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Getting Through the Interview

Getting Through the Interview. Ring, Ring!. You sent out the packets and YES! You received a call for an interview. Before you even pick up the phone, consider this:

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Getting Through the Interview

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  1. Getting Through the Interview

  2. Ring, Ring! • You sent out the packets and YES! You received a call for an interview. • Before you even pick up the phone, consider this: • If the employer has called your cell phone, make sure you’re in an appropriate place to take the call. If not, let it go to voicemail. • If the phone wakes you up, don’t answer it! No one sounds professional when they are wiping sleep from their eyes. • If you’re on the road or in a store, ask if you can call them back in a few minutes. Make sure you get their correct phone number!

  3. Great! You landed an interview! • Be positive, but not gushy. • No squealing, jumping up and down, or yelling… you didn’t just win a new car on a game show. • Be available. • Juggle appointments if you have to. • Accommodate the employer • Find out: • Date, time, place • With whom you’ll be interviewing • Get names, titles, positions, etc. • Is there anything in particular you should bring? • References? Writing samples? Portfolio?

  4. Types of Interviews • Sometimes, not all interviews occur in front of a real, live person. • Other types of interviews include • Interviews with HR and Hiring Managers • These are your standard interviews. • Informational Interviews • More casual • Not for a particular position • Don’t be misled by the casualness! • Phone Interviews • Be polite & professional at all times • Consider using a landline phone in a quiet place • Interviews Over Meals or in Non-Office Spaces • Follow basic rules of etiquette • Group Interviews • Try to draw attention to yourself in a POSITIVE way • Job & Career Fairs • Don’t linger at one booth; circulate the room • Make stops at the booths that INTEREST you!

  5. Preparing for an Interview • Brush up on your public presentation/ speaking skills • Consider how your experience & skill set make you the perfect candidate for the job • Review your resume • Prepare questions of your own to ask the interviewer • Do a mock interview with a friend • Practice answers to tough questions

  6. Sample Questions to Ask Interviewer • How did you get started in this field? Was that your background? • When and why did you start at this company? In this job? How has it changed since you began? • What do you find most satisfying/challenging about your job? • Can you describe a typical/day week? • What does a typical career path look like? • Can you tell me about general salary ranges? • How do you view the future of the industry?

  7. Do Your Research! • Be prepared for the interview with background information about the company! • It will show initiative, interest, and ambition. • Research things like… • How long the company has been in existence • The nature of the company’s work • The breakdown of the company’s general divisions (a good thing to ask more about at the interview) • The company’s most recent successes

  8. Talk Therapy • Speak loud enough & clear enough • Delete “like,” “you know,” or “uhh” from your speech • Do a practice interview with a friend and ask them to interrupt you every time you say one of these words • Don’t whine at the interview!

  9. Keep Skeletons in the closet • An astute interviewer will attempt to discover your weaknesses, insecurities, and secrets • Be prepared to sidestep or diplomatically answer address these issues if they do come up • Example: You were fired from your last job. • How to handle it: • Explain the situation in calm, neutral tone. • Don’t complain or badmouth your former job. • “It wasn’t a good fit.”

  10. Turning your Resume into a Story • You’ll want to come up with anecdotes for everything on your resume. • Choose your stories carefully. • Humor is OK, as long as it’s appropriate • Every story should present you as the hero/heroine

  11. Dress to Impress • Appearance is key • Think first date • Appropriately fitting suit • Nice, dress shoes/heels • Make sure your shirt does not have holes, wrinkles, missing buttons, etc. • Fresh & clean scent

  12. I am qualified to do this job. I want to do this job. I am the best person for this job.

  13. How to Nail the Questions • Essentially, employers want to know • What skills you have • Whether you’ll fit in as a colleague in their company & office culture • Whether you’re presentable & professional enough to represent the company • True interest in company • Career goals • Compare to other candidates • Attitude and level of confidence presented • Motivated with strong work ethic? • Honest and reliable? • Good communicator/listener? • Good problem-solver with common sense/analytical skills

  14. Tell me About Yourself… • The most standard question asked on an interview • Code for “What can you do for us?” • Don’t start off with “I was born on a wintry night in Nebraska…” • Better response: • “As you can see from my resume, I just graduated from Gloucester County Institute of Technology, where I specialized in cosmetology. During my time there, I accrued over 400 hours in the salon. I understand this type of dedication will be necessary in your salon. In addition, I played varsity field hockey, volunteered at the animal shelter, and held a part-time job in a salon.”

  15. What do you know about us… • Another common question • Be sure that you’ve researched the company before the interview (see previous slides) • Don’t get caught without an answer!

  16. Interview Don’ts • Do not… • Eat, chew gum, pop mints • Look at clock, watch, phone • Leave phone on, answer call, check text message • In fact, leave it in the car to avoid the temptation • Recline in your chair • Let your guard down even if the interviewer appears to be young • The interviewer is in a position of authority. • Bring up actual weaknesses if you’re asked to list your strengths & weaknesses • Let the interview go off track for too long

  17. Graceful thank you note • Positive, full of detail, and specific to position at stake • Example: • Dear Susan, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our meeting today. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the parameters of the job in such detail. The more I learn about the job and the company, the more excited I am about the possibility of joining such a dynamic team. As you noted, in today’s economy, Widget Inc.’s success is quite remarkable, and I especially admire the company’s commitment to innovation and speed in marketing. Thanks again for considering me for the position. I hope to hear from you soon. Best, Your Name

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