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第三单元 企业宣传资料翻译 Unit 3 Translation of Corporate Promotional Material/Literature. 3.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的 Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 企业宣传资料 Corporate Promotional Material /Literature “ 宣传鼓动”( vocative )或“施加影响”( operative ) 文字性广告由标题、正文、口号和商标四部分组成,各部分单独出现也称为广告。 Name is the game (决胜于品牌)
第三单元 企业宣传资料翻译Unit 3 Translation of Corporate Promotional Material/Literature
3.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 企业宣传资料 Corporate Promotional Material /Literature “宣传鼓动”(vocative)或“施加影响”(operative) 文字性广告由标题、正文、口号和商标四部分组成,各部分单独出现也称为广告。 Name is the game(决胜于品牌) 寻找国外市场,传播的是信息,宣传的是企业形象及其产品,其主要特征为功利性 Sales as ultimate goal of advertising
3.2 英汉企业宣传资料的差异及翻译原则 Sales as ultimate goal of advertising but • differences in symbolic references; different structures of knowledge • differences in methods of persuasion Content内容 Form 语言表现形式和行文结构
3.3 翻译要点Key points 3.3.1套用英语习见结构Using the conventional strucure in the TL 英语习见结构: conventional strucures in English 陈述句: Things go better with Coca-Cola. 畅饮可口可乐,保您万事如意。 Motorola Wings 摩托罗拉, 飞越无限 祈使句: Just do it!(Nike耐克运动鞋) 想做就做!
疑问句: How can something so small be so smart? 体积虽小,功效惊人 名词短语: Ideas for life(Panasonic日本松下电视) 实现你的梦想 Human Technology(Nokia诺基亚移动通讯) 科技以人为本
形容词短语: Easy In and Easy Out – swivel cushion(汽车驾驶员坐垫) 旋转坐垫,进出自如 Too Good To Eat Just One(LAY’S 乐事薯片) 吃了还想吃 介词短语: In Touch with Tomorrow(Toshiba东芝电器) 沟通未来 超越时空
套用英语习见结构: Application 绿色好心情 Feel it now (祈使句) 一生相伴 It’s for a lifetime(陈述句) 肌肤娇好,年年岁岁 Better skin year after year (名词短语) 没有最好,只有更好 To make the best even better (不定式短语)
3.3.2 运用修辞手段Use of figures of speech/rhetorical devices 修辞手段在英文广告中的应用Use of rhetorical devices in English advertising • 双关pun I’m More satisfied. “莫尔”香烟,我更满意。 • 夸张hyperbole There's no place like Spiegel. There's no place like home to shop. 斯匹克天下无双! 到斯匹克购物宾至如归!
Enjoy the flavour of the world's NO.1. 请君享受世界一流的味道。 • 隐喻metaphor EAR FOOD Give a listen to Sanyo's newest CD players. They're moveable feasts for music-hungry ears. 耳朵的美餐 可移动的新一代三洋CD机,饱您耳福的音乐美餐。
排比parallelism The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. 戈迪亚牌汽车:应路而生,风雨造就!
头韵aliteration Choosy mothers choose Jiff. 挑剔的母亲专爱挑吉弗牌花生酱 • 尾韵rhyme Compact impact 体积虽小,颇具功效 • 仿拟parody One man’s disaster is another man’s delight. The Sale is now on.一个人的痛苦,是另一个人的快乐——大减价登场
重复repetition Home away from home. 虽不是家胜似家。 Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. 洁齿清气修辞手段在广告汉译英中的应用Use of rhetorical devices in advertising translation • 仿拟 随身携带,有备无患 随身携带,有惊无险。(速效救心丸) A heart reliever in need is a heart reliever indeed. • 夸张 喝一杯即饮柠檬茶令你怡神醒脑! For refreshment? All you need is a glass of Instant Lemon Tea!
明喻 轻柔绵软,呵护体贴(内衣广告) Light as a breeze and soft as a cloud • 隐喻 清除皱纹,马到成功。(化妆品广告) A proven challenge to wrinkles • 排比 实为创业之本,达则善兼天下。(实达电脑) Honesty is the key to success. A great business wins the world by merits. • 拟人 一册在手,纵览全球(环球杂志) The Globe brings you the world in a single copy.
双关 能够成为一流 ABLE TO BE THE BEST • 尾韵 享有称心满意的服务,全凭此“优质”标记 Shop and dine with peace of mind wherever you see this sign
3.3.3本土化策略----改写Local adaptation 本土化的必要性Necessity local adaptation Pert-Plus,Rejoice,飘柔 Google “谷歌” 可口可乐: 美国本土“Can’t beat the real thing” 日本“I feel Coke” 香港“Coca Cola Is It” 中国内地 “Enjoy Coca Cola”尽情享受可口可乐 White Elephant本土化策略的应用Application 英-汉例: Geo 几何 Giant捷安特 Avon雅芳(化妆品) Coca Cola 可口可乐(饮料) Sprite 雪碧(饮料) Benz 奔驰 (汽车) Lactogen力多精(婴儿奶粉) Mazda 马自达(汽车) Minolta 美能达(相机) Polaroid 拍立得(一次成像照相机) Decis 敌杀死(农药)
Legalon利肝灵(治疗肝炎药物) Zenith 增你智(电视机) 汉-英例: 洛娃 Reward 长思枣Choillse 在家靠自己,出国靠国旅。(西安国旅) At home you're your own boss. In China your Aladdin's Lamp is at CITS.
3.3.4 删减Abridgment 英文公司简介与产品说明书 Who We Are EDS, the world's most experienced outsourcing services company, delivers superior returns to clients through its cost-effective, high-value services model. EDS' core portfolio comprises information technology and business process outsourcing services, as well as information technology transformation services. EDS' complementary and subsidiary business is A.T. Kearney, one of the world's leading high-value management consultancies. We support the world’s leading companies and governments in 60 countries. Here are the numbers:
Employees: more than 120,000 2003 revenues: $21.5 billion Ranked 80th on the Fortune 500 公司概况 EDS公司为国际上最富经验的外包服务公司,该公司通过其低成本、高质量的服务模式,为客户提供超级回报。EDS的核心业务组合包括信息技术、外包服务业务流程,以及信息技术转化服务。EDS旗下的A.T. Kearney公司,是全球领先的高价值管理顾问公司之一。公司为世界上60个国家的知名大企业和政府机构提供服务。以下是公司的几组数字: 员工数:超过12万 2003年收入:215亿美元 《财富》500强排名:第80位
Wonder Soap Remove hand odours such as onions, fish and garlic very easily by simply washing under cold running water for about 40 seconds. Totally effective, environmentally friendly and virtually everlasting--and all that without chemical and cleaning materials. (MICHELIN-Besteckfabrik, Steel Hand Soap ) 神奇洗手钢皂 无论是洋葱味、大蒜味还是鱼腥味,只需用神奇洗手钢皂在水龙头冷水下冲洗 40秒钟,就能轻松去除手上异味。高效环保,经久耐用——不含化学物质和清洁剂。 删减策略的应用Application 培养国际商务人才的摇篮 Preparing People for World Business 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,大、中专毕业以上的技术、管理人才占员工总数的百分之三十以上。 The company boasts tremendous technological strength with a well-qualified management and staff.
注意保留关键信息: 购买后于保质期内如发现任何缺点,请将本产品及购买时间、地点、商号、改进意见,一并寄回本厂更换新品。谢谢! 原译文:If any problem found within the period of quality guarantee, it can be replaced with a new one from the factory by stating the date, location of purchase, item code and suggestion. Thank you. 改译文:If you are not satisfied with the quality of this product within the guarantee period, please send the unused portion, and where and when the product was purchased to the address on this package. We will gladly send you a replacement.
3.4 译例分析 升华牌电热水壶 本厂生产的电热水壶是最新流行快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品,适用于家庭、机关、企事业等单位,其结构合理,工艺先进,并具有热效率高,耗电量少,性能可靠,安全卫生等优点,愿竭诚为广大消费者服务。 参考译文: Shenghua Electric Kettle Shenghua electric kettle is the most up-to-date household appliance to boil water and make hot drinks fast at home or in the office. Safe and clean, it is your best choice with its excellent design, perfect workmanship, high thermal efficiency, low power consumption, as well as reliable performance.
南京化工厂简介 南京化工厂具有近40年的建厂史,是轻工部定点生产牙膏的中型企业,现为省级先进企业。 全厂现有职工600名,其中工程技术人员70余名,具有丰富的专业技术知识,检测设备先进,手段齐全。该厂在全国率先引进具有80年代国际先进水平的瑞士VME-700型制膏机及西德IWK公司灌装包装设备,具有年产8000万支以上的生产能力。 该厂牙膏产品有三大系列,14个品种规格,名优产品芒果,几十年来畅销不衰,并出口到东欧、中东、非洲等国家,为了迎合国际上消费品“回归大自然”的发展趋势,该厂开发研制了具有当代最新科技水平,全国牙膏行业唯一发明专利产品—丝素牙膏,引起国内外客户的极大兴趣和关注,最近又开发出真珠王牙膏系列产品,受到消费者的青睐。
参考译文: The Nanjing Chemical Plant The Nanjing Chemical Plant (NCP), a medium-sized business specially designated by the Ministry of Light Industry in making tooth paste, has a production capacity of 80 million tubes a year. It prides itself on a history of tooth paste making for nearly 40 years and its present position as one of the top enterprises in Jiangsu Province. The high quality of the NCP products is guaranteed by a well-qualified professional staff, a high level of technical know-how, up-to-date paste-making machinery and packing facilities as well as advanced testing equipment.
The NCP produces three series of tooth paste in 14 specifications. The MANGO tooth paste has for decades enjoyed a high reputation not only in China but in East Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Responding to the world’s call for the Return to Nature in the production of consumer goods, the NCP has developed the SILK DENTAL CREAM, the only patented product of its kind in China. The PEARL KING series, the latest addition to the range of the NCP tooth paste products, is very well received by consumers at home and abroad.
练习三 1.You are what you eat 100% guilt-free snacking 2. Wonders never cease 3. 百闻不如一尝 4.承诺质量,保证新鲜 5. 汲取生物精华,焕发生命潜能 6. 该公司遵循“放心、顺心、舒心、动心”的服务宗旨,努力为顾客提供一流服务。 7. 神奇毛巾 使用前请浸水 100%纯棉,柔软,已消毒,可多次反复使用,携带方便。放入水中数秒即用。
练习三 1. You are what you eat 100% guilt-free snacking吃出健康 百分之百没有罪恶感的零食 2.Wonders never cease 惊喜连连 3.百闻不如一尝 Tasting is believing 4. 承诺质量,保证新鲜 Quality and freshness is our commitment 5. 汲取生物精华,焕发生命潜能 Energy for Life 6. 该公司遵循“放心、顺心、舒心、动心”的服务宗旨,努力为顾客提供一流服务。 Adhering to the theme “comfort, trust, satisfaction and loyalty”, the company has been committed to quality services.
5. 神奇毛巾 使用前请浸水 100%纯棉,柔软,已消毒,可多次反复使用,携带方便。放入水中数秒即用。 Magic Towel 100% Cotton Place the towel in water for seconds and see what will happen!