The gravitational force on a body that lies outside a closed spherical shell of matter is the same as it would be if all the matter were concentrated at its centre.

  25. From Spherical Density to Mass M(r+dr) M(r)

  26. Poisson’s eq. in Spherical systems • Poisson’s eq. in a spherical potential with no θ or Φ dependence is:

  27. Proof of Poissons Equation • Consider a spherical distribution of mass of density ρ(r). g r

  28. Take d/dr and multiply r2  • Take d/dr and divide r2

  29. Sun escapes if Galactic potential well is made shallower

  30. 200km/s circulation g(R0 =8kpc)~0.8a0, a0=1.2 10-8 cm2 s-1 Merely gn ~0.5 a0 from all stars/gas Obs. g(R=20 R0) ~20 gn ~0.02 a0 g-gn ~ (0-1)a0 “GM” ~ R if weak! Motivates M(R) dark particles G(R) (MOND) Solar system accelerates weakly in MW

  31. Circular Velocity • CIRCULAR VELOCITY= the speed of a test particle in a circular orbit at radius r. For a point mass: For a homogeneous sphere

  32. Escape Velocity • ESCAPE VELOCITY= velocity required in order for an object to escape from a gravitational potential well and arrive at  with zero KE. • It is the velocity for which the kinetic energy balances potential. -ve

  33. Tutorial Question 1: Singular Isothermal Sphere • Has Potential Beyond ro: • And Inside r<r0 • Prove that the potential AND gravity is continuous at r=ro if • Prove density drops sharply to 0 beyond r0, and inside r0 • Integrate density to prove total mass=M0 • What is circular and escape velocities at r=r0? • Draw Log-log diagrams of M(r), Vesc(r), Vcir(r), Phi(r), rho(r), g(r) for V0=200km/s, r0=100kpc.

  34. Tutorial Question 2: Isochrone Potential • Prove G is approximately 4 x 10-3 (km/s)2pc/Msun. • Given an ISOCHRONE POTENTIAL • For M=105 Msun, b=1pc, show the central escape velocity = (GM/b)1/2 ~ 20km/s. • Argue why M must be the total mass. What fraction of the total mass is inside radius r=b=1pc? Calculate the local Vcir(b) and Vesc(b) and acceleration g(b). What is your unit of g? Draw log-log diagram of Vcir(r). • What is the central density in Msun pc-3? Compare with average density inside r=1pc. (Answer in BT, p38)

  35. Example:Single Isothermal Sphere Model • For a SINGLE ISOTHERMAL SPHERE (SIS) the line of sight velocity dispersion is constant. This also results in the circular velocity being constant (proof later). • The potential and density are given by:

  36. Proof: Density Log() r-2 n=-2 Log(r)

  37. Proof: Potential We redefine the zero of potential If the SIS extends to a radius ro then the mass and density distribution look like this: M  r ro r ro

  38. Beyond ro: • We choose the constant so that the potential is continuous at r=ro. r  r-1 logarithmic 

  39. So:

  40. Plummer Model • PLUMMER MODEL=the special case of the gravitational potential of a galaxy. This is a spherically symmetric potential of the form: • Corresponding to a density: which can be proved using poisson’s equation.

  41. r • The potential of the plummer model looks like this: 

  42. Since, the potential is spherically symmetric g is also given by:  • The density can then be obtained from: • dM is found from the equation for M above and dV=4r2dr. • This gives (as before from Poisson’s)

  43. Isochrone Potential • We might expect that a spherical galaxy has roughly constant  near its centre and it falls to 0 at sufficiently large radii. • i.e. • A potential of this form is the ISOCHRONE POTENTIAL.

  44. 5th Lec • orbits

  45. Stellar Orbits • Once we have solved for the gravitational potential (Poisson’s eq.) of a system we want to know: How do stars move in gravitational potentials? • Neglect stellar encounters • use smoothed potential due to system or galaxy as a whole

  46. Motions in spherical potential

  47. Proof: Angular Momentum is Conserved  Since then the force is in the r direction. both cross products on the RHS = 0. So Angular MomentumL is Conserved in Spherical Isotropic Self Gravitating Equilibrium Systems. Alternatively: =r×F & F only has components in the r direction=0 so

  48. In static spherical potentials: star moves in a plane (r,q) • central force field • angular momentum • equations of motion are • radial acceleration: • tangential acceleration:

  49. Orbits in Spherical Potentials • The motion of a star in a centrally directed field of force is greatly simplified by the familiar law of conservation (WHY?) of angular momentum. Keplers 3rd law pericentre apocentre

  50. Energy Conservation (WHY?) eff

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