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April 1 st the unit of translation. The ‘unit of translation’ is the element ‘used’ by translators when working on the ST. Individual words Clauses Sentences Whole texts De Saussure’s sign: signifier (word, sound, image) and signified (concept).
April 1stthe unit of translation The ‘unit of translation’ is the element ‘used’ by translators when working on the ST. Individual words Clauses Sentences Whole texts De Saussure’s sign: signifier (word, sound, image) and signified (concept). Sign is arbitrary: its meaning derives from contrast with other signs.
Some linguists, following De Saussure’s thought, state that single words, being ‘signs’ cannot be ‘units of translation’. This is an open debate. Vinay and Darbelnet in particular, are against single words as units and suggest the concept of ‘lexicological unit’: lexical elements grouped together to form a single element of thought’.
However… dictionaries teach that words are treated in isolation, each entry having different senses. What V and D (and many others) stress are the concepts of ‘collocation’ or ‘lexical chunks’, which cannot be treated as single words. Example: Italian: soldato semplice are two words, but if we want to translate them in English, we cannot translate the single words because the E equivalent is: PRIVATE. (Save private Ryan)
shoot • (bot.) germoglio • partita di caccia • gara di tiro • rapida (di un fiume) • zampillo • scivolo • fitta (di dolore) • filone (minerario) This implies that the choice of the right translation depends on the sense
foot Flat feet At my feet To rise to one’s feet Light foot Swift of foot The foot of the hill The foot of the page The foot of the bed
A six-foot-four man Foot: fanteria Foot: piede (metrica) Foot brake Foot drill Foot-pump Foot guards Foot soldier Foot-and-mouth disease: Afta epizootica
Foot binding (pratica cinese) Foot-dragging temporeggiamento Foot-passenger Foot-race Foot rule metro da muratore Foot scooter monopattino Foot strap cinghia (windsurf) foot-up fallo (rugby) Foot warmer At foot in calce
To catch sb. on the wrong foot To drag one’s feet To fall on one’s feet To get cold feet fare marcia indietro To get a foot in the door (riuscire a inserirsi) To get one’s feet under the table Installarsi saldamente To get off on the right (wrong)foot To go out feet first Lasciarci la pelle
To have (keep) a foot in both camps To have one foot in the grave To have feet of clay (gigante dai piedi di argilla) To have two left feet (essere un cattivo ballerino) To keep one’s feet Rimanere in piedi My foot! Un corno!
Off one’s feet Sollevato da terra To be swept off one’s feet Essere affascinato On foot On one’s feet again To put one’s best foot forward Mettersi sotto To put one’s foot down imporsi
Under foot Sotto i piedi To vote with one’s feet Esprimere dissenso andandosene To foot the bill Pagare il conto/tirare fuori i soldi
Your book Example of a Spanish word and its translations in English: BROTE: • (bot.): shoot, ECHAR BROTES, to sprout or to put out shoots • (of rebellion) outbreak • (of an illness) outbreak Pp. 19-20 read the examples and explain what the book says.