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Funding Opportunities at IRAM Interferometer for Astronomical Research

IRAM offers observer time on its interferometer to astronomers globally with a focus on EU countries, training, proposal help, and data reduction support. The institution allocates 15% of telescope time to non-IRAM nations and proposes yearly financial backing for new projects like receiver developments and software enhancements.

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Funding Opportunities at IRAM Interferometer for Astronomical Research

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  1. IRAM

  2. Institutes applying for observing time on IRAM interferometer

  3. Transnational access 15% of telescope timeattributedto non-IRAM countries EU astronomers IRAM provides help in Training (school IMISS,…) Peer review of proposals Observing Data reduction (pipeline, off-line soft) proposal preparation (IMISS, assistance to proposers) Operating cost of PV+PdB 6 M€/yr Help can be evaluated to 1 M €/yr IRAM proposes to guarantee a minimum of 10% of telescope time and requests 0.6 M€/yr on this line. This money could help us financing new projects: Wide-band high-freq. RX for PdB New-generation wide-band correlator for PdB Extension of the EW baseline to 800m 7th antenna on PdB Array receivers for PdB Array receivers for PV (bolometer camera, heterodyne arrays) IRAM and FP6

  4. Joint Research Activities • SIS mixer development (wide-band) • SIS junction fabrication • New generation (wide-band) correlator • New reflector panels • Correction of phase fluctuations (interfero and single-dish) • Software for reduction of (e.g. OTF) data (interferometer and single-dish)

  5. Hardware Receiver developments SIS mixers/junctions Optics Receiver Integration Center Software Software developments Pipeline&off-line data reduction Telescope calibration Telescope control Regional Support Center IRAM and ALMA

  6. Proposition for a Regional Support Centerwith headquarters in Grenoble

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