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LEARNING SUPPORT & GUIDANCE. Primary Protocol. Learning Support Protocol . 1.
Learning Support Protocol . 1 At the beginning of the year, each Learning Support specialist draws up a list of students with already- identified learning support needs (either from previous year or from Admissions file). Contact is made with class teachers and learning support is designed by the Learning Specialist according to needs. An initial list of students receiving support is drawn up and sent to the LS Head of Department. The Tableau Général is updated. The LSS phones parents to discuss the support, and informs them that the situation will be regularly reviewed.
Learning Support Protocol . 2 Class teachers, and the LSS and EAL specialist meet weekly during their grade level meetings and discuss specific students. Targeted support is then allocated according to needs. It might include consultation with other members of the faculty (class teachers, other EAL and LS specialists, Language specialists, HoD, PYP coordinator, Principal, nurse etc.). The LSS enters LS data into the Tableau Général (in Public Folder). The Tableau is regularly updated.
Learning Support Protocol . 3 If at any time during the course of the year, a language (EAL, FFL) or other specialist teacher (Art, P.E., Music, library) identifies a learning, behavioral, social or emotional concern in a child, he or she should contact the class teacher and share his or her concerns. The class teacher will then take action in the same way as paragraph below (4).
Learning Support Protocol . 4a The class teacher identifies, or is informed of, a learning, behavioral, social or emotional concern in a child. The class teacher gathers all relevant data about the child (looking at the school file, talking to previous teachers, current additional/foreign-language and other specialist teachers, the Primary School Principal, etc.). The class teacher contacts the LSS in order to inform her, and to receive guidance. Both class teacher and Learning Specialist decide on what will be done next (the final decision for a LS action plan subsequently remaining with the LSS). This could be, in the following order:
Learning Support Protocol . 4b • contacting the parents (possible joint meeting), and receiving parental input as much as possible; • the LSS observing the student; • the LSS deciding on, and implementing, achievement testing; • the LSS and the class teacher designing a plan of action with LS goals, and implemented by the class teacher, or both; • contacting the Head of Department for further observation and/or query about further medical, educational, psychological or clinical evaluation by an outside agency; the Head of Department will then discuss with all members concerned (class teacher, LSS, any other) the appropriateness of such interventions and will take a decision about such interventions. Parents will be contacted (see 8) • For specific inappropriate demeanors, teachers should contact the class teacher and eventually the principal.
Learning Support Protocol . 5 Once an action plan has been agreed, the LSS and the class teacher will arrange a meeting with the parents to explain the proposed support and the goals of the action plan. Written evidence is provided by the LSS to the parents (letter, or email).
Learning Support Protocol . 6 The LSS and the class teacher will keep parents informed of the child’s progress as relevant.
Learning Support Protocol . 7 In the eventuality of the necessity of an Individualized Educational Plan, it is the responsibility of the LSS to draw up the plan, to organize meetings, and to ensure that minutes are taken. The Head of Department may help out in the write-up of the IEP; will attend IEP meetings with parents and will receive a copy of the IEP.
Learning Support Protocol . 8 In the eventuality of a recommendation for an intervention by an outside agency: The Learning Support Team and class teacher will hold a meeting with parents to inform them of the recommendation for further evaluations and to ask for their support. The referral report may then be written by either the LSS or the Head of Department. Outside specialists can subsequently be contacted by either Head of Department or LSS, depending on the context. Exceptionally, a class teacher may directly contact an external agency, after consultation with the LS Team. It is the Head of Department’s responsibility to write an eventual letter of justification for referral to be destined for insurance purposes.
Learning Support Protocol . 9 Once the external specialist’s report is received, it is the LSS’s responsibility to post a summary of recommendations in the N-Drive; to place a copy in the student’s open school file (white folder), and to alert and inform subject teachers of such recommendations. It is the LSS’s responsibility to encourage teachers to use the strategies drawn up by the outside specialist.
Learning Support Protocol . 10 Full copies of psychological or speech therapy reports, etc., are kept in the lockable blue file cabinet, and are available for consultation (with a member of the LS Team), with parents’ authorization.They should under no circumstances be kept in individual classrooms, nor in the school open file.
Learning Support Protocol . 11 Should a classroom teacher assess a problem to be mainly emotional, she/he may prefer to contact the School Counselor directly (Hd of Dept). The latter will evaluate the situation and make necessary observations and/or external referrals.
Learning Support Protocol . 12 Cases are reviewed regularly. Communication is maintained through weekly support planning meetings (SEN and EAL staff with class teachers), and weekly/monthly/term meetings (Learning Support Departmental meetings).
POLICIES and DOCUMENTS at your disposal, and WHERE? • Learning Support Protocol: N-Drive • Tableau Général (Summary table of all SEN and counseled students): N-Drive. Info is confidential. • Full psychological reports in blue filing cabinet. • Hard copies of psychologists’ recommendations in student’s school open file (white folder). • Books, brochures, games and other LS materials in library and LSOs + Counseling Office • Full inventory in N-Drive • General information on LD and disorders (eg on dyslexia, ADHD) in N-Drive • Website with general information • General information in Counseling office